Kathy - 08/09/00 16:25:07
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Kathylyn_58/homepage.html
My Email:Kathylyn_58@yahoo.com
How did you find my page?: a link in another guestbook
What is your favorite link?: www,genforum.com
Where are you from?: Georgia
I really enjoyed visiting your site and reading all about your family and friends...Keep up the good job...Kathy

Barbara - 08/06/00 15:43:24
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/dollady30/page1.html
My Email:dollady30@yahoo.com
How did you find my page?: you visited my page
Where are you from?: Georgia
I enjoyed my visit with you so much. You have a lovely family. I will check back again soon.

Dawn Koors - 07/24/00 20:01:06
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/stayhomemom
My Email:dkoors@earthlink.net
How did you find my page?: my moms page
What is your favorite link?: www.oocities.orgsahmoifamily
Where are you from?: IN
Nice page and beautiful grandbabies. Must be hard to have them so far away.

Gregory bear - 06/16/00 08:16:12
My URL:http://www.teddybear.somewhere.net
Where are you from?: Sweden / Stockholm
Nice page I would love to move in to that house! regards / Greggan greggan

Jennifer - 06/13/00 02:06:06
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/GLsaxophonechick/homepage.html
My Email:GLsaxophonechick@yahoo.com
How did you find my page?: From another Guestbook
What is your favorite link?: http://www.oocities.org/dollady30/page1.html
Where are you from?: Georgia
Your webpage is good. I would appreciate it if you would go view my webpage. Don't forget to sign my guestbook or post a message on my message board. My favorite link is my grandmother's site. She is so discouraged because no one will come sign her site. would appreciate it if you would go and sign her guestbook. Don't tell her that I told you this though. Talk to you later, and keep up the good work!

Sister Susan - 06/08/00 18:20:44
How did you find my page?: Your my sister
Sharon......I tried to sign the Memorial guest book for Dad and it said he URL was unknown. Couldn't read the book or sign it so I came here instead. For the first time I can't get it out of my mind why they did what they did to him............was it reve ge for something? Were they just out for a thrill and he was in the wrong place at the wrong time? I guess we'll never know aand I wish I could just let it go but sometimes it haunts me. Love you and your family.

Angel Marsha - 06/08/00 11:41:41
My URL:http://welcome.to/DivineAngels
My Email:divineangels@yahoo.com
How did you find my page?: An Angel sent me.
Where are you from?: USA
You are cordially invited to join The Divine Angels in our Grand Opening. The Divine Angels is a new internet group devoted to women. A safe place where members can join together to discuss their problems, stories, and lives. A place to have laughs, meet new friends and make lasting memories. We have several wonderful committees for members to become involved in. And are looking for several staff members to become Committee Leaders. We do hope you will consider joining our group or our webring. Love and Laughs...The Divine Angels

i@AchimHaas.de - 05/25/00 18:50:58
My URL:http://members.tripod.de/wue/42
My Email:i@AchimHaas.de
How did you find my page?: metasearch
What is your favorite link?: http://www.apple.com
Where are you from?: Germany
Thanx a lot for all the inspirations you gave me on your site. I'd be delighted with getting just a few words from you at my text project pages: -- http://members.tripod.de/wue/german/ -- http://members.tripod.de/wue/story/ ... Ciao, and HAVE FUN

sharon - 05/03/00 15:12:58
My URL:http://www.sharonstop.homestead.com
How did you find my page?: surfing
You have such a pretty site. I just wanted to sit back and take it all in. I sure am glad I came upon your site. I will return.

Brandi Adams - 04/27/00 08:19:13
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/brandi_ad
My Email:brandi@uffdaonline.net
How did you find my page?: another Guest book
What is your favorite link?: All very nice
Where are you from?: Minnesota
You have a very nice site. And what beautiful grandchildren. I enjoyed my visit

Ala - 04/21/00 11:08:43
My URL:http://www.spirasolaris.com/hshp/
Thank you for visiting my site! You've done a good job on your page, and I enjoyed my visit. :)

angel - 04/21/00 01:24:25
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/mb/noww/index.html
My Email:midnightangel@canoemail.com
How did you find my page?: you signed my GB!
Where are you from?: AZ
Hi Sierra! Thanx for signing my guestbook, so I could visit you! You have a warm, inviting home page and I enjoyed hearing about your family! BTW, you said you could not access all of my pages, any ones in particular? Thanx for an enjoyable visit and ta e care!

DDSalina - 04/11/00 21:59:52
My URL:http://digitaldelilah.com
How did you find my page?: From a friend
Where are you from?: Canada

Your website looks great! All of your hard work shines through and it is obvious that you have spent a great deal of time and effort into making these wonderful pages! Why not consider putting your site to the test? Come join the Digital Delilah's Website Competition!! Or maybe you would like to join the Staff! You are also cordially invited to join our web ring.

Nicola-Rose - 04/10/00 09:41:45
My URL:http://www.gurlpages.com/me1/nicola.rose.g-l
My Email:NICOLA_ROSE@excite.com
How did you find my page?: You signed my book
Where are you from?: UK
Great page, love the music and graphics, thanks for signing my book BTW. ~*Nicola-Rose*~

Lady Cheetahkat - 04/07/00 01:45:49
My URL:http://digitaldelilah.com
Thank you for stopping by the Digital Delilahs! If you haven't already, please stop back and join us - your site is wonderful! We would love to have you!

Eveline Maedel - 04/06/00 19:07:56
My URL:http://nipigon.lakeheadu.ca/~emaedel/Page1.html
My Email:emaedel@hotmail.com
How did you find my page?: you visited my site
Where are you from?: Ontario, Canada
Returning your visit :) You have a lovely website.

~Sandee~ - 04/06/00 13:29:12
My URL:http://www.fortunecity.com/marina/seaview/358/
My Email:sandee_beach@angelfire.com
How did you find my page?: you signed my guestbook..
Where are you from?: USA
Sierra, you have a lovely website! Thoroughly enjoyed reading about you.

Lori H - 04/06/00 05:35:21
My URL:http://community-2.webtv.net/Dulcie1Cat/WhatIsOnTheMindOf/
My Email:Dulcie1Cat@webtv.net
How did you find my page?: From guestbook
What is your favorite link?: too many to choose :)
Where are you from?: Central California
I certainly enjoyed my visit to your website. It is very warm and friendly..You have a lovely family...Take care and be well..

hokeyfritz - 03/27/00 03:51:19
My URL:http://www.homestead.com/hokeyfritz/hokeyspage.html
My Email:hokeyfritz@rocketmail.com
How did you find my page?: Signed my Guest Book
What is your favorite link?: I dont have one really
Where are you from?: Canada
great home page..I have to giggle when I read when you first got yer comp and was hooked...hahahahamy husband got his comp and I said why on earth would you waste yer money on that? hahahaha well all it took was him going to bosnia for 7 months....the mon h after he left I ventured on and from day one I was hooked BAD and here i am today..2 comps in my house 2 web cams and my own web page...keep up the good work...Hope to chat with you sometime soon..thanksever so much for signing my web page..Love hokeyfr tz

Letty Ann - 03/25/00 03:38:53
My URL:http://www.trim-n-thin.com/letty.html
My Email:letty@thegrid.net
How did you find my page?: Surfing the Net!
What is your favorite link?: Richard Simmons Page!
Where are you from?: Sunny California!
Thanks for the visit, come by and see us sometime, Good Job on the Site. Have Fun and and Good Fortune!

-=Form@tjee=- - 03/24/00 05:26:23
My URL:http://users.pandora.be/formatjee
My Email:formatjee@mail-oostende.net
How did you find my page?: Link.
What is your favorite link?: http://users.pandora.be/formatjee
Where are you from?: Belgium
You have a very nice site.I have enjoyed,have the greetings from Belgium and hope to see you soon. Whenever you return this visit,do not forget to leave your link in my linksbook.Ciao
"Formatjee's fun & Linkpages. COME and VISIT !! 

Tasha - 03/21/00 05:47:05
My URL:http://pub10.ezboard.com/bsaltydreamsbook2.html
How did you find my page?: gosh, i don't remember!!
What is your favorite link?: http://www.zeldman.com/
Where are you from?: usa
just cruising thru, thanks! :o)

Susan - 03/17/00 03:46:48
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/son_of_schmilsson/index.html
How did you find my page?: You signed my guestbook :-)
What is your favorite link?: http://www.thehungersite.com
Where are you from?: Canada
Sierra, I'm so glad you left your url so I could visit you here. You seem like a warm person, and I've enjoyed reading about your lovely family and friends. Nicolas and Jake are so handsome! Best wishes to you and yours.

Peppy - 03/16/00 14:37:20
My URL:http://pages.prodigy.net/pattypeppy
My Email:pattypeppy@prodigy.net
How did you find my page?: through seniornet
What is your favorite link?: Friendship Page
Where are you from?: Missouri
Your page is unique. How nice to have a friendship page. I enjoy the friendly atmosphere. Please visit me. You will find it varied. I have started a one woman crusade to end hoaxes. LOL. You'll also see my stories and my grandkids (of course!) and Food f r the Soul and more.

Bettan Öhrn - 03/15/00 09:28:44
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Cottage/8967
My Email:elizabethoehrn@hotmail.com
How did you find my page?: You signed my guestbook
What is your favorite link?: There are too many to chose from
Where are you from?: Sweden
Dear Sharon! Thank you for visiting my page, and giving me the chance to find yours. You have a wonderful page. The memorial page for your dad is beatiful, just like your grandson's page.

Kathy - 03/14/00 10:21:35
My URL:http://www.oocities.org.Heartland/Hills/3789
My Email:kathy@goldesigns.com.au
How did you find my page?: from our guestbook
Where are you from?: Adelaide..South Australia
Hi there Sharon.. *S* it was such a pleasure to meet you, your family & friends. I have had such a wonderful time here, thank you for sharing and giving me the opportunity to do so.

The tribute to your Dad was so loving and touching, I too know the loss of a parent and even though it was many years ago I will never forget the special times we had together. Peace love and happiness to you always.

Thank you for visiting "Our Humble Abode"

Bye for now...Kathy

Bunnie aka Nana - 03/13/00 00:44:38
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/heartland/cottage/1980
My Email:deem2@msn.com
How did you find my page?: my old guestbook
Where are you from?: California
You signed my old guestbook about a year ago. I was just going through it and found your entry. Your site looks great! It was fun visiting you again! Thought I'd drop by and say hi and invite you to join my new webring!

It's called Grandpa's and Grandma's Country Homes Webring. It's at http://www.oocities.org/nanabun/GCH.html
Hope to see you soon!

Sharon Driskell Keller - 03/03/00 22:25:07
My Email:sharon33467@yahoo.com
How did you find my page?: Through You Sharon
What is your favorite link?: Haven't Decided They are All Great
Where are you from?: Warren, MI
Well I just wanted you to know that I visited you web page, and have really enjoyed it. I haven't been all the way through, so that is what I am going to do now. Hope All is Well with You and Yours. Sharon Driskell Keller Class of "63"

PATTIE - 02/27/00 23:41:45
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/southbeach/suite/8044/index.html
How did you find my page?: THRU SOMEONES GUESTBOOK
What is your favorite link?: ALL
Where are you from?: NEW JERSEY

carol - 02/21/00 19:45:10
How did you find my page?: you told me
Where are you from?: mi
i love you grandma and i miss you

chris - 01/19/00 18:12:51
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/hsh2
My Email:csey@erols.com
How did you find my page?: surfn
What is your favorite link?: mine
Where are you from?: pa
Hi there I enjoyed my visit. Please visit me sometime thanks.
I run a webring too.

PeterR - 01/18/00 03:29:42
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Paris/LeftBank/8300
My Email:Original Poetry By PeterR

Katye - 01/12/00 23:59:38
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/la/katye
My Email:katye@netzero.net
How did you find my page?: you signed my book
What is your favorite link?: Your family
Where are you from?: Lafayette, LA
Hey there! I just wanted to stop by and say hello....wow....what a great site you have. I feel right at home *grin*

Annika - 01/10/00 20:00:22
My URL:http://annikasplace.cjb.net
My Email:helann@hotmail.com
How did you find my page?: signing another guest book
Where are you from?: NY
Hi your page is very nice i love the graphics. I know what you mean about getting hooked on this thing. It' very addictive.

Pixie - 01/10/00 18:51:10
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Hollow/2046/
My Email:pixiegrins@yahoo.com
How did you find my page?: You signed my guestbook
What is your favorite link?: http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Hollow/7511/
Where are you from?: USA
Thank you for vising my site and signing your nice comments in my guestbook. It allowed me this unique opportunity to enjoy visiting you site. I think your site is great. It was like taking a visit into your heart. Keep up the good work! Have a great d y!

Mary - 01/10/00 11:33:55
My URL:http://hometown.aol.com/mhansonrob/empire.html
My Email:Nunayrbswx@aol.com
How did you find my page?: You left a link in my Guestbook (Thanks!)
What is your favorite link?: Where it tells about your kitty!
Where are you from?: Orlando, FL USA
Hi! Thank you for inviting me to your cyber-home; what a fine place to visit! Your family sounds lovely. Wish there were some photos! (I have a couple of black kitties, but no grandkids yet.) I had a wonderful time here; thanks again for sharing.

Karen - 01/10/00 03:36:58
My URL:http://home.pacifier.com/~waterson
My Email:waterson@pacifier.com
How did you find my page?: You signed my guestbook
What is your favorite link?: The holiday pages
Where are you from?: Vancouver, WA
Hi: I Wanted to thank you for visiting my site and signing my guestbook. That was so nice of you. I enjoyed my visit to your site as well. The grapics and backgrounds are so pretty, and very well done. Keep up the good work.

PopPop and Nana - 12/03/99 15:19:43
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/heartland/cottage/1980
My Email:deem2@msn.com
Where are you from?: California
We enjoyed our visit with you. Your site is very warm and friendly. Keep up the great work! We'll be back to visit again soon.

Joyce - 11/28/99 14:43:47
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/~rosella
My Email:rosella.geo@yahoo.com
How did you find my page?: Award request
What is your favorite link?: http://come.to/scrabblemania
Where are you from?: Kentucky
Very nice,love the homespun look of the graphics too.
Free Graphics at Joyce's Fun Place nbsp; Free Graphics at Joyce's Holiday Pages  Free Graphics at Joyce's Fun Place

Jan - 11/28/99 06:33:54
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/~popshunny
My Email:huner@earthlink.net
How did you find my page?: my guestbook
Where are you from?: Florida
Hello there, and thank you for your visit to Our Place. I have enjoyed your pages very much, especially about how you met your friends. Your family sounds lovely and we have much in common. :) God bless, Jan LOTH

REBA - 11/26/99 07:28:16
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Oaks/5915/777.html
How did you find my page?: E-MAIL
Where are you from?: PHOENIX, AZ
Random Acts of Kindness

Bill Culhane - 11/26/99 07:13:38
My URL:http://community.webtv.net/bill8it/THECHRISTMASPUPPER
My Email:bill8it@webtv.net
How did you find my page?: Guestbook
What is your favorite link?: TO THE AMERICAN WORKER
Where are you from?: SC. USA.
You have a great site. Outstanding. Thanks for signing my guestbook. Happy Holidays. Bill

Steven J. Bono - 11/25/99 02:05:09
My Email:StevenBono@webtv.net
How did you find my page?: You told me!!!!
What is your favorite link?: Memorial to Dad
Where are you from?: The same mom as you!!
I think you are definatly an internet nut!!! I relly enjoyed reading everything, it told me a lot about my longlost sister that i never knew. We all love and miss you here in michigan, wish you were here this thanksgiving day with all of us. LOVE-Your Bro Steve and Sheiba.

Susan - 11/21/99 14:36:44
My Email:sdevoy@prodigy.net
How did you find my page?: your my only sister
What is your favorite link?: Today--yours
Where are you from?: Michigan
Sharon--today is a hard day and it is easier to come here and cry then to dump on the family. Do you know that the song you play on your home page is the song that reminds me of our mother. She was my hero and besides my boys---she was the wind beneath my wings. To be loved by so many people is my dream. To be remembered with so much love........Miss you

Parents for Internet Safety - 11/20/99 15:11:57
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/sepiolite/safety.html
My Email:dry@mail.impulse.net
How did you find my page?: My Guestbook
What is your favorite link?: http://www.careact.org
Where are you from?: Lompoc
Nice site and I enjoyed reading some of your journal. I am very sorry to read about your Father but was so happy to hear that you had him for a lont time. You see I never had parents so I feel any one has been bless if they had at least one parent in th ir lifes. Keep working on that web site and as a graphic artist let me know if you need any help.

J Morgan - 11/19/99 00:31:28
My URL:http://freemoney4u2.spedia.net
My Email:j_morgan@angelfire.com
How did you find my page?: friend
Where are you from?: USA
Cool Page!! Who said you got to have a bunch of eye dazzling graphics?

Jeff (benning) - 10/30/99 05:36:48
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/SouthBeach/Docks/9842/
My Email:benning@goplay.com
How did you find my page?: You visited my Victorian Age!
What is your favorite link?: So many; how to choose?
Where are you from?: Largo, Florida
Sierra, I enjoyed your pages! And I visited Taz' Florida pages, so I know what fun you had on your trip. : ) Thanks for stopping by my Victorian Age site. The link I put here is for my original site (first attempts, and all that! LOL) I hope you stop by and take a gander. I'll be back! : ) *hugs!* Jeff (benning)

Maggie - 10/28/99 23:46:30
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Valley/1909
My Email:camdens@bellsouth.net
How did you find my page?: from your entry in my guestbook
What is your favorite link?: www.webmd.com
Where are you from?: Huntsville, Alabama
You have a warm webpage full of heart and soul. I enjoyed my visit and would like to visit again.

Ångéll Kis - 10/12/99 03:11:59
My URL:http://members.aol.com/angellkis/index.htm
My Email:angellkis@aol.com
How did you find my page?: through another guestbook
What is your favorite link?: Way too hard to pick !!!
Where are you from?: Near Cleveland, Ohio
Hi there, I just had to stop by and tell you what a delight your pages are...so lovely and warming to the spirit. How nice to know there are such caring people on the net and such an inviting place to visit for all your guests. Keep up the beautiful wo k.

From Ång ll Kis who sends a warm invitation to visit the pages of "On Ångéll's Wings"!

Ångéll Kis - 10/12/99 03:10:05
My URL:http://members.aol.com/angellkis/index.htm
My Email:angellkis@aol.com
How did you find my page?: through another guestbook
What is your favorite link?: Way too hard to pick !!!
Where are you from?: Near Cleveland, Ohio
Hi there, I just had to stop by and tell you what a delight your pages are...so lovely and warming to the spirit. How nice to know there are such caring people on the net and such an inviting place to visit for all your guests. Keep up the beautiful wo k.

From Ång ll Kis who sends a warm invitation to visit the pages of "On Ångéll's Wings"!

TONY CICCARIELLO - 08/11/99 13:25:48
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/SoHo/Gallery/6648/
How did you find my page?: BOOK
What is your favorite link?: SUASAGE
Where are you from?: JACKSON, NEW JERSEY. USA

Carrie Harmon - 08/09/99 13:29:47
My Email:charmon69@hotmail.com
How did you find my page?: browsing Lupus
Where are you from?: Columbus, Ohio

Icemaid - 06/08/99 04:46:47
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~iicemaid/index.html
My Email:icemaid@netmdc.com
How did you find my page?: word of mouth
What is your favorite link?: ???????
Where are you from?: Australia
G'day there:)) This is such a beautiful site.It is hard to find the words to describe it.... Thanks for sharing!!!!! Diva Icemaid

Ron - 05/27/99 23:37:43
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Ron01/index.html
My Email:thewayIseeit@excite.com
Where are you from?: Missouri

Bill Anderson - 05/19/99 22:32:52
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/~banderson205/
My Email:billfl@atlantic.net
How did you find my page?: guestbook
Where are you from?: Booksville FL
nice page THANK YOU BILL

Sheila - 05/19/99 03:48:54
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/heartland/hollow/7297
My Email:catlver@intergate.com
How did you find my page?: Signed my guestbook
What is your favorite link?: Jake's page
Where are you from?: Texas
Great page!!! thanks for visiting mine. Come back anytime

Reemt - 05/18/99 14:26:56
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Tokyo/Fuji/2546/
My Email:Reemt@t-online.de
Where are you from?: Germany

Well done! Come and visit my sites and sign the guestbook!

Reemt´s Anime & Manga Pages


Debi - 05/14/99 03:02:01
My URL:http://www.debisplace.com
My Email:AWP@medford.net
How did you find my page?: From your invitation!
Where are you from?: So. Oregon
Hi, Shar! So very glad you stopped by and took the time to sign my G.B. I would never have found you if you hadn't...and that would have been a shame. I enjoyed my visit here very much...and meeting and your incredible family. I read eveyr word of you journal. I am soooo sorry for your tragedy. :-( You will be in my thoughts & prayers! Thank you for sharing so much of yourself and these wonderful pages. Cya again, soon. ~Debi~

Taney - 05/12/99 10:54:54
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ab/taneysworld
My Email:abtaney@hotmail.com
How did you find my page?: surfing
Where are you from?: Ohio
Hi Sharon: Just stopped by for a visit and thanks for making my stay so enjoyable. You have two wonderful grandsons. I want to wish you a great day.........Taney

Jill - 05/11/99 15:14:32
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Lake/7944
My Email:quartz98@hotmail.com
How did you find my page?: award application
What is your favorite link?: Richard Simmons
Where are you from?: Missouri
I had a great time visiting with you!! Your site is wonderful!! Love to link to Richard Simmons...been on his Deal a Meal and new Food Mover and they work great!!! Lost 35 pounds! I bookmarked your site so I can visit again soon!!! Take care and than you for visiting my site!!

Patricia - 05/09/99 23:17:27
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/oh/ziarko/enter.html
My Email:triciababy76@netscape.net
How did you find my page?: you signed my guestbook
Where are you from?: Ohio
Loved the site thanks for visiting mine and thank you for signing the guestbook :)

Pat - 04/10/99 20:32:26
My URL:http://home.earthlink.net/~dodsonva
My Email:dodsonva@earthlink.net
Where are you from?: Virginia
I just wanted to stop in and thank you for visiting my page, and signing my guestbook. I really enjoyed my visit to your site. You have some great links. I will be sure and stop back often

FoxyRed - 04/10/99 05:33:13
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Lane/3568
My Email:foxyred@prodigy.net
How did you find my page?: u signed my book
Where are you from?: texas
nice pages nice work thanx for signing my guest book

PEGGY - 03/24/99 07:44:06
How did you find my page?: A FRIED
What is your favorite link?: ALT CATGROUP
Where are you from?: IDAHO

PEGGY - 03/24/99 07:38:33
How did you find my page?: A FRIED
What is your favorite link?: ALT CATGROUP
Where are you from?: IDAHO

- 01/23/99 17:06:03

Gabby McLean - 01/20/99 00:20:14
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Colosseum/Rink/6521/
My Email:gmclean@hotmail.com
How did you find my page?: Surfed on in
What is your favorite link?: www.greenpeace.org.au
Where are you from?: Perth, Western Australia
I enjoyed your homepage very much! Well done!! A very cozzy little abode you have there! Keep up the great work!

Christine - 01/16/99 04:12:18
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Woods/3476
My Email:chrissyl@eisa.net.au
How did you find my page?: Beasty's Page
Where are you from?: Adelaide Australia
I liked the pages that you made I found this place thru Selena (Beasty) so i thought I'd drop by to look at this page too..Well done. I often wonder what i done before I got the computer as well. I hardly watch tele these days but here was nothing to miss anyways. Chrissy

Please Click Here To Visit My Home Page
Thanks to Beasty for this lovely Banner !!

Glenna - 01/07/99 15:03:22
My URL:http://oocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/1103
My Email:gandree@netmender.net
How did you find my page?: surfing
What is your favorite link?: http://www.netmender.net
Where are you from?: Florida
Hi, you have a really friendly page. I too am a Florida convert. We moved here 21 years ago from Jamestown, N.Y. My kids are also "crackers". God Bless you in 1999.

Laura Therese Adamson - 01/07/99 01:51:39
My Email:Laura22@home.com
How did you find my page?: tazmo link
What is your favorite link?: none
Where are you from?: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
cool page needs more funny pics. Laura.

James Ferrell - 12/29/98 16:03:18
My Email:buddy62@gate.net
How did you find my page?: told about it by you
Where are you from?: Brooksville, Fl
Loved your page and lok forward to viewing it more in detail. Thanks Jim Ferrell(Buddy)

Linda - 12/25/98 20:33:57
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ny/tracilee/index.html
My Email:tracilee@unforgettable.com
How did you find my page?: you signed my guestbook
What is your favorite link?: www.beaniemania.com/
Where are you from?: Cortland, NY
A lovely homepage, and I agree that we do have a lot in common! Thanks for signing my guestbook!

Susie - 12/09/98 07:17:33
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/heartland/prairie/7156
How did you find my page?: My GB!
Where are you from?: Washington state
Hi there!
Congratulations on the birth of your precious grandson! :)
Thanks for a wonderful visit here tonight! I apologize for not returning your visit sooner! :( *Forgive me?* Please stop by again someday... I'd love to have you over!
~ Merry Christmas! ~

Chrissy - 12/02/98 21:45:25
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Pointe/1102
My Email:thejoyals@worldnet.att.net
How did you find my page?: Very nice
Where are you from?: Massachusetts
I finally had a chance to stop by and visit your site. These holidays seem to make everyone so busy. Congratulations on the new arrival of your grandson. Great job on your webpage.

Merry - 11/27/98 02:35:30
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Acres/5490
My Email:mcquaig@almatel.net
How did you find my page?: my guestbook & picpain newsletter
What is your favorite link?: YIKES too many to choose!
Where are you from?: South Ga.
Hi there!!! I finally made it and your pages are lovely!!! The bnew baby is so precious. I hope your Thanksgivning was filled with sweet joy and memories to come. God Bless Merry

Dee Reinhold - 11/17/98 22:52:29
My URL:http://members.idnsi.com/deereinhold/
My Email:deereinhold@idnsi.net
How did you find my page?: another home page
What is your favorite link?: there are to many
Where are you from?: St Petersburg
I really am glad I stopped by for a visit, i enjoyed myself very much maybe you could stop by and meet my family, so untill our paths cross again.....Dee

TrueOne - 11/15/98 00:20:45
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Athens/Parthenon/4748
My Email:Mgarland@webtv.net
How did you find my page?: You found mine! *LOL*
What is your favorite link?: Yahoo..
Where are you from?: Denver Colorado
Thanks for coming to visit my page hon. I enjoyed your very nice layout! Sounds like you have many wonderful friends out there yet to share adventures with? *G*.. Isn't it great to meet some of them? Keep up the good work and God's speed.

~~~~~~~^o^ Lark!! - 11/02/98 16:29:32
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Meadows/1055
My Email:wildthang@wildmail.com
How did you find my page?: You came to mine!! *hug*
What is your favorite link?: http://www.vikimouse.com
Where are you from?: Kansas!! The Heartland
Wow your page is beautiful!! I will come back and spend alot more time!! *hug* LILOLME

- 10/31/98 18:45:32

Cher Hildebrand - 10/31/98 16:42:56
My URL:http://members.aol.com/Goldnray/Yorkies.htm
My Email:Goldnray@aol.com
How did you find my page?: link
Where are you from?: Dayton Oh
Great site. You have done wonderful work on your pages. Really enjooyed going thru them. Cher

Judi Burch - 10/28/98 23:26:05
My URL:http://www.henderson.net/~judi/
My Email:judi@henderson.net
How did you find my page?: from your e-mail
What is your favorite link?: all
Where are you from?: Henderson, Ky
I don't have to tell you how pretty your pages are. I'm sure you know!! Really enjoyed the visit. Thanks for sending me the URL. Love, Judi

Karen - 10/28/98 22:53:07
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Park/1300
My Email:knkwachter@earthlink.net
How did you find my page?: You visited me =)
Where are you from?: Washington State
Sierra, Thanks so much for visiting me and signing my GB! I enjoyed reading about you and your family ~ love all you graphics too! Keep up the great work!! Come back and visit me anytime! ~ Karen

Granny - 10/27/98 03:11:04
My URL:http://home.fuse.net/nvoegel/Free.htm
My Email:Granny4@usa.net
How did you find my page?: surfing
Where are you from?: Ohio
Great site. Loved my visit. Will be back.

Slowpoke - 10/26/98 03:40:31
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/HotSprings/Villa/3821/
My Email:tallen2@neo.lrun.com
How did you find my page?: you came to mine
What is your favorite link?: So many
Where are you from?: Ohio
Hi Sierra we have so many friends in common and they are all very special.I am somewhat homebound and don't know what I would do without them.Your site is wonderful and seeing tributes to people we have in common I feel like I know you.We've been in the s me circle for about a year now i'm glad you came amd left your URL for me.

Patty - 10/24/98 04:20:57
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/SoHo/Coffeehouse/3403/
My Email:lerner@wans.net
How did you find my page?: Great
Where are you from?: Illinois
Hi Sharon, I was guestbook surfing and came across your site...You've got a great one going here, lots to see and do!! I just love the country look, it's my favorite!! Come for a visit, My door is always open and You are always welcome! Patty

Rick and Leah - 10/20/98 13:54:22
My URL:http://www.kcinter.net/~richards/index.html
My Email:richards@kcinter.net
How did you find my page?: You visited us first. Thanks!
What is your favorite link?: www.ebay.com
Where are you from?: Kansas City
Great page! Made us feel good just coming up on the screen. We wish you the best. See you again soon. Thanks, Rick and Leah

Bunnie - 10/20/98 07:09:37
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/de/PopPopNana
My Email:deemw@ridgecrest.ca.us
How did you find my page?: Guestbook
What is your favorite link?: http://www.angelfire.com/de/PopPopNana/cutie.html
Where are you from?: California (Mojave Desert)
Hi Sierra!
I am really sorry it took me so long to get here and see your site. It is really nice!! I really enjoyed my visit with you! I really hope that someday you get to live nearer your grandchild. They are the light of our lives, aren't they. Thanks for sh ring. I'll be back to read some more soon. Bunnie:)

PopPop and Nana's Family Homepage

Jane - 10/14/98 13:39:31
My URL:http://home.att.net/~ejlinton
How did you find my page?: You visited mine first!
Where are you from?: Atlanta, Ga
I’ve thoroughly enjoyed browsing your site. You have some very good pages..Your site is very easy to navigate and pleasing to the eye.... Nice choice of graphics... Thanks for your kind entry into my guestbook and Thanks for a pleasant visit. Jane

EUPHORIA - 10/13/98 00:51:46
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Miss_Euphoria/
My Email:birdsgirl@hotmail.com
How did you find my page?: Another Guestbook
What is your favorite link?: BIRDS HOMEPAGE http://www.users.fl.net.au/~bird
Where are you from?: Sydney Australia

Nice Page....I enjoyed my visit!

SCott and Sandra - 10/11/98 21:10:45
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/~parrietc
My Email:parrietc@zam0.attnet.or.jp
How did you find my page?: Link
What is your favorite link?: Anything Pooh
Where are you from?: Michigan and Germany (US military serving in Japan)
You have a very nice site, we enjoyed looking around your home page. Very easy on the eyes, keep up the great work...

Parriet's Pooh Place

Mo - 10/04/98 15:11:07
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Ranch/1608/
My Email:auntiemo@hotmail.com
How did you find my page?: another guestbook
Where are you from?: Maryland
Hi ... You have a great page.. I know how you feel about your friends... I have met many of mine... my page grew from the visit of 3 of the most special people I know ... and each day is an adventure on line.. I don't meet as many new people these days.. ut I treasure the friends I have on line..and look forward to meeting each and every one of them someday... Hugs & smiles...

Jane - 10/03/98 23:05:48
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/heartland/meadows/7103
My Email:gran@internetwork.net
How did you find my page?: Guestbook
What is your favorite link?: Ummmm, mine!
Where are you from?: Marshall Texas
Hi Sierra......I loved looking around your web site. Your "Me Page" was very interesting. Grandchildren are the greatest! I didn't believe people who told me how grand it would be. I thought, "Oh yes, it will be very nice." Well when my first ones(twins)w re born, it hit me like a ton of bricks and I'm still spinning. They are such a joy. Please come meet my family if you get the chance.

Sandi - 10/03/98 17:42:33
My URL:http://www.fortunecity.com/millenium/blossom/6/index.html
My Email:sandisam@swbell.net
How did you find my page?: Someone's guestbook
What is your favorite link?: Too many!
Where are you from?: Katy, Texas
Really nice web site. I really enjoyed reading about your family. Keep up the good work and come on by my house...the door is always open. 8^)

Sandi House banner

angells - 10/01/98 22:20:01
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Flats/3583
My Email:angel2ise@zdnetmail.com
How did you find my page?: my guestbook
What is your favorite link?: http://www.bluemoon.net/~angells
Where are you from?: NY
I had a nice visit, what a lovely grandson, and I liked his page. Your site is very friendly, and you are too from what I see on your pages. A site with heart, I like that, and family oriented. Have an angelic day.

Helena - 10/01/98 16:45:02
My URL:http://www.graphicgarden.nu/
Where are you from?: Sweden
Hi! Such warm and cozy pages!! Really well done. Thank you for the nice comment in my guestbook! Hugs, Helena

Trish - 10/01/98 11:12:26
My URL:http://www.flash.net/~tinyt/index.html
My Email:tinyt/@flash.net
How did you find my page?: a friend
What is your favorite link?: like all of them
Where are you from?: Texas

Comments: As I read through your page,I found many statements I could relate to.Finding a whole world filled with lovely people over the net is not only possible but happens each day. our site has a warm feeling and a poignant way of reaching out in friendship.Congratulations on a site well done.Trish

Terri - 09/30/98 10:10:47
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/al/iceg0ddess/index.html
My Email:Teri@gisco.net
How did you find my page?: You left me the link :-)
Where are you from?: Alabama, but living in Ny
Thanks for signing my book but most of all thanks for leaving the link back to yours. You have a great page, keep up the grat work and I will be back soon! God Bless you, Terri

Dana Ford - 09/30/98 05:21:10
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Ridge/4107
My Email:dana7@worldnetla.net
How did you find my page?: Guestbook
What is your favorite link?: Enjoyed all of them :o)
Where are you from?: DeRidder, Louisiana
I really enjoyed your stories and country graphics. You have a wonderful site and I will be returning. What a beautiful grandson! I know you are proud! Keep up the good work and good luck with the new computer. (aren't they great!)

Aileen - 09/29/98 23:24:38
My URL:http://members.aol.com/grandmaail
My Email:grandmaail@aol.com
How did you find my page?: invite
What is your favorite link?: Jake's page
Where are you from?: San Jose
Great Page Sharon and you will be hearing from me really soon.........thanks for checking out my page........Aileen aka grandmaail

Susan - 09/29/98 12:52:00
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/BourbonStreet/Bayou/1716/
My Email:grndoll@hotmail.com
How did you find my page?: You signed my guestbook
What is your favorite link?: www.tabasco.com
Where are you from?: Louisiana
Hi Shar-You too are going thru the long-distance grandparenting..isn't it just heartbreaking? I love you pages! You have done a super job...keep up the great job. Check your email for a little surprise! God Bless, your gristsister, Dol y aka   

Berit - 09/29/98 10:53:33
My URL:http://hem2.passagen.se/bebj4101/page50.htm
My Email:ber.bjork@molndal.mail.telia.com
How did you find my page?: From my guestbook
What is your favorite link?: To read about your family and friends
Where are you from?: Sweden
Hi! Thanks for visiting my little place in the cyber. You have so warm and friendly pages and they really touch my heart. I also have been married with the same man for 30 year. Happiness!!! Warm regards from Sweden Berit

Sandy Barbre - 09/29/98 05:43:52
My URL:http://www.b4uby.com/granny
My Email:sbarbre@b4uby.com
How did you find my page?: you signing my GB
What is your favorite link?: all are my favs
Where are you from?: Florida
I wanted to thank you for signing my guestbook and you have a WONDERFUL site. I've throughly enjoyed my visit and brought some extra cookies! Let's eat

Angie Mullens - 09/27/98 14:48:22
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Flats/2691/
My Email:janda@worldnetla.net
How did you find my page?: guestbook
What is your favorite link?: http://members.aol.com/stephndon/recipe.htm
Where are you from?: Louisiana
Thank you so much for visiting my webpage and signing my guestbook! You have a great page here! Keep up the good work! God Bless!

End Time Ministries - 09/25/98 20:07:01
My URL:http://www.etm.org
My Email:info@etm.org
How did you find my page?: Surfing
Where are you from?: New Jersey
Just saying hello from the Garden State, New Jersey! Be Blessed!

Ginny - 09/24/98 12:28:23
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Acres/4710
My Email:gin417@sunline.net
How did you find my page?: you signed my guest book
What is your favorite link?: geocities
Where are you from?: Florida
So glad I finally got here a great site Take care,

candace dasantis - 09/20/98 16:37:21
My Email:sandrad11@juno.com
How did you find my page?: just surfing the web
What is your favorite link?: all of it
Where are you from?: ny
i love the song "hero" i think its really cool you put it on.

Slowpoke - 09/16/98 14:57:59
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/HotSprings/Villa/3821/
My Email:tallen2@neo.lrun.com
How did you find my page?: Through a friends page
What is your favorite link?: Taz 3sons, so many!!!
Where are you from?: Ohio
Fantastic page!WE have been in the same circle of friends for some time know and this is my first visit.Sorry it took so long!!!Its a beautiful site and I love learning about you and your family.I to have health problems and my hubby has turned into a won erful cook I will never be as good as him so I think i'll let him have the job!!LOL I'm glad to have the chance to meet you this way and I know we will run into each other on Tazs site or 3sons.Take care

Matrix - 09/14/98 18:31:18
My URL:http://www3.sympatico.ca/disk_doctor
My Email:randomacs@hotmail.com
How did you find my page?: Page Hoping
What is your favorite link?: http://www.dynamicSex.com
Where are you from?: Kitchener Ontario CANADA

Hi! I saw your webpage and thought it was great.
I know how much time and patiences it takes to create a quality site.
Great Job! Please come and visit My domain

Tim - 09/12/98 04:19:24
My URL:http://www.newwave.net/~renegade
My Email:renegade@newwave.net
Where are you from?: WV

you have a very nice page I really enjoyed the visit here...*later*

Doreen - 09/08/98 19:52:58
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/FashionAvenue/2144
My Email:doreen1@azstarnet.com
How did you find my page?: I got very lucky!
What is your favorite link?: Jake's Page
Where are you from?: Tucson
Hi Sierra, What a nice page. Looking at Jake's pictures was like a stroll down memory lane as my sons were both blonds at that age. It was heart warming to hear that his brace came off! It sounds like you have a loving family and it felt good to visit you. Doreen

Sydney - 09/08/98 00:56:27
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ga/sydneyspace
My Email:Roses26130@aol.com
How did you find my page?: From a friend's guestbook
What is your favorite link?: Your Journal
Where are you from?: Georgia
This is a really nice page! I love all of your graphics! Please visit mine and tell me what you think! Thanx ~Sydney

Erin - 09/07/98 01:06:18
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ga/erincool
My Email:Chicki646@aol.com
How did you find my page?: Clicked on the link in my guestbook
What is your favorite link?: Not sure yet :-)
Where are you from?: Lilburn, Georgia
Thank you for signing my guestbook and keep up the good work. Please continue to visit my website and bookmark me. Also, I would definetely appreciate it if you recommend my website to others who would be interested and I will gladly return the favor. hank you very much...~Erin Eidson

Castille - 09/06/98 16:02:36
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Acres/2807/index.html
My Email:Azure0920@aol.com
How did you find my page?: You signed my guestbook.
What is your favorite link?: www.lovingyou.com
Where are you from?: Ne
A very touching site! I can really relate to the process of buying a computer and starting a website adventure. In my first few months of learning html I was ready to pull my hair out. I hope you will have many wonderous adventures with your site and much more successes..

Helena - 09/06/98 11:30:37
My URL:http://www.graphicgarden.nu/
How did you find my page?: In my guestbook :o)
What is your favorite link?: Can´t choose!
Where are you from?: Sweden
Cute and friendly pages!! Thank you for the kind words! Have a wonderful autumn, Helena

Gina - 09/06/98 10:31:22
My URL:http://bajoran.upnaway.com/~ginah/
My Email:ginah@upnaway.com
How did you find my page?: You signed my guestbook!
What is your favorite link?: Any Family Friendly Sites!
Where are you from?: Western Australia
Hi Shar, thanks for dropping by and signing my guestbook. It's great to meet new 'net friends, and I've especially enjoyed visiting here and finding out all about you. You are welcome to visit my page anytime...Take care!

Drop by and visit!

Carol - 09/05/98 23:10:54
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Hearland/Flats/6086
My Email:carol@interdata.com
How did you find my page?: From My Guestbook
What is your favorite link?: ?? Too Many To List
Where are you from?: TX
Thanks for visiting and signing our guestbook. I loved the precious graphics on your site. Keep up the great work. Blessings and congratulations on your long marriage, isn't it great to still be best friends after so many years of marriage! We just celebr ted our 36th Anniversary and we STILL like each other a lot! HA

Angel - 09/05/98 21:54:01
My Email:angelsfairy@hotmail.com

Jenne - 09/05/98 18:00:10
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Woods/7329
My Email:crispinj@interquest.de
How did you find my page?: You signed my guestbook
What is your favorite link?: "About Me"
Where are you from?: Germany
Hi! Thanks for signing my guestbook. I really like your site. (My husband John is also in the Air Force and we hope to go to Utah!) Thanks again! Ciao! Jenne

Ritch & Toni - 09/02/98 08:41:31
My URL:http://home1.gte.net/ritch1/index.htm
How did you find my page?: our guestbook
What is your favorite link?: Anything Victorian
Where are you from?: Everett, Washington
Hello Shar, it is a pleasure making your aquaintance. Thank you for inviting us. You have done a great job with your site. We truly enjoyed our visit. Thanks for visiting us and signing our guestbook. Now I'd like to cordially invite you to visit o r other site as you are always welcome to...

Patty - 08/31/98 03:47:38
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/SoHo/Coffeehouse/3403/
My Email:lerner@wans.net
How did you find my page?: You signed my guestbook
What is your favorite link?: I liked reading all about your family
Where are you from?: Illinois
Hi, First of all I'd like to say thanks for coming for a visit and signing my guestbook, I hope you enjoyed yourself! I just love your site, it is done up just beautifully and I loved reading about your family, Yea, you do know how I feel about my son bei g gone! And I just wanted to say that I think you must be a wonderful Mother-In-Law, Jesi is very lucky to have you! Come for a visit, My door is always open and You are always welcome! Patty

Susanne - 08/30/98 19:52:44
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Hills/4244/
My Email:zoozee@cheerful.com
How did you find my page?: You wrote in my Guestbook
What is your favorite link?: I love graphic pages
Where are you from?: Denmark

Hi Shar !

Thank you very much for visiting my site
and for writing in my guestbook.

You have a wonderful place here
I really enjoyed my stay.

I love to come back another time.

HUGS from Susanne

Lulu - 08/28/98 22:54:00
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~lulu75/index-2.html
My Email:lulu75@hotmail.com
How did you find my page?: another guestbook
What is your favorite link?: too many to name
Where are you from?: Ohio
Hello! Thanks so much for the wonderful tour of your site...I really enjoyed it! I want to head over to the Richard Simmons page after I finish here. Stop by my place when you get the chance.
Garden Spot Link

Kristi - 08/28/98 02:02:29
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/heartland/bluffs/5774
My Email:Grefk@aol.com
How did you find my page?: You signed my guest book
What is your favorite link?: All of it
Where are you from?: Florida
Thank you for visiting me. You have a wonderful site. I am new to this too. Learning by trial and error. I am adding some new pages to mine also so please come again soon.

Jessica - 08/27/98 18:34:57
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Park/2197
How did you find my page?: You signed my guestbook
Where are you from?: California

What a neato home page. And cute graphics. Thanks for signing my guestbook. If you want to visit my site again, you're welcome to. =)

Kirsten - 08/26/98 04:16:49
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/JabberWay/tccberry
My Email:SummerBerry@webtv.net
How did you find my page?: viewing a guestboo
Where are you from?: Burlington, Massachusetts
What a cute website :) Come visit my webpage and sign my guestbook sometime :)

Trish - 08/26/98 01:13:02
My URL:http://www.flash.net/~tinyt/index.html
My Email:tinyt@flash.net
How did you find my page?: guestbook
What is your favorite link?: can't decide
Where are you from?: Texas
I am always delighted to meet such a warm and inviting neighbor.You sound like me--learning as I go,teaching myself the best way I know how.It's fun isn't it?You've done an excellent job on your page and it is a pleasure to visit. Hugs, Trish

ELAINE - 08/25/98 01:58:33
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/md/laynesplace/PAGES3.html
My Email:EVW1224@AOL.COM
How did you find my page?: YOU VISITDMY PAGE
What is your favorite link?: I THOUGHT THEY WERE ALL GREAT
Where are you from?: MARYLAND

MollyAnn - 08/24/98 03:08:53
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Estates/4590
My Email:shovlhd@ix.netcom.com
How did you find my page?: can't remember (DUH is me)
What is your favorite link?: to many to mention
Where are you from?: NC
I really enjoyed your webpage. And getting to know you a little was nice to. I'll stop back from time to time, and see what you have added. Thank you for the nice tour. God Bless

Sandi - 08/23/98 02:51:33
My URL:http://www.fortunecity.com/millenium/blossom/6/index.html
My Email:sandisam@swbell.net
How did you find my page?: Guestbook surfing
What is your favorite link?: Too many to choose
Where are you from?: Katy, Texas
You are really doing a great job. I really enjoyed reading about you and your family. Come on by my House sometime...I've got some great country graphics for the taking.

Sandi House banner

Kathy - 08/22/98 22:14:12
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Pointe/1874
My Email:bakmac@home.com
How did you find my page?: you visited my page and left a note in my guestbook!
What is your favorite link?: liked everything
Where are you from?: Virginia
Thanks for visiting my page...I really enjoyed visiting yours!

Joslynn - 08/22/98 06:33:47
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/EnchantedForest/Tower/3122/
My Email:joslynn@pc.jaring.my
How did you find my page?: You signed my guestbook!
Where are you from?: Malaysia
You have a nice page!

Raeann - 08/14/98 22:10:38
My URL:http://www.geocities/Athens/Agora/9922
My Email:you know it
How did you find my page?: you
would like to talk to you about contacting others about dieting

Urs aka Big Z - 08/11/98 11:34:49
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/BourbonStreet/Delta/9556/
My Email:vonfelten@mailcity.com
How did you find my page?: viewing other guestbooks
Where are you from?: Switzerland
Hello from Switzerland. I love the Florida Golf Coast near Clearwater. where are you in FLA? I am Fan of Tampa Bay Bucs. Nice page. No pics? Visit mine and say hello

MICHAEL PANGDAN AKA: PENGUIN - 08/08/98 08:03:59
My URL:http://www.redshift.com/~penguin/
My Email:penguin_57@hotmail.com
How did you find my page?: FROM A GUESTBOOK
What is your favorite link?: TOO MANY TOO LIST!!!!!
Where are you from?: SALINAS, CALIFORNIA --==USA==--



Anna - 07/18/98 23:27:34
My URL:http://members.aol.com/Nikotai/men.html
My Email:Nikotai@aol.com
How did you find my page?: link
What is your favorite link?: http://members.aol.com/JessicaMTM/jessy.html
Where are you from?: Virginia USA
Very beautifully designed page....Enjoyed my visit!


Gerry - 07/13/98 13:44:59
My Email:ki8i@ix.netcom.com
How did you find my page?: Don't recall
What is your favorite link?: All of them
Where are you from?: Ohio
Hello Sharon: I just wanted to tell you what a great job you have done with your web site, I feel as if I know you. Thanks so much for sharing your life with me. Gerry

Denyse Rhodes - 07/11/98 03:11:40
My Email:pippie0001@aol.com
How did you find my page?: by your e-mail
What is your favorite link?: not sure
Where are you from?: Sandston VA
Hi Sharon, I love the pictures you have on here. I am into country things. You seem like you have a lot of good friends and that is great.

Maggie :o) - 07/07/98 14:55:25
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~MaggiBoo/index-1.html
My Email:Maggiboo@hotmail.com
How did you find my page?: Oh, gee...it's been bookmarked for ages :o)
What is your favorite link?: CanNOT decide..but yours is sure fun!!!
Where are you from?: Pittsburgh
Hey Sweetie..Dropped By Again..But Wanted To Sign Your Book Just 1 More Time :o)..And Put Something Perty On Your Page ((HUGS))

Beasty/Selena - 07/01/98 13:05:59
My URL:http://members.tripoc.com/~Beasty_3/index.html
My Email:Selena_86@yahoo.com
How did you find my page?: you gave it to me and your linked to mine
What is your favorite link?: here
Where are you from?: Illinois
As always your page looks great!!! have missed your chats!

gEbE - 06/17/98 23:31:22
My URL:http://home2.swipnet.se/~w-24067/
My Email:ge.be@swipnet.se
How did you find my page?: surfing
What is your favorite link?: http://www.oocities.org/cgi-bin/geoplus_apps/ans_entry
Where are you from?: sweden
Hi! Great work you have done.

[Random Site]

Se you soon ! /gEbE

Eliot - 06/15/98 21:11:25
My URL:http://members.home.net/eliot/
My Email:eliot@home.com
How did you find my page?: link
What is your favorite link?: none
Where are you from?: Columbia, MD

Hi! Great web page! I enjoyed my stay here!

Sarge - 06/15/98 20:32:11
My URL:http://netspaceonline.com/~dredmond/
My Email:dredmond@midusa.net
How did you find my page?: Guestbook Surfing
What is your favorite link?: Too many to say
Where are you from?: Salina, Kansas
Very lovely page. You've done great work...I've enjoyed my visit here alot!!!

Sue - 06/15/98 19:05:32
My URL:http://www.easyinternet.net/santhony/
How did you find my page?: Guestbook surfin'
Where are you from?: Vanier, Ontario, Canada
Can't pick a favourite link as I like surfing so much, especially guestbooks. Enjoyed my visit to your site, nice graphics and layout. Please drop by and visit us sometime.

HollyHall - 06/11/98 23:52:17
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/RainForest/Vines/4959
My Email:hollyhall@oocities.com
How did you find my page?: From my GuestBook
What is your favorite link?: I have so Many :)
Where are you from?: Houston
Sierra...I just got a chance to pay your homepage a visit. Oh it is so nice I thoroughly enjoyed it. Yes you are right, we both are very "into" our grandchildren. I have bookmarked your page and I will also add a link to your page from my Friends page. .so see you again really soon..thanks again for visiting my page and signing my guestbook....Holly

Jane Smith - 06/08/98 20:04:27
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Nashville/1003/index.html
My Email:pontiac2@globetrotter.net
How did you find my page?: a link
Where are you from?: New Carlisle, Quebec, Canada

Dusti Bailey - 06/05/98 22:34:23
My URL:http://www.ameritech.net/users/bradxx/bailey.htm
My Email:bradxx@ameritech.net
How did you find my page?: my guestbook
Where are you from?: IN
What a great site. Thanks for signing my guestbook.

Suzanne Metcalf - 06/05/98 16:41:33
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/TelevisionCity/Set/8045
My Email:smetcal1@nycap.rr.com
How did you find my page?: you signed my guestbook
What is your favorite link?: friends page
Where are you from?: huntsville al but live in Saratoga Springs ny
Thanks for signing my guestbook. I really appreciate it. I enjoyed my visit to your page and hope to come back soon and see what is new. suzanne

Donna - 06/05/98 11:20:01
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Ranch/5625
My Email:simmons@auracom.com
How did you find my page?: you visited our page
What is your favorite link?: there are too many to count
Where are you from?: Prince Edward Island, Canada
Wow...you have a terrific page here. Thanks for stopping by and inviting us here. We really enjoyed our visit!! Pls stop in on us again soon!

Amee - 06/05/98 06:34:58
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Eema/index.html
My Email:eemarelyt@hotmail.com
How did you find my page?: You signed my guestbook
Where are you from?: Washington state
Thanks for signing my guestbook! Your site is adorable! Very good for a beginner!

Carole Straley - 06/01/98 19:55:28
My URL:http://www.loseit.com/carole.html
My Email:caralena@mpinet.net
How did you find my page?: Cozy
What is your favorite link?: Geocities
Where are you from?: Lake Helen,Fl
I like your page, it makes me feel warm and fuzzy all over. Thanks

Lew Shaw - 06/01/98 15:58:42
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/rodeodrive/3805
My Email:lshaw@mymail.net
How did you find my page?: replied to your entry in mine
What is your favorite link?: Too many to mention
Where are you from?: Dallas Texa
You have a great family and I enjoyed reading about your boys and that Saint of a Husband. lol Just curious. How did you happen on to my page. Looks like the wings have destroyed the Stars. lol

chero - 06/01/98 03:47:27
My URL:http://home.internetcds.com/~cherokee/index.html
My Email:cherokee@internetcds.com
How did you find my page?: guestbook
What is your favorite link?: ? tough question..
Where are you from?: Oregon
Thanks for stopping by my page, and your nice words. I like yours also and sent it to a friend of mine that will love your style.

Jessica - 05/29/98 15:00:44
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/SouthBeach/Shores/8488
My Email:jsullivan@loyola.edu
How did you find my page?: from my guestbook :-)
What is your favorite link?: don't think I can pick just one!!
Where are you from?: Baltimore, MD
Hi! Thanks for visiting me at my site! I like what you have done with your page--it's very cute and I love the graphics!!

Shelly - 05/29/98 05:25:53
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/southbeach/pier/7803
My Email:shellyk@oocities.com
How did you find my page?: You signed my guestbook : )
What is your favorite link?: http://www.bluemountainarts.com/
Where are you from?: Virginia
Well first of all, thanks for stopping by my page! Second, you are doing a FABULOUS job for a first web page, it looks great! I can not wait to see what you do later, when you really get the hang of it! Really great page.
Come Visit Me!!!!

Maggie - 05/29/98 02:44:46
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/NapaValley/9705/
My Email:sbrouillette@cablevision.qc.ca
How did you find my page?: You signed my guestbook
Where are you from?: Montreal, Canada
Hi, Thank you for signing my guestbook. For a novice at this you are doing a terrific job. Good luck with your diet, and have a nice day!:) Maggie

M@rgot - 05/26/98 19:32:52
My URL:http://huizen.dds.nl/~snitzel/index.htm
My Email:snitzel@dds.nl
How did you find my page?: My guestbook
Where are you from?: The Netherlands
Hi there,
Great place too be, I love my stay. Thanks for visiting my site
See Ya!!! M@rgot.

Take care and Remember to *SMILE*

mikki - 05/26/98 01:39:02
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Pointe/4217
How did you find my page?: link from another page
Where are you from?: Newfoundland, Canada
Hi Sierra! I've been busily poking thru all your pages, and I have had a great visit! Jake is just so cute! I can see why you're so proud. Oh, I really like all the backgrounds and graphics - gives your pages such a nice, homey feel. Thanks for letting me visit and get to know you!

Sharon - 05/25/98 14:41:03
My URL:http://members.aol.com/Sharon988/index.html
My Email:Sharon988@aol.com
How did you find my page?: You signed mine!
What is your favorite link?: http://members.aol.com/Sharon988/Brandon.html
Where are you from?: North Little Rock, Arkansas
Hi Shar, Thanks for signing my guestbook. It's kinda' new so it's real exciting to find that someone's signed it! : ) I just love your pages. We sound like we both like to collect things. I hate to part with any collection I start, too. I am still looking for the Rhett Avon collectable from the '80s. Do you know where I might find it? I have the Scarlett one. Your grandson is a little darling! Anyway, I just wanted you to know that I loved your pages. Sharon

Helena - 05/25/98 06:55:06
My URL:http://www.graphicgarden.nu/
How did you find my page?: My guestbook
What is your favorite link?: Must I!? Can´t choose just one!
Where are you from?: Sweden
Hi! Cute page!! I´ve really enjoyed my stay. Everything is so well put together, and I love the way you´ve used the graphics. (Since I draw my own - I always look at that... LOL) Take care! Helena

Ellen - 05/24/98 22:14:20
My URL:http://ellen.mypage.org
My Email:evisser@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Nice page! Ellen

Monica - 05/24/98 16:23:28
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Athens/Agora/1959
My Email:pe5975@dscc.cc.tn.us
How did you find my page?: In my guestbook
What is your favorite link?: Anything Angel
Where are you from?: Tennessee
HI!! Thanks for signing my guestbook. I really like your page. You are very lucky to have such good friends. Oh and by the way, we have the same pet peeve. Liars must live a confusing life. I don't know if I would have the energy to keep up with ever thing I've said. *smile* Thanks again girl. Hope to see you around.

Lisa - 05/24/98 04:07:53
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Park/3691/
My Email:LAllen031@aol.com
How did you find my page?: you signed my guestbook! ;-)
What is your favorite link?: www.crimescene.com
Where are you from?: beautiful Boise, Idaho
Hi Shar! Thank you so much for coming by my page and signing my guestbook! (how did you find me, anyway?) I've really enjoyed my visit to your site. You've done a wonderful job! I'll keep coming back to see what are changing and adding! From you place, I surfed on over to "Taz's" page. Sounds like you all have a wonderful friendship! Thanks again for coming by! :-) Warmest wishes, Lisa

SKATT - 05/22/98 18:05:37
My URL:http://www.god-of-music.com/cbg
My Email:freaknpro@aol.com
How did you find my page?: ANOTHER GUEST BOOK
Where are you from?: BOCA RATON,FL

Margaret - 05/22/98 11:02:58
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Valley/1246/
My Email:matemple@erinet.com
How did you find my page?: You visited mine
Where are you from?: Ohio
Hi Shar, just wanted to tell you how beautiful your pages are, your graphics are awesome. You must be a very special person to have so many friends. And...your grandbaby is precious. Thanks for visiting my page.

Carol/MaiTai - 05/22/98 01:12:55
How did you find my page?: Maggie's Boutique
Where are you from?: Boston
Sierra, don't know if you remember me, but we did meet in diettalk...boy do I miss the old room, don't go to the new room much, but stay in touch with a few from icq..your friendship page just bought back alot of memories,recongize alot of the names, almo t all... Great job, love your page, hope to talk to you sometime..my icq is 8825610, would love to keep in touch....Again, great job!! I have you bookmarked so will return here :o)

Lisa Marie - 05/20/98 19:25:02
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Wellesley/Garden/1177
My Email:gardenlily@oocities.com
Where are you from?: Gorgeous Green Oregon
Thanks for visiting my Pad and inviting me to your lovely site!

Lisa - 05/20/98 16:43:10
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Estates/9994
My Email:ladyrott@oocities.com
How did you find my page?: you signed my book
What is your favorite link?: http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Prairie/4288
Where are you from?: North Carolina
First I wanna say "HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!" (a little early). I enjoyed my visit through your page. Your little grandson, is an absolute doll baby. (Also very talented to be making web pages at HIS age....LOL) Keep up the great work on the site.

Betty - 05/20/98 04:30:08
My URL:http://www.xs4all.nl/~tulden
My Email:tulden@xs4all.nl
How did you find my page?: you wrote in my guestbook
What is your favorite link?: http://www.xs4all.nl/~skoezie
Where are you from?: Holland

pagelogo.gif (15613 bytes)

About me
My labrador "Cindy"
and more!

Please come look yourself!

Hi ,
thank you for signing my Guestbook

I enjoyed my stay on your pages
very much. Great site!

aawakenfairy.gif (11953 bytes) Greetings, Betty aawakenfairy.gif (11953 bytes)

Tina and Matthias - 05/20/98 04:14:47
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/wolfie
How did you find my page?: word of mouth
What is your favorite link?: all
Where are you from?: Sydney Australia
What a beautifull webpage, we love it you have than a great job, keep up the good work. And thanks for signing our guestbook,take care. Greetings from Tina and Matthias.

Vanessa aka Taz - 05/18/98 01:02:00
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Estates/8056
My Email:ucanhavefuntoo@oocities.com
How did you find my page?: You signed my Guestbook
What is your favorite link?: http://www.amazon.com
Where are you from?: Windsor, Ontario, CANADA
Thanks for stopping in and visiting me and signing my Guestbook. You have a delightful site here. Lots of interesting stuff..although I looked everywhere and although you say you are not well..I would be interested in hearing from you regarding what is yo r health problem or problems. I was intrigued because you mentioned being on Prednisone. Please feel free to write me and tell me the particulars IF YOU WANT! You should be proud of your Site and your Family..they're lovely! Hope I talk to you soon again. .Taz

Monica - 05/17/98 16:16:14
My URL:http://www.caiw.nl/~lodder/index2.htm
How did you find my page?: You signed our guestbook
Where are you from?: the Netherlands
Hi I really enjoyed my visit at your site.
Thanks for visiting our family in the Netherlands and signing our guestbook.
Greetings from Holland,

Doc - 05/17/98 16:12:27
My URL:http://home.att.net/~doctordialtone
How did you find my page?: Quin
What is your favorite link?: http://www.ntwks-newington.com/brown
Where are you from?: CT

Sierra, Thanks for sharing so much with everyone - I found you in Quin's GBook. Loved the tunes...

Keep Smilin',


Quin McWhirter - 05/17/98 15:33:54
My URL:http://members.aol.com/quinmarti
My Email:Quinmarti@aol.com
How did you find my page?: You signed my guestbook
What is your favorite link?: http://members.aol.com/quinmarti
Where are you from?: Houston, Texas
  Sharon, I enjoyed your very newsy homepage and feel like I got to know you, your family and friends pretty well. Sounds like a great family and I'm sorry for your health pr blems. There is a link on my homepage to my sister's book which I think you would find really helpful, as I have. Thanks for stopping by my site and signing my guestbook. I wish you well and hope you have a great year.

~Grandma~ - 05/17/98 04:56:46
My URL:http://members.theglobe.com/Grandmas
My Email:grandma@pcpros.net
How did you find my page?: My Guestbook
What is your favorite link?: Yours *S*
Where are you from?: Packer Country!!!
Hi Sharon:
Thank you for the kind words
and the visit
I have really enjoyed my stay here!!
This site is excellent!
Looks like all the hard work finally paid off!
Good Job!

It is obvious that you have given great time and effort to their creation!
I just LOVE your graphics and backgrounds !!!
I have bookmarked your page for a return visit!
It is always a pleasure and very exciting to stumble upon a page that shows such good taste!
Keep up the good work, and don't be a stranger,
come on over and visit ~Grandma~!
The coffee's always hot
and the cookies are fresh baked!
~Grandma~ is always home
and YOU are always most WELCOME!!

~God Bless~

Elizabeth - 05/13/98 21:45:40
My URL:http://members.aol.com/BHostLiz/index.html
My Email:BHostLiz@aol.com
How did you find my page?: We were talking about web pages and you sent it to me. :-)
What is your favorite link?: I have two..Friendship page and Your grandson's page.
Where are you from?: Indianapolis
I LOVE your pages!! They are not only artistic but filled with love and it shines right through! I am so glad we met and I am having a great time getting to know you better. I knew we would be good friends the first time we talked. :-) Thank you my friend !

Alan - 05/03/98 23:39:52
My Email:coaster596@aol.com
How did you find my page?: guestbook
What is your favorite link?: your page ;-)
Where are you from?: Marietta, Ga
Very sweet site!!!>

cindy aka ducky - 05/03/98 17:42:44
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ks/cindysplace117/index.html
My Email:tdaniel@ucom.net
How did you find my page?: word of mouth
What is your favorite link?: diet talk
Where are you from?: kansas
Love your grapics. Very nice site. God Bless you and your family.

TJ - 05/02/98 22:47:19
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/HotSprings/4940
How did you find my page?: links.....
What is your favorite link?: 3 fat chicks....
Where are you from?: PA
Sierra....great page. You seem like such a loving, kind person. Congratulations on being a grandma again soon.....TJ

Madeline - 05/01/98 03:38:08
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/2238/
My Email:mafonte@bellsouth.net
How did you find my page?: Just surfed in.
Where are you from?: Louisiana
You have a lovely page. Keep up the good work.

Johanne Craig - 04/18/98 23:37:01
My URL:http://web.idirect.com/~craig
My Email:johanne@idirect.com
How did you find my page?: guestbook
Where are you from?: Mississauga Canada
You have a great page!!

ROX - 04/16/98 23:10:45
My URL:http://me/largencharge/index.html
My Email:mwhite@dlcwest.com
How did you find my page?: You invited me...LOL
What is your favorite link?: Kindafunny
Where are you from?: Regina, Sask, Canada
WOW...Your page is absolutely beautiful...I'd love to use some other grafics...altho, I still can't figure out how to cut and paste...LOL..Kindafunny tried to teach me...She's the cut and paste queen!..LOL. Thanks for visiting my page...I'll be stopping y often...Thanks!!! ROX

Bobbi - 04/12/98 20:21:07
My URL:http://www.worldpath.net/~hiker/index.html
My Email:hiker@worldpath.net
How did you find my page?: surfing
What is your favorite link?: reading about you
Where are you from?: New Hampshire

I have enjoyed my visit here. Your graphics
are realy cute and are displayed very well. What a fun page!

Princessw - 04/04/98 16:27:12
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/heartland/estates/9849
My Email:princesswendy@oocities.com
How did you find my page?: search
What is your favorite link?: yahoo
Where are you from?: Florida
I enjoyed your page emensely! Keep up the good work.

Lisa - 03/13/98 19:18:04
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Estates/6563
My Email:CastelFam@worldnet.att.net
How did you find my page?: from my guestbook
Where are you from?: Portsmouth, RI
Thanks for stopping by my internet home! Yours is wonderful. I especially liked your Friends page. It's neat seeing why there are so many special people in your life. Have a great Easter!!

Angelswings - 03/07/98 04:20:45
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Valley/1535/
My Email:cozyquilt@hotmail.com
How did you find my page?: from the link you left on my site
Where are you from?: Calif
Your page is VERY nice also....Keep up the good work....thanks for visting my site and leaving your link for me to follow... I'll come back again :o)

Lisa - 03/04/98 09:41:33
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/EnchantedForest/Cottage/5618/index.htm
My Email:ondine@nw.com.au
How did you find my page?: surfing
Where are you from?: Australia
I just wanted to tell you that I LOVE your page design. Its very simple and pretty. Just the way I like it! Great work!

TJ - 03/03/98 18:15:28
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/HotSprings/4940
My Email:n3tha@twd.net
Where are you from?: Pennsylvania
Very nice page!!!! You are a sweet lady.....

Tommy - 03/03/98 00:20:23
My URL:http://planet-nc.com/Shake&Shine
How did you find my page?: found it interesting, of course
What is your favorite link?: link sausage!
Where are you from?: N.C.
Nice place to visit! I'll be back too.....Tommy

Thomas L. Andrews - 03/03/98 00:17:07
My URL:http://planet-nc.com/outdooradventures
My Email:mudwarrior@planet-nc.com
How did you find my page?: surfin'
What is your favorite link?: too many to name
Where are you from?: Blue Ridge Mts. of North Carolina
Great site! Very easy to negotiate......mudwarrior

Princess Wendy - 03/01/98 21:47:27
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/heartland/estates/9849
My Email:princesswendy@oocities.com
How did you find my page?: you signed my guest book
What is your favorite link?: Wando's Flyin Page http://www.oocities.org/heartland/meadows/3169
Where are you from?: Florida
I liked your page it made me feel right at home. Keep up the terrific work. I'll be sure to come back and visit!!

Maggie :o) - 02/28/98 04:46:05
My Email:Maggiboo@hotmail.com
How did you find my page?: It's Bookmarked :o)
Where are you from?: PA
Hey...When I start missing you....I come here... Ang gee, I'm missing you !!!

Marjie - 02/26/98 07:34:21
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/SouthBeach/Breakers/8969
My Email:marjie1@yahoo.com
How did you find my page?: You visited me & sent me mail
Where are you from?: Washington
Shar, thank you for visiting me! You are right, Jake is just adorable! I will keep him& his mommie & daddie in my thoughts. I hope he continues to improve. If my husband has his way, we will either be at Hill AFB, or in England in the fall of '99.

Jen-NY - 02/24/98 21:45:53
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/HotSprings/Spa/2184
My Email:jennifer22@writeme.com
How did you find my page?: Ya told me way back when...
What is your favorite link?: I have too many to name
Where are you from?: New York.. Hence the -NY :)
Great site.. everytime I visit it gets better keep up the great work. Hey let me know the exact date of the reunion.. I'm getting married at the end of June.. and...going to disney world for my honeymoon would love to meet you all after my honeymoon or b fore it :)

Herself - 02/22/98 00:44:47
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Valley/2337
My Email:Super4@worldnet.att.net
How did you find my page?: Taz's link
What is your favorite link?: All the diettalk friends
Where are you from?: Herself's Hideout
Hi Sierra! Just thought I would sign-in here too! Your web site is beautiful -- such nice graphics! I spend over an hour browsing and looking at the cute pics of Jake! Talk to you soon! --Love (your friend) Herself

Lynne(aka bikergranny) - 02/18/98 17:59:11
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/HotSprings/Spa/4786
My Email:Sabre@pancom.net
How did you find my page?: Through TAZmo's page
What is your favorite link?: Richard Simmons
Where are you from?: Washington State
I love your pages especially your Grandson's page, he sound like he is the sweetest, I know I have 1 Grandson and 2 Grandaughters, who make my world the best, and my heart swell when I look at them. I hope your Grandson is doing well, as the rest of the f mily, I too had a child over in Saudi, and now she is in Korea, I miss her very much. Thankyou for letting me visit come and visit me too, and sign my GuestBook. Lynne

Jazz - 02/14/98 01:57:44
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/wa/ladyjules
My Email:lady_jules@hotmail.com
How did you find my page?: I talked with Shar
What is your favorite link?: Richard Simmons
Where are you from?: Washington
Hiya Shar, This is a wonderful web page...I am looking forward to coming back here time and time again. Thanks for being a freind HUGS, Jazz

Linda - 02/05/98 01:26:07
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/NapaValley/1442
My Email:dprall@vnet.net
How did you find my page?: Through Geocities
What is your favorite link?: All family related homepages
Where are you from?: North Carolina
I just wanted to let you know how much I was touched by your homepage. Your grandson Jake is so precious.

Connie (kindafunny) - 02/04/98 21:11:38
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ga/kindafunny
My Email:Kindafunny@aol.com
How did you find my page?: You signed my Guestbook!!
What is your favorite link?: Your grandsons page
Where are you from?: Kennesaw, GA!
Your page made me feel like I was sitting in a livingroom drinking coffee, just chatting with friends! Thanks for letting me into your life! Connie

Crystel - 01/27/98 04:32:13
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Wellesley/1601/index.html
My Email:crysee@hotmail.com
Hey there, thanks you very much for visiting my homepage and the nice things you said there. I am also impressed with your page...warm and welcoming. Did you do the graphics yourself....very nice.

Smith's - 01/26/98 13:52:08
My URL:http://www.ndak.net/~scots/family.htm
How did you find my page?: surfed on in

You have a cool web page!! Keep up the good work! ;-)

litolpea - 01/24/98 21:39:47
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/SoHo/Cafe/5028
My Email:mxs134@po.cwru.edu
How did you find my page?: you signed my guestbook, silly!
What is your favorite link?: www.thex-files.com
Where are you from?: oHIo
you have the cutest grandson!!! love your page, keep up the good work!

Donna - 01/24/98 02:04:08
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/SouthBeach/Marina/3296
My Email:rose_petal@oocities.com
How did you find my page?: You signed my guest book
What is your favorite link?: http://www.augustachronicle.com
Where are you from?: South Carolina
Great page!! I think you have done a wonderful job. What an adventure meeting on-line friends in person. I know how you feel about them because my true best friends are folks I met on line and then met in person. Hugs, Donna.

Brenda - 01/23/98 23:31:16
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/nashville/2176
My Email:bhubbard@techplus.com
How did you find my page?: awards form
What is your favorite link?: me.me.me
Where are you from?: Brandon, Manitoba,Canada
Thanks so much for the invitation to your page. You have done a marvelous job. I have been checking it out for over 1/2 hr and still am not done. I particularly like your graphics and the Me page as I like to get to know people. Look for email in near future.

^Rayden - 01/23/98 16:39:45
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/~lord_rayden
How did you find my page?: Link from a Guestbook
Where are you from?: Earth Realm
Great page, keep up the great work on it.

Kidd Thunder - 01/23/98 16:37:26
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/~kiddthunder
How did you find my page?: Link from a Guestbook
Where are you from?: Earth Realm
Very nice page, liked the mememe.htm especially :)

Kathy - 01/22/98 17:12:48
My URL:http://www.webmoments.com/faeryhill/index.htm
How did you find my page?: your friend
Where are you from?: Arkansas, USA
You have a beautiful site. Thanks for sharing.

Ichirou Kataoka - 01/22/98 12:30:03
My URL:http://www2n.biglobe.ne.jp/~bakauma/
My Email:bakauma@pis.bekkoame.or.jp
How did you find my page?: my GB,
Where are you from?: Hyogo, Japan
Thank you for the invitation to your Homepage.
What a nice job you have done with your site!
I will return to your site.

Maggie - 01/21/98 14:10:09
My Email:Maggiboo@hotmail.com
How did you find my page?: DT Buddies Page Link
What is your favorite link?: It's sooo hard to decide!!!
Where are you from?: Pittsburgh, PA
*tiny tears* as I type!...Loved every minute of my visit !!!! Thanx for the time you invested !

Crystel - 01/21/98 03:36:34
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Wellesley/1601/index.html
My Email:crysee@hotmail.com
Hi there! I am just returning the favor of visitng your homepage as invited to do. Its wonderful I love the warmth that comes across....you seem a very loving person.I do hope we get to know one another more...Take care! lets visit one another often...k.. .smiles!

Danielle - 01/20/98 23:00:59
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Acres/9667/
My Email:ndstarzl@yankton.com
How did you find my page?: you signed my guestbook
What is your favorite link?: your graphics are great!
Where are you from?: SD
Your grandson is a sweetheart! My prayers are with him and your family.

Susie - 01/18/98 08:52:32
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/heartland/prairie/7156
How did you find my page?: My Guestbook! :)
What is your favorite link?: Oh, I have too many of them!
Where are you from?: Washington
Sierra, thank you for signing my guestbook so that I could find you! Your site and it's contents are really sweet! Your love for your grandson is incredible... and made me smile! Thanks for a great visit... I hope you'll drop in on us again sometime! ( e finally made a few changes) *grin* Take care, Susie

Queenie aka Linda - 01/18/98 03:54:06
My Email:lbowlin@mounet.com
How did you find my page?: Herself
What is your favorite link?: Diettalk
Where are you from?: Tennessee
Sierra, your page is beautiful!

Carol Rapp - 01/13/98 21:33:00
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~florencecarol
My Email:ctrapp@citynet.net
How did you find my page?: Diettalk Buddies
What is your favorite link?: http://www.port-charles.com/exchange/gh/main.html
Where are you from?: WV
Hi...Good getting to know everyone! I am Carol R. the second Carol in Diettalk...Loved your pages....come by and see me sometime! Carol

Sherry Montroy - 01/12/98 02:58:18
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~smontroy/montroys.html
My Email:smontroy@win.bright.net
How did you find my page?: surfed in
Where are you from?: Durand, WI
You have a real nice page, I enjoyed my visit. Have a great '98

Veronica - 01/12/98 02:40:24
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Nica1/index.html
My Email:nica_d@mailcity.com
How did you find my page?: from a guestbook
What is your favorite link?: haven't see them
Where are you from?: Canada
I think the Bunny on your page is cute, i like this page. It is neat. Please come and check out my page ok?

missyjo - 01/11/98 21:56:37
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Athens/Parthenon/7033
My Email:missyjo@rocketmail.com
How did you find my page?: guestbook
What is your favorite link?: poetry
Where are you from?: Louisiana
I'd like to thank you for stopping by my place and your kind words. You have a lovely site and very creative. Take care and hope to visit again.

Katherine Hathaway - 01/11/98 11:47:58
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Wellesley/5524
My Email:catlover@plainfield.bypass.com
How did you find my page?: Guestbook entry
What is your favorite link?: http://www.pacificapage.com/kathryn/
Where are you from?: Vermont
Thank you so much for inviting me here. Such a nice page, and two of my favorite things...grandchildren and diet! I'm a Richard fan and a "health food nut" too and am very interested in diet and exercise. I'm also waiting...waiting...for my very first gra dchild! Best wishes for a safe, special and joyous New Year. Kate

Sunny - 01/11/98 03:49:28
My URL:http://members.tripod.com
My Email:chrismcl@brunnet.net
How did you find my page?: Silly, I come here almost every day.
Sierra....I love your valentine's page. You come up with the best ideas. Thanks for being my friend. Love ya

Sweet Green Eyes (Stacey) - 01/11/98 02:51:44
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/CollegePark/Union/3962
My Email:roger@superior.net
How did you find my page?: signed my book..
Where are you from?: Upstate ny
I enjoyed looking through your pages..Nicely done..Thanks for signing my page..*S*

Danielle Walsh - 01/09/98 23:43:12
My URL:http://home.earthlink.net/~dwalsh/
My Email:KayDee@storksite.com
just wanted to drop by and say hi. I try to visit everyone who has signed my webpage! I am glad you enjoyed but i must say that pooh is gone and a new webpage stands in its place. You should come take a look around!

*POOH (Cande) - 01/09/98 04:59:37
My URL:http://www/oocities.com/Heaartland/9901
My Email:boo1@midwest.net
How did you find my page?: you signed my guest book
Where are you from?: Illinois
I love your page.. I especially love the angels AS I collect them... keep up the good work.. and thank God for friends.. especially ones that have a lot of patience.. as I know what you mean// The Nicks Family..

Sir Gallant - 01/08/98 06:39:53
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Paris/LeftBank/6560
My Email:bell@whidbey.com
How did you find my page?: guestbook link
What is your favorite link?: all
Where are you from?: Canada
What a beautiful website. Very well designed

Karen - 01/06/98 20:24:07
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Acres/1627
My Email:merchi@cybertours.com
How did you find my page?: You signed my guestbook
Where are you from?: Maine
I had a wonderful time visiting here. Thankyou for visiting me and signing my guestbook!

Dan J - 01/06/98 05:56:03
My URL:http://www.flash.net/~danjj
My Email:danjj@flash.net
How did you find my page?: surfed on
Where are you from?: MI
I like your page.Great job. Please take a moment and visit my site and feel free to add a link from my page to yours. Thanks and "HAPPY NEW YEAR!!"

ncgirlover45 - 01/05/98 13:00:21
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Nashville/3080
My Email:over45@hotmail.com
How did you find my page?: my guestbook
What is your favorite link?: LOTH
Where are you from?: NORTH CAROLINA
You have a great looking website!! I loved it! Your graphics are so pretty and I love the way you have them displayed. You have some fabulous links also I have bookmarked some of them. Thanks for creating such a lovely place on the internet to visit. Your friend on the Net, ncgirlover45

Hearts&Lace - 01/05/98 03:19:55
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~HeartsnLace/Heartsnlace.htm
My Email:heartsnlace@hotmail.com
How did you find my page?: YOU invited me..*giggle*
What is your favorite link?: http://www.ghsiintl.com/insper/heart.htm
Where are you from?: Somewhere in GA..*giggle*
I have had the time of my life here! All I needed was a cup of coffee and I would have felt at home! Since the coffee was in the other room I settled for m&m's and my diet s da.
You are such a pleasure! I would be honored to meet ya...seems you could teach me alot too. Your web site is laid out so nicely..not at all cluttered. 100% beautiful. I am very honored that you stopped by and signed my guestbook..and totally happy that I came to see ya! You are a jewel on the web.

Helen - 01/05/98 01:40:36
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Athens/Olympus/6845
My Email:hecook@bellsouth.net
How did you find my page?: your message on my page
Where are you from?: New Orleans, La. area
Thank you for visiting my homepage. I enjoyed your pages. Keep up the good work. I had a little trouble finding you, even though you left your URL. My puter gets a mind of its own and would not let me come here directly. I had to search you out, but it wa worth the effort. I like your .gifs Take care and come back and see me sometime as I try to add more pages, too.

Angie Cyr - 01/05/98 01:18:53
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/napavalley/6831
My Email:angie@chef.net
How did you find my page?: you signed my book
Where are you from?: California, USA
Hi Sharr! You have a lovely homepage. Jake is so darling! I bookmarked the site for Diettalk, maybe we'll met again there. And I didn't even know Richard Simmons had a site! I love him! I bookmarked that site too. Thank you for visiting my site. I glad you enjoyed your visit. I enjoyed my stay here too.

Corina - 01/04/98 22:17:54
My Email:alaisaemc2@earthlink.net
How did you find my page?: from my parents' homepage that you visited
Where are you from?: Orlando
great homepage!

Lynne - 01/04/98 18:59:29
My Email:Sabre@pancom.net
How did you find my page?: Taz, page
Where are you from?: Spokane, Washington
I really love your pages, they are sweet and full of love of friends and family , which I love. Great Job!! Lynne

Karl G. - 01/03/98 04:57:05
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Paris/LeftBank/8256
My Email:inaw@oocities.com
How did you find my page?: Another guestbook
Where are you from?: Des Moines, WA
A favorite verse: Isaiah 40:31 "But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk,and not faint."

Marie - 01/03/98 01:39:05
My URL:http://www.aonline.com/~england
My Email:LadyNorth@aol.com
How did you find my page?: Surfing My Little Heart Out!
What is your favorite link?: Hmmm, lots! ;-)
Where are you from?: Alaska, USA
I wanted to let you know that I was by and I had to tell you that I think you did an outstanding job on your pages. Keep up the great work and good luck!!

Come Visit Me! Have a great year! Marie

Ruth - 01/02/98 06:06:20
My URL:http://www.octonet.com/~steinfat/
My Email:steinfat@octonet.com
How did you find my page?: you signed my guestbook!
What is your favorite link?: Ladies of the Heart Web
Where are you from?: Victoria, B.C.Canada
Thank you for stopping by my homepage..and leaving such wonderful comments. I thoroughly enjoyed spending time with you and liked your graphics. a very delightful homepage!

Clint Norwood - 01/02/98 02:57:52
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/7877
My Email:norwood@oocities.com
How did you find my page?: Lucky
What is your favorite link?: Anything but Richard Simmons
Where are you from?: Alabama
Oh, to live in Fla and run a used book store. What a wonderful life you've had so far. Hope it stays that way.

Buffy says......Great Page!!!

Ralph McLaughlin - 01/02/98 01:32:06
My URL:http://www.sound.net/~kanman
My Email:kanman@sound.net
How did you find my page?: My Guestbook
What is your favorite link?: Jake's page
Where are you from?: Kansas
I thought I would repay the visit. You have an interesting site here and you also have a cute grandson. Having six grandkids and only three of them living close, I know how you feel when you only get to see yours just once in awhile.....

Christy - 01/01/98 08:28:31
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/SoHo/4082/
My Email:christyg9@usa.net
How did you find my page?: from you
Where are you from?: CA
Great graphics! You've done great! I c u and I have both advanced beyond aol. :) See ya online soon.

Beth/soggy - 01/01/98 03:44:23
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/SouthBeach/Lagoon/9626/index.html
My Email:soggycracker@hotmail.com
How did you find my page?: Through someone else's guestbook you'd signed
What is your favorite link?: http://www.oocities.org/TimesSquare/Fortress/1360 --my b/f's site
Where are you from?: Maryland USA
Hi. Nice site. You're doing great for being new at it. You'll find that websites are not too hard to make. Well, have a great new year!

Tina - 12/31/97 16:11:14
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Wellesley/6010
My Email:tiny@pe.net
How did you find my page?: You signed my Guestbook
What is your favorite link?: don't know yet?
Where are you from?: Cyber World
I look forward to viewing your webpage. It is so rewarding and gratifing to know that we have accomplished doing a web page ourselves doesn't it. I still can't believe that I have one up. Keep up the great work and look forward to coming back to your pa e. Tina.

Katarina - 12/31/97 02:29:39
My URL:http://www.bluebonnet.net/nanoburn/katarina
My Email:KatarinaE@hotmail.com
How did you find my page?: from another guestbook
Where are you from?: Tennessee
Loved your graphics and photos!

MistyRain - 12/31/97 01:08:29
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/SouthBeach/Lagoon/8371/
My Email:autumn2@gte.net
How did you find my page?: From my guestbook
Where are you from?: Arkansas
You have a wonderful site:)I enjoyed my visit very much!*Smiles* MistyRain

Syruss - 12/30/97 23:19:10
My URL:http://www.syruss.com
My Email:syruss@mind.net
How did you find my page?: Surfing
What is your favorite link?: http://www.animation-station.com
Where are you from?: Medford, OR
Cool Site! If you have a few minutes come check out my site!
100's of FREE Graphics. All original 3D Bars, Buttons, Balls, Bullets, Banners, Backgrounds, Arrows, Ovals, 3D Lettering, 3D Logo's and Animated Logo's. Growing Weekly

And Don't Forget To SIGN My Guestbook!
ALSO! Make a link to my page from yours and let me know and I will submit that page to 8 of the best search engines for FREE!!!!

Annette - 12/30/97 01:50:04
My URL:http://members.aol.com/bberrycrk/bcj.html
My Email:Bberrycrk@aol.com
Where are you from?: Michigan
I came by to say hello and I am enjoying your pages. I am off to look some more. Take care.

Grandma George aka SC - 12/28/97 04:37:57
My URL:http://members.aol.com/SColton1/index.html
My Email:SColton1@aol.com
How did you find my page?: word of mouth *smile*
Where are you from?: So Calif
Just stopped by to wish you and your's a Happy New Year!! Come by and visit my new graphic pages...I am adding new graphics everyday *smile*

Sherry - 12/28/97 03:20:49
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/9315
My Email:meema@oregoncoast.com
How did you find my page?: My guestbook
What is your favorite link?: All are great
Where are you from?: Tillamook, OR

Thank you for the invitation to visit. I love your site. Would love to know where you find some of those cute graphics. Don't forget to Mooooove on over to my house and say hello. Meema

Melanie Tate - 12/28/97 01:52:06
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/~thetatefamily
My Email:meltate@usa.net
How did you find my page?: My guestbook
What is your favorite link?: many.....
Where are you from?: Misawa AB, Japan
Hi Sierra! Your homepage is lovely. Very warm and friendly. You've got a beautiful, meaningful Christmas page! HAPPY HOLIDAYS to you and your family...

prissy - 12/28/97 00:11:12
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~missprissy/index.html
My Email:prissy@citcom.net
How did you find my page?: word of mouth
What is your favorite link?: Friends
Where are you from?: North Carolina
What a nice homepage....very warm....I enjoyed my visit. Like your graphics as well!

Johanne Craig - 12/27/97 20:43:35
My URL:http://web.idirect.com/~craig
My Email:johanne@idirect.com
How did you find my page?: guestbook
Where are you from?: Mississauga Canada
you have a great page!!

Pagecrazy - 12/27/97 13:39:19
My URL:http://www.webmoments.com/pagecrazy/index.html
My Email:pagecrazy@webmoments.com
How did you find my page?: you signed my guestbook
Where are you from?: Cocoa, FL
Hello dear friend, thank you for signing my guestbook so that I could find your lovely website. I have enjoyed meeting your children, your internet friends, and you. You have a wonderful family. Little Jake is adorable as I am sure you already know. I hop that his check up goes well and that your Christmas Day was filled with love and joy even if you family wasn't with you. Your friend...Hugs...:>)))...Pagecrazy

Browneyes - 12/27/97 07:45:16
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Meadows/1124
My Email:browneyes2@bigfoot.com
How did you find my page?: You signed my guestbook!
Where are you from?: Missouri
You have a great site here. Real country and homey feeling. Thanks for signing my guestbook and leaving your URL. I'm off to finish exploring the rest of it now:) Come see me again anytime!

Jeanne - 12/27/97 03:29:57
My URL:http://jeanne
My Email:jam11@concentric.net
How did you find my page?: little birdie told me!
What is your favorite link?: Richard Simmons
Where are you from?: CT
Hi Sharon... I love your site, its warm and friendly and you make excellent use of graphics without over doing it. I especially enjoyed your diet links and may check out that diet chat... Good luck to you... Jeanne

H@ppy (Carol) - 12/26/97 03:52:41
My URL:http://www.kalama.com/~carola/
My Email:carola@kalama.com
How did you find my page?: your invitation
Where are you from?: Longview Washington
Thank you for inviting me to come and see your pages. I love the freshness and country look. You have really done a nice job. Happy New Year Carol

Cher - 12/26/97 02:16:24
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Ranch/3812/grahpics.html
My Email:sunycher@gate.net
How did you find my page?: Through another Guestbook
Where are you from?: Sunny South FL
What a Beautiful site! Your layout is so nice! I think your doing a wonderful job and I felt right at home! Thanks for sharing with us. Come by and see me sometime!! Meet my family. See my new Co ntry and Holiday Graphics! Keep up the great work!!

Katy - 12/25/97 20:31:28
My URL:http://members.aol.com/bushkaty
My Email:bushkaty@aol.com
How did you find my page?: Someone else's guestbook!
What is your favorite link?: http://www.bushnet.com and http://www.amused.com
Where are you from?: Los Angeles, California
Hello! It's obvious you put a lot of effort into this page!! Keep up the great work!! Be proud, confident an self-assured. Come visit me! Warmest wishes for a happy, healthy '98!! Happy Holidays!!

Faya - 12/24/97 15:02:33
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~pinkheart
My Email:fara@a-vip.com
How did you find my page?: you signed my book
Where are you from?: Indonesia
Hi Shar....thank you for signing my book. You have an amazing site. I loved every page. Very well done and an enjoyable place for visit. Keep up the good work.

Happy Holidays

Ryan E. Purchase - 12/23/97 02:43:04
My URL:http://www.dlcwest.com/~rockford
My Email:rockford@dlcwest.com
How did you find my page?: my religious leader told me it was right to come here.
What is your favorite link?: http://www.dlcwest.com/~hermits
Where are you from?: Regina, Sask, Canada
Insanely nutty site here. look out.

kay - 12/22/97 00:49:50
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Ranch/3028/
My Email:kbradley@flash.net
How did you find my page?: word of mouth
What is your favorite link?: mine
Where are you from?: TEXAS
Hi Shar, Loved your warm beautiful pages. And that precious little Jake.... he's a doll. I'd like to wish you a joyeous and blessed holiday season. Kay

J.R. Wellmerling - 12/21/97 23:21:11
My URL:http://pages.prodigy.net/jrwells/
My Email:jrwells@prodigy.net
How did you find my page?: surfing the net
Where are you from?: Columbus, Oh.
I was just surfing the net and found your page. I enjoyed the visit!

Laurel - 12/21/97 07:17:25
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ak/loral/index.html
My Email:loral82@hotmail.com
How did you find my page?: another site
Where are you from?: Wisconsin
Nice page. Have a wonderful holiday season.

Ignatz Breufarn - 12/21/97 07:01:02
How did you find my page?: i made it
What is your favorite link?: this one
Where are you from?: here
i have nothing good to say. ever

Karen - 12/20/97 21:14:57
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Plains/3672
My Email:Sapphire@cybergal.com
Where are you from?: Ohio, USA
I was just in surfing the web when I came across your website. While I was here I thought I would take a moment to sign your guestbook. You've done a great job, nice lay out and content. I would also like to invite you to stop in and visit me when you have a chance. Have a Happy and Safe Holiday!! Regards, Karen

Lady Nighthunter - 12/20/97 16:56:26
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/al/nighthunter4/
My Email:nighthunter4@hotmail.com
How did you find my page?: another guestbook
What is your favorite link?: too many to name
Where are you from?: Alabama
Hello there.....enjoyed your page...Thanks for sharing*S*. Have a wonderful Holiday Season....Lady

Time Traveler - 12/20/97 01:54:26
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/me/onetraveler
My Email:time.traveler@usa.net
How did you find my page?: Surfed on in...
What is your favorite link?: Need you asl *S*
Where are you from?: Atlanta, Georgia
I like your page....keep up the good work. If you find the time, visit mine sometime.. Regards, Time Traveler

Lynda - 12/18/97 18:31:12
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~botabano/home.html
My Email:botabano@webtv.net
Where are you from?: Houston, TX
Great site you have here - and a wonderful tribute to your friends. I, too, have made many friends on-line.....they are all special! Thank you for the nice time!

John - 12/17/97 14:38:57
My Email:jcumper@aol.com
Well, I quess you dont need me to design your pages for you anymore. Good Job Mom Love John

Kim - 12/16/97 20:54:12
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Nashville/5424/index.htm
My Email:kwolfe@globalpac.com
How did you find my page?: surfing
Where are you from?: L.A.
Nice page. The DietChat is a great idea, the next time I get up the self discipline to diet, I will definitely stop by. Thanks for visiting my page too. Keep up the good work. Smiles, Kim

Ana - 12/15/97 14:49:54
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/SouthBeach/Lights/8912/index.html
My Email:good@ilovechocolate.com
How did you find my page?: guestbook
What is your favorite link?: The Diet Talk and Richard Simmon's site..
Where are you from?: Mexico
You have a very nice HP...I think you're a very sweet person..I loved all the gifs you have.. Thanks for signing my book..=0)

Patience` - 12/14/97 18:24:17
My URL:http://users.cyberzone.net/patience/main.html
My Email:patience@cyberzone.net
How did you find my page?: another guestbook
Where are you from?: Connecticut,USA
Very nice page. Seems like you put a lot of heart into it. Keep up the good work.

Isadore(Izzy)Nelson - 12/14/97 12:54:19
My URL:http://www.oocities.org./Heartland/Prairie/1344/
My Email:izzy36@worldnet.att.net
How did you find my page?: Link
What is your favorite link?: All
Where are you from?: Indianapolis
For a novice as you say,The page is pretty darn good.

Lady Kali - 12/14/97 01:46:43
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Meadows/8963
My Email:Kali-Ma@rocketmail.com
How did you find my page?: You visited me
What is your favorite link?: My own...LOL
Where are you from?: New Hampshire

May the peace, spirit and joy of the Christmas season
be with you all year 'round!
Wishing you the blessing of a
Joyous Holiday Season
With love from Lady Kali.

Jeanne - 12/13/97 01:26:39
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Athens/Acropolis/1465/index.html
My Email:abc123@powernet.net
Where are you from?: Reno
Hi Shar...after so many emails I have decided to remain in the contest! :) Let's win because we know we have the true spirit of Christmas inside ourselves! :) I must thank you so much for your support!!!

Tim - 12/12/97 16:08:20
My URL:http://www.newwave.net/~renegade
My Email:renegade@newwave.net
How did you find my page?: guestbook
Where are you from?: West Virginia (USA)

very neat page you have created here.....nice colors and graphics you have used.....please come and visit my page soon if you already have not done so.....*S*......

Wanda Kennedy - 12/12/97 14:23:19
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Acres/3991/http://
My Email:wkenne@tc3net.com
How did you find my page?: surfed in on it
Where are you from?: Michigan---
Hello,I think you have done a fantastic job. I enjoyed your page very much. I plan to come back often. Keep up the good work,

Nadine Cross - 12/12/97 04:21:17
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ky/funnypets/home.html
My Email:ROTFLMAO@bigfoot.com
How did you find my page?: TOAST guestbook server
What is your favorite link?: http://junior.apk.net/~jbarta/idiot/idiot.html
Where are you from?: over there! *pointing south*
I liked your webpage. It looked very "country crafts" decor. Thats always a homey style for a homepage. See ya around.

duane a. donecker - 12/12/97 02:41:42
My URL:http://home.pacbell.net/dadz/dadz.html
My Email:dadz@pacbell.net
How did you find my page?: surfing
What is your favorite link?: http://home.pacbell.net/dadz/lindas_sewing_page.html
Where are you from?: imperial beach, ca. usa
hi loed your page, please come visit mine and to you and yours have a joyus holiday season, duane

Bunko - 12/11/97 12:21:05
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/SouthBeach/Sands/3151
My Email:Bunko@geoctites.com
How did you find my page?: Thru a link
What is your favorite link?: http://windows95.com
Where are you from?: Memphis
Congrats on the 29 years wish mine would have lasted that long, I like your page although i dont care for music on web pages it works for yours Keep up the great work......

- 12/11/97 07:06:18
Hello Neighbor, I have 'enjoyed my visit here :-)

I came upon your Page today,
You have so much to share.
You make the world much Brighter,
It shows you really care.!

Upward & Onward
fellow 'Web-Writer'

~Rama~ - 12/11/97 00:19:13
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Prairie/4698
How did you find my page?: guestbook surfen
What is your favorite link?: ummm thats a tough one
Where are you from?: Dutch Harbor ~ Alaska
Hi just wanted to drope a note and say I enjoyed your page. All the different x-mas tradtions were intresting to read. I am off now to check out a few of your links! ~~Rama~~

Brian & nicole - 12/10/97 13:58:27
My URL:http://www.nconnect.net/~brinic
My Email:brinic@nconnect.net
How did you find my page?: Surfed in from another site.
Where are you from?: Wisconsin
Was out surfing and stumbled upon your homepage. Keep up the good work. Please visit our homepage anytime (listed above), or visit our award winning MIDI page.

Amethyst - 12/10/97 05:22:44
My URL:http://www.oocities.org
My Email:eileenlowe@pagosasprings.net
Where are you from?: Colorado
You have a beautiful page. I thank you for stopping by my page.

SportsMan - 12/10/97 03:49:18
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Yosemite/7662/
My Email:SportsMan@Bigfoot.com
How did you find my page?: page linked
What is your favorite link?: ???
Where are you from?: Kentucky
Hi, you have a realy neat and colorfull page and I plane on returning , come see mine when you have nothing better to do *S* . May you and your's have a safe and HAPPY HOLIDAY season.. SportsMan .

Kool - 12/08/97 20:21:08
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/HotSprings/3803
How did you find my page?: You signed my guest book
What is your favorite link?: My page of course
Where are you from?: Houston, TX

Thanks for signing my "GEOCITIES FEATURED HOMEPAGE" guest book.. I have book marked your page.. and will be back often, I change my page at least once a month, press the "register" bar to be informed as I make any changes, I update each month at least th web site pick of the month, new medical topic, new funny medical story, A new survey with the prior months results, and Prayer request as they come in....Kool P.S. Thanks for the nice comments. I update often ... Stop by and let you know what you think.

Dawn - 12/08/97 17:04:46
My URL:http://www.k-d-i-evans.demon.co.uk/
My Email:dawn@k-d-i-evans.demon.co.uk
How did you find my page?: In my guestbook - thank you
Where are you from?: London
Hi - I love your home! It's so warm and friendly. You grandson is a real cutie and obviously much loved! You obviously have some great friends out there in cyberspace too!! Warm wishes to you and yours ... Dawn :)

Caro Goodfellow - 12/08/97 16:32:38
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Meadows/9561
My Email:yakimared@hotmail.com
How did you find my page?: Guestbook
What is your favorite link?: GUNDER Place at: http://www.oocities.org/Yosemite/Rapids/1533
Where are you from?: WA State
Thanks for visiting "Caro's ANGEL CORNER" & signing the guest book. You have LOVELY pages & I will be back to visit often. Right now, I'm off to visit you Christmas page. :) I'm a child at heart. God bless you and KNOW that.......Angels ARE with you! Love, Caro

Jeanne - 12/08/97 15:26:46
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Athens/Acropolis/1465/index.html
My Email:abc123@powernet.net
How did you find my page?: email sent :-)
What is your favorite link?: So many!! :)
Where are you from?: Reno
Hi Sharon, I enjoyed my visit! YYour pages are so warm and friendly!! I am honored to give you my Christmas Spirit Award! :)

Here is a Christmas Card for you and your family:

Holiday Hugs!!

Barb - 12/08/97 12:05:14
My URL:http://ww2.netnitco.net/users/tuscan/
My Email:tuscan@netnitco.net
How did you find my page?: Guestbook
Where are you from?: Valparaiso,IN
Great page! I really enjoyed my visit and will come back. Thanks for signing my guestbook.

Diane Rinehart - 12/07/97 19:24:09
My URL:http://members.aol.com/Diane0608/index.html
My Email:Diane0608@aol.com
How did you find my page?: you signed my guestbook
What is your favorite link?: I love to web surf....don't really have a favorite
Where are you from?: Pasadena, Tx. (near Houston)
I really LOVED your pages......they are very friendly and make you feel at home. The graphics and music are WONDERFUL! I bookmarked your page so I can come back and visit again. =)

Grandma George - 12/07/97 08:09:12
My URL:http://members.aol.com/SColton1/index.html
My Email:SColton1@aol.com
How did you find my page?: Your friend Taz told me
What is your favorite link?: Graphic Links
Where are you from?: So Calif
I enjoyed my visit to your homepage. You are doing a great job. Keep up the great work!! Come by and visit me anytime...the door is always open *smile*

M*Butterfly - 12/07/97 04:21:59
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Acres/2934
My Email:lemitts@pcisys.net
How did you find my page?: you signed my book
Where are you from?: Denver
very good page will come back often. Looking into this diet talk thing.

M*Butterfly - 12/07/97 04:21:58
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Acres/2934
My Email:lemitts@pcisys.net
How did you find my page?: you signed my book
Where are you from?: Denver
very good page will come back often. Looking into this diet talk thing.

Char - 12/07/97 02:01:48
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/BourbonStreet/3076
How did you find my page?: You signed my guestbook :-)
What is your favorite link?: I love your Christmas page :-)
Where are you from?: Louisiana
Thanks so much for visting. I have thoroughly enjoyed my visit with you and your family and friends. You have done a super job on your site :-) Merry Christmas and Happy New Year :-) Take care!

Wendy - 12/07/97 01:52:38
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/SouthBeach/Lagoon/3927
My Email:Adria66@hotmail.com
How did you find my page?: you signed my guestbook
What is your favorite link?: can't choose one!!!
Where are you from?: NC
Hi! I really enjoyed your page. It is very pretty...cute graphics! I loved the page about your family and internet friends. It must be exciting to actually get to meet them!
I hope Jake continues to do well!
Come visit!

Cyberspace Place - 12/06/97 18:35:20
My URL:http://www.inet-images.com/csp
My Email:harlinc@3lefties.com
How did you find my page?: Signed Guestbook
What is your favorite link?: http://www.inet-images.com/csp/holidayring/hhsring.html
Where are you from?: USA
Hi, just wanted to say thank you for visiting the Place and taking the time to sign the guestbook. It's very much appreciated. For being your first homepage you have done and excellent job. Hope you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. :)

fantasia - 12/06/97 15:43:41
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/RodeoDrive/4862
My Email:fantasia0@hotmail.com
How did you find my page?: surfing guestbooks
Where are you from?: Florida
THis is a really nice page i like it immensly!!! please come visit fantasia and let me know what you think.

tink - 12/06/97 08:38:57
My Email:tinkrs@oocities.com
How did you find my page?: from the guestbook of someone else
What is your favorite link?: disney.com
Where are you from?: texas (its a state of mind)
I understand your feelings about online friends ..I have adore mine they are wonderful ppl and I couldnt get thru the day with out them

Polly - 12/06/97 06:12:04
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Prairie/7383
My Email:paw3804@bigfoot.com
How did you find my page?: You signed my guestbook.
Where are you from?: Modesto, CA
Hi! I really enjoyed your page. It was fun reading about you, your family, and your friends. That's really neat that you're meeting people you met on the internet. Keep up the good work and thanks for visiting my page.
Come visit
Polly's Home Page!

Kris - 12/06/97 04:30:28
My URL:http://www.webspan.net/~casman/index.htm
My Email:kmc25@rocketmail.com
Where are you from?: NJ
Great site! Keep up the good work. Thanks for stopping by. Happy holidays to you and your family.....Kris

Kris - 12/06/97 04:30:22
My URL:http://www.webspan.net/~casman/index.htm
My Email:kmc25@rocketmail.com
What is your favorite link?: Your Friends pages
Where are you from?: NJ
Great site! Keep up the good work. Thanks for stopping by. Happy holidays to you and your family.....Kris

Jeri Fox - 12/05/97 03:30:09
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Acres/2047
My Email:thefoxes@gamesonline.net.au
How did you find my page?: You visited my site
Where are you from?: Australia
Your pages are great and you are doing a terrific job. Keep up the good work.

Kissme Ababao - 12/03/97 05:38:35
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Acres/1758/
My Email:jennykiss@snet.net
How did you find my page?: From my Guestbook
What is your favorite link?: www.hotfiles.com
Where are you from?: Connecticut
Nice background music. Thanks for visiting my place.

Ann - 12/01/97 12:19:56
My Email:sunbird@ovis.net
How did you find my page?: I keep it on my favorites!
What is your favorite link?: Diettalk!!
Where are you from?: WVA
Sierra, I just LOVE your website and especially the Christmas pages! (Thanks so much for all the nice things you've said about me...you've got me blushing!) The home page is wonderful!

Sunny - 12/01/97 02:09:18
I didn't fill in the top part of this cause you already know all that stuff. I love your Christmas Page. You did a great job. For someone who was kinda nervous about all this html stuff, you are doing great. Love Sunny

Karen - 11/30/97 20:48:49
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Plains/3672
My Email:Sapphire@cybergal.com
How did you find my page?: Just Surfed In
Where are you from?: Ohio, USA
I was just in surfing the web and I came across your website. I'm glad that I did, you have done an excellent job . Please stop over and visit me when you get a chance. May you and your family have a happy and safe holiday season. Best Regards, Karen

Charlene - 11/30/97 19:56:39
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~cmurchison/index.html
My Email:charlene@hcol.net
How did you find my page?: my guestbook
Where are you from?: Tennessee
My goodness, what a beautiful page you have created and I have certainly enjoyed my visit. Thanks for inviting me and I have you bookmarked for more return visits. Thanks for sharing your world with me and the nice comments you left in my guestbook. Sincerely, Charlene

Bertha L Ottinger - 11/30/97 01:14:36
My URL:http://????
My Email:Blubunny@aol.com
How did you find my page?: by clicking on your name in thepagons web page
What is your favorite link?: dont know yet still looking
Where are you from?: Aurora Il
Very good how do you add things to your web sight? I would like to start one but have no idea on how to even start.!!!

Melanie Tate - 11/29/97 23:40:36
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/~thetatefamily
My Email:meltate@usa.net
How did you find my page?: My guestbook
What is your favorite link?: many
Where are you from?: Misawa AB, Japan
I enjoyed visiting you. You have a wonderful homepage, great job! =)

Lola - 11/29/97 17:47:06
My URL:http://user.tninet.se/~ysu171s/
My Email:lolis@mail-me.com
How did you find my page?: my guestbook
Where are you from?: Sweden
Really nice work, I do like your friendly and warm site a lot.

ncgirlover45 - 11/29/97 04:16:02
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Nashville/3080
My Email:over45@hotmail.com
How did you find my page?: You signed my guestbook
What is your favorite link?: anything about sports
Where are you from?: NORTH CAROLINA

Great looking site you have here!! I love the way you did your friend s page it looks great. It is nice to meet so many nice people sitting in front of a computer isn't it? I have not met any in person but I hope to one day. hanks for stopping by my site and signing my gb and for all the kind words. Your friend on the Net, ncgirlover45

Lori Ham - 11/29/97 01:34:15
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Acres/6061
My Email:hams3@techline.com
How did you find my page?: You signed my guestbook
What is your favorite link?: ParentSoup
Where are you from?: Washington State
Thanks so much for signing my guestbook. I thought I would pop on over and visit yours. It looks super. I do have a suggestion though, you talk alot about Diet Talk but you don't have a link where to find it. I would like to check it out.

Susie - 11/29/97 00:35:16
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Hills/6687/
My Email:srussell@seidata.com
How did you find my page?: When you visited me
Where are you from?: Indiana
You are doing a fantastic job on your pages!! Are you SURE this is your first? *grin*..I'll come back and visit often..Keep up the great work!

Michael - 11/26/97 00:16:38
My Email:sleeplsea@aol.com
How did you find my page?: U told me!
What is your favorite link?: about your family
Where are you from?: Seattle
You are a sweet person Shar, everyone respects and looks up to you! You have a lovely family and share so much love with all.

Susan Cooper - 11/25/97 20:00:35
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Meadows/7348
My Email:mhtmom@ix.netcom.com
How did you find my page?: Taz :)
What is your favorite link?: My own:)
Where are you from?: Jacksonville, Florida
Hello from Florida, home of the Jacksonville JAGUARS. Hi there~ I see that you are from Florida- I did not see where tho- perhaps it was an oversite- I enjoyed reading about YOU- there is alot to know abo t you~ I did not know that you and Taz met- too cool:) I have never met an on-line friend :( Their misfortune, no doubt~ I am enjoying your page- its great~ I am glad that I found you- Have a safe and happy holiday:) Susan

Jan Spagna - 11/25/97 18:58:08
My URL:http://www
My Email:spagna@gate.net
How did you find my page?: From you
Where are you from?: Florida
Hi sharon!! You did a wounderful job on this sight! Maybe you can help me with mine??? Love you lots Jan P>S you Better add me to those list of friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cher - 11/25/97 00:41:58
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Ranch/3812
My Email:sunycher@gate.net
How did you find my page?: By way of The Ribbling's GuestBook
Where are you from?: Sunny South FL
Keep up the great work! I felt right at home! Thanks for sharing with us. Come by and see me! Meet my family and see my Lincoln-Kennedy page! Tell Butch, our Weimaraner, your funniest pet story : See my new Country Graphics! I thought it was pretty interesting that when I signed the Ribbling's Guestbook and then viewed it, you and I had the same Favorite song :) I love that song! I had dedicated it to my husband when I first met him :)

Mary - 11/24/97 20:11:07
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Acres/1449
My Email:mary.thomas@bigfoot.com
How did you find my page?: You signed my guest book
What is your favorite link?: http://www.the sitefights.com
Where are you from?: Living in Germany, but from WA state
You have a lovely page here. You have done a great job for a first timer. Keep up the good work. And Thanks for stopping by to visit me.

Richard Leonard - 11/24/97 18:33:43
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/heartland/acres/1369
My Email:leonardr@kos.net
How did you find my page?: From your visit to mine.
Where are you from?: Ontario, Canada

Judy - 11/24/97 14:25:43
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Acres/1421
My Email:LRibbing@netspaceonline.com
How did you find my page?: Through my guest book - Thanks
What is your favorite link?: At Home with Richard - www.richard.com
Where are you from?: Kansas
Dear Sierra, What a beautiful Website. You have done a marvelous job. It was fun getting to meet you and your friends. I have added you to my bookmarks and will visit again. Thanks for visiting my site. May the Lord watch over you and your's... Judy Ribbing The Ribbing's Country Home

Charlene - 11/23/97 17:39:15
My Email:jfrazier@scrtc.blue.net
How did you find my page?: finally found it in bookmarks.LOL
What is your favorite link?: Diettalk, it has to be.
Where are you from?: Hooterville
Just wanted to tell you what a great job you have done on your site. Really proud of you. I was thrilled to see my name mentioned and think of our trip often and what a great time that I had.

Jen-NY - 11/22/97 01:48:51
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/HotSprings/Spa/2184
My Email:jennifer22@writeme.com
How did you find my page?: While surfing, I came to a low tide and stumbled across this beautiful beach..
What is your favorite link?: www.iname.com
Where are you from?: New York
Sierra--I love your homepage, and I love your friendship.. I am very blessed to have a friend in you!! God Bless you!! I love you dearly! Good job on your page, it's beautiful!

Butterball - 11/17/97 02:43:44
My Email:ici1485@icomnet.com
How did you find my page?: A Florida Snowbird!!!!
What is your favorite link?: Diettalk
Where are you from?: North Carolina
Oopsss sorry, forgot the e-mail address..Figures for an old blonde, huh??

Butterball - 11/17/97 02:41:18
How did you find my page?: A Florida Snowbird!!!!
What is your favorite link?: Diettalk
Where are you from?: North Carolina
What a super job on your new page. I will look forward to coming back each day to check the changes. I also love to read your daily journal. Hope to meet you next June...take care, my friend.

Nadine! - 11/15/97 13:46:23
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/HotSprings/Spa/4868
My Email:nhanson@ili.net
How did you find my page?: You zapped the URL to me!!
What is your favorite link?: Richard Simmon's page!
Where are you from?: Now... MI... before... CT!!
Hey Sharon!! The page looks super! You have some wonderful graphics, and have done a great job... I need to check out the rest of your site right away! Keep up the good work... HUG!

Kitty - 11/12/97 20:15:44
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/HotSprings/Spa/3848/
My Email:here_9@hotmail.com
How did you find my page?: I, too, "live" in HotSprings/Spa and happened to stumble onto your page.
What is your favorite link?: I'm not sure if I have one.
Where are you from?: Sunny California
You page is wonderful. For a "new-born" on the web you're off to a good start. I am the president and founded my own club called The Drug Resistance Club, (TDRC), just this summer, and we are already up on our feet. Please come visit us! Keep up the g od work, The pics are cute!

Sharmo - 11/12/97 15:48:52
My Email:swaller97@hotmail.com
How did you find my page?: from Tazzie
What is your favorite link?: to many to count
Where are you from?: Missouri
I like your site very much....it is very colorful...

Donna - 11/08/97 04:20:06
My Email:dwjones@bright.net
How did you find my page?: url
Where are you from?: Ohio
I love your homepage! I am flattered to be a part of your friends page. The RS boards are the best thing I've done for myself in a long time...I got to meet you there! Take care, my friend!

Jessi Cumper - 11/07/97 05:11:56
How did you find my page?: mom told me about it
Where are you from?: Utah/California
It's looking good mom. You have some very cute pictures and sayings about your friends. Can't wait to view the finished product. Keep up the good work. Love Jessi and Jake P.S. John will be proud!

Ø¿Ø - 11/07/97 01:41:56
My Email:It's going to be changing soon.
How did you find my page?: You sent it to me on icq
What is your favorite link?: sausage links...MMmmm..
Where are you from?: My mother and father.
Hey thanks, Sharon for sending me the address to this......I really enjoyed meeting you and think you are sweet lady. Does this mean you have two homepages now?

Sunny - 11/06/97 23:51:17
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ma/Isurvive/index.html
My Email:chrismcl@brunnet.net
How did you find my page?: Taz's Page
What is your favorite link?: Diettalk
Where are you from?: New Brunswick, Canada
Sharon: I love it. Kinda reminds me of you. Soft and gentle. It is really beautiful. I am so proud of you and can I add this link to my page?

Barb/Hooty - 11/06/97 16:08:45
My Email:rbsmith@mtco.com
How did you find my page?: Tazmo's Link
What is your favorite link?: LOL!! I Love Them All!! : )
Where are you from?: Central Illinois
Dear Sharon~~~~~~ I love your new homepage - it's just beautiful!! The music , the graphics, your beautiful words..... Your a sweet heart - **HUGS** Barb/Hooty

JUDY - 11/06/97 05:18:10
My Email:jude@gte.net
How did you find my page?: You gave me the URL Silly
What is your favorite link?: Diettalk
Where are you from?: Port Richey Florida
Shar ...I love your home page You'll always be my best friend....We sure have had fun and I loved meeting Taz and Charlene Who are we going to meet next?????

Ann - 11/06/97 04:01:45
How did you find my page?: You told me
What is your favorite link?: diettalk of course!
Where are you from?: West Virginia
Hey Sierra! Great home page! Can't wait to see what you add next! Knowing you, it can't help but turn out fantastic!

TAZmo - 11/06/97 03:00:29
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/HotSprings/Spa/4828
My Email:gfstas@misn.com
How did you find my page?: magic
What is your favorite link?: Sausage
Where are you from?: Missouri
Well here ya go buddy!!!!!!----Hope it means your strict standards. Am so honored to be your first!! :) Hugs REALLY LOVE THIS PAGE BUDDY!!!! Love ya!!

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