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Hi My name is "Idgett"

I know, you're saying "WOW an IDGETT"! I may look a lot like a dog, but looks are deceiving. There are lots of dogs in the world, but only one IDGETT, and I am it !

I am a perfect little lady, six years old (in peeple years) and live in the Adirondack Mountains with my Daddy here in New York State. Well he's not my real Daddy, but I love him just the same, he's a human and everyone calls him "Dave".

We do all kinds of things together and I hardly ever let him out of my sight. Sometimes he has to go away for a time, and I get real sad. Because we are so close to each other, I think he gets sad too. The best part is always when he comes back home, because we are both always so HAPPY to see each other!

I live way out in the country, so I'm lucky not to have to be tied up. Sometimes I do something bad and Daddy gets mad, but he never hits me. Instead I get put on the "DOPE ROPE" and I get tied up like a city dog. He says it is a "Time Out"!
I really don't like this at all, so I always try to be good!


Ever since I was just little, I have loved to GO~GO RIDE in Daddy's car, this is probably my favorite thing to do. I love to bark at the Jogglers, Cows, Horses and Dogs that I see. Rides are cool because we often stop at McDonalds for my favorite food! "Two Chee~burgers and a Hold the Pickle". I used to spit the "Green(Yucky)Pickles" out in the car,so we dont get that kind anymore! The "Hold the Pickles,'I LIKE'"!
I always let Daddy have my Fries and Coke ~ That's his favorite!

I have lots of friends! My favorite friend is Beau-Beau a big yellow dog I have known for a long time. I made 2 new friends this winter,they are Basket Hounds; Sandy and Shelby. They live at Lacy's house on the other side of the mountain! I like to visit them because they are fun to play with and their mommy, Lacy, is a great cook! Daddy likes her Southern Cookin' ~ Me Too!

Sandy & Shelby

My lifelong FRIEND

These are my second favorite goodie!
I'm not only smart, I'm very talented. I balance them on my muzzle then flip them up in the air, catching them in my mouth! Daddy and I call them "SNOZE BISKITS", He's so silly sometimes!

I'm So-o-o glad Spring is here so we can go outside and play and go flying. That always makes Daddy happy! Me Too,.... but the cows always look like bugs!

Me & Daddy!

Daddy says he will scan some more pictures of me and my friends so I can put them up in here real soon, so come back right away and visit me!

P.S. I am all black! In the picture at the very top, my nose is very dirty from trying to get a chipmunk to come out of his hole and play with me. Daddy almost died laffin' at me, and I couldn't figure out why!! They really are not very friendly most of the time, but they are fun anyway!

Love Ya!

You can visit my Daddys website here!: LoachDriver's Homepage


Though prejudice perhaps my mind befogs,
The young ones, they of gay and bounding heart,
Who lure us in their games to take a part,
I think I know no finer things than dogs;
Who with mock tragedy their antics cloak
And, from their wild eyes' tail, admit the joke;
The old ones, with their wistful, fading eyes,
They who desire no further paradise
Than the warm comfort of our smile and hand,
Who tune their moods to ours and understand
Each word and gesture, they who lie and wait
To welcome us--with no rebuke if late.
Sublime the love they bear; but ask to live
Close to our feet, unrecompensed to give;
Beside which many men seem very logs--
I think I know no finer things than dogs.

~~Hally Carrington Brent~~


He was lost! Not a shadow of doubt of that;
For he never barked at a slinking cat,
But stood in the square where the wind blew raw
With a drooping ear and a trembling paw
And a mournful look in his pleading eye
And a plaintive sniff at the passer-by
That begged as plain as a tongue could sue,
"O Mister! Please may I follow you?"
A lorn wee waif of a tawny brown
Adrift in the roar of a heedless town.
Oh, the saddest of sights in a world of sin
Is a little lost pup with his tail tucked in!

Now he shares my board and he owns my bed,
Ane he fairly shouts when he hears my tread;
Then, if things go wrong, as they sometimes do,
And the world is cold and I'm feeling blue,
He asserts his right to assuage my woes
With a warm, red tongue and a nice, cold nose
And a silky head on my arm or knee
And a paw as soft as a paw can be.

When we rove the woods for a league about
He's as full of pranks as a school let out;
For he romps and frisks like a three months' colt,
And he runs me down like a thunderbolt.
Oh, the blithest of sights in the world so fair
Is a gay little pup with his tail in the air!

~~Arthur Guiterman~~

Save this coupon for a "Rainy Day"!
I hope you never need it!
I've never had to use mine!

Some of my

I do not know this little dog, but it sure looks like fun to me!





Lord Dayton




Would YOU like to be my "FRIEND"?
Have your Your Person send my daddy an E-Mail with your Picture and Join us!
Please Use the E-Mail link on his homepage! :o)

This was my very first award!
thank you Bunny!

This award is from "Lacy",
She is Sandy and Shelby's Mom.
And my special friend!

Special thanks to my Daddy,Lacy and Bunny for helping me with my page!
I'm pretty new at this "PUTER" stuff you know.
It's great being an "IDGETT", but there a lot of things that are tuff to do without "THUMBS! :o)"Idge"

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Latest Update:
7, April 1998

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