Reason to Believe


By AgentMGD and Bluenevus


Heavy rain pelted a man running frantically down an empty street heading towards a destination unknown until he spots what appears to be salvation. Up ahead, a lone light shining in the darkness beckons him to come closer. His heart is pounding rapidly as the lightning streaks the skies revealing what has drawn him near. He has no choice but to go there. They shall find him when it's over. Saint, in a fit of panic, races up the stone steps, stumbling then collapses for a moment against large wooden doors. Struggling to catch his breath, he grasps his ribcage grimacing as he screams in pain over the booming thunder was like a beastly howl of agony from his quivering lips.


'Please ...please forgive me, Agent, please,' he whispers to himself realizing not too far away sirens are blaring ...and he knows they are for him.


Saint shakes his head in disgust while mustering all his strength to push open what feels like the weight of all his burdens from life on the doors as they gave way granting entrance inside. His grey eyes adjust slowly to the dimly lit candles that surround the cold empty hall yet he's in awe of the simple splendor and ambient grandeur of the old church. The reverent stillness hung heavily in the air surrounded Saint with a sense of peace and serenity as he slowly stumbled down the long aisle of wooden benches. The aisle seemed to go on forever until finally reaching the end where he noticed a huge crucifix hanging above a marble-like alter with hundreds of candles burning brightly. His soul shuddered violently while sneering at the symbol of resurrection from a faith he no longer had.


'Why did you forsake me?' he bitterly mutters staggering towards the nearest pew.  Silence never seemed to be so loud. He angrily spat at the religious symbol thinking…”no reply…” He grunts as his legs collapse from weakness forcing him against his will to kneel on the stone floor like he did many long years ago. 'What kind of salvation is this?'


The silence infuriates him, yet Saint openly weeps in desperation cupping his tear-stained face upon shaking hands. His whole body is consumed with overwhelming grief not believing or understanding what he had done earlier. His ears are being haunted by the sounds of the steadily dripping blood ...his blood that strangely echoes the sins of his crimes.


'Dear God ...what have I done?' he utters blankly staring at his shaking hand once more before glancing at the menacing symbol leering at him. Suddenly a wave of remorse sweeps over Saint as he tries to remember the words he hoped he would never have to say again. 'Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned...'


There was such power in those words that it didn't feel like it was him speaking them. He knew it wasn't his voice echoing inside the empty sanctuary but there was no denying the fact he was the only one there. Suddenly as silence crept around him again, flashes of infidelity and betrayal flooded his mind that he raised his fist angrily at the symbol condemning his mortal soul. With burning rage in his eyes, he furiously shakes his head no as he cries aloud, 'No! I am not the sinner, Father! You! You damned me to this life! How could you betray your son like this!? How could you allow this to happen...?’


He recalled the biggest night of their music lives…and what a night it was as Saint could clearly visualize it as if something tangible. Opening for Dave Matthews - it was the hottest gig and opportunity of at lifetime after struggling so long to break into the industry. For nearly 10 years after high school, Saint and Blue were friends ...well more like brothers. They were inseparable but more importantly they shared the same big dream of making it. They even ignored their parents' repeated pleas to attend the local university or trade school citing they had a reason to believe…a foolish kid’s dream.  Of course, their parents and friends supported their lofty ambitions by attending their gigs at local bars and college parties despite thinking the two were imprudent in presuming they were going to make it in an already saturated market. When the record deals didn't come, the pleas for them to attend trade school and to stop wasting their lives on nonsense almost drove them to alienate their families. Yet the constant exposure and word of mouth among their fans had landed them representation with a label after one of their shows. Suddenly they went from being the opening act to headlining in a matter of weeks but on this night, there was a definitely a reason to celebrate. They had finally launched a path towards a successful music career and soon they were going on nationwide tour to promote their upcoming album. Family and friends had gathered at the party in a luxury suite inside the Omni Mandalay Hotel.


*cling cling cling* the silence was deafening as they held their champagne glasses readied for a toast. 'Everyone, let's drink a toast family, friendship, rock-n-roll and to the future!' Blue happily cries with a huge smile on his face as he wraps an arm around Saint. Quietly, without anyone else hearing, he whispers, 'Nothing ...nothing shall separate us and the music, brother. Rock on...'


'Liar!' Saint sneered furiously at the crucifix again, 'Something did separate us and our music ...her ...her was her...'


Though they were inseparable as brothers however one thing did keep them apart as men and she brought the end of what could have been for the two. Saint's mind flashbacked to the first time they both met her five years ago at the restaurant where she used to work. She was a vision of flawless beauty that had all the men in her section fawning after her with promises of love and much more. Blue and Saint were utterly mesmerized by her mysteriousness that surrounded her whenever she smiled at them. Yet it was her charming accent which entranced them when she their order. Agent as they jokingly called her since she told them in jokingly “this restaurant gig” was her cover as she was a government agent spying on a terrorist hiding in their town. However week after week, Blue and Saint would secretly vie for her attention by asking her out on dates but she would flatly refuse them both. So Saint decided to use her own strength against her and upped the sensitive side of his dark charm. A little smile here ...a soft caress of her hand there ...a red rose and silly poetic prose on her car - he knew exactly what would gain her affection that he was able to get a 'yes' when he asked her out for dinner. Feeling excited that he succeeded where Blue had failed; he made the fatal mistake of rubbing it in his face that same day.


'Guess what unbelievable thing happened to me today?' Saint shouted with a huge grin on his face as Blue sat at the keyboards working on a new tune.  'Just take a wild guess...'


'Judging by your smile, she had to be really something to get you all worked up like this,' Blue commented after studying Saint's glowing excitement clearly plastered on his face, 'Who's the lucky woman escorting you tonight?'


'Agent,' Saint replied flashing a bright smile at him though he didn't notice the hurt in Blue's eyes as he turned away crumpling the song he had just finished writing for her...Copper Divine. 'Can you believe it? She finally accepted my invitation to dinner! Success!'


Anger seethed throughout Blue's veins. Never had he felt so betrayed by his brother yet he played it cool thinking it wouldn't last ...not with a player like Saint. So he knew there was still a chance for him to have her.


'Wow!' Blue exclaimed faking his happiness for Saint very well ...he was an expert in doing that, 'and how did you accomplish this amazing feat? Agent is one tough woman to get a 'yes' from.'


'Come on, man, how do you really think I got it? She couldn't resist my sexy charm,' Saint arrogantly replied as he dressed in an expensive silk shirt staring at his reflection in the mirror, 'Yes ...I'm the sexiest member of this band and don’t you forget it.'


Blue merely chuckled to himself knowing Saint's vanity all too well ...better than Agent did realizing he didn't love her in the way Blue did. 'Well, if you say so, brother, have fun.'

'Oh you know I shall ...and don't wait up,' Saint said with a wink as he strutted out the door...


'Bitch!' Saint growls as he grasps his ribcage, angrily fighting demons that plague his mind. Even in the house of God, there is no escaping what’s inside. Then more memories from their relationship flooded his aching head as tears filled his eyes. He always knew Blue pined for Agent but it was his vanity that wouldn't let her go after their first date. He made himself love her just to further Blue's jealousy ...which ultimately divided and ended their music career.


Days turned into weeks ...then into months in which Agent and Saint were seeing more and more of each other where Blue became the tag along...more like heavy luggage.  Her constant presences at band practice, gigs, and even on the road moving into their condo was sorely getting on Blue's nerve. It got so bad that Blue would find himself taking extra long walks in the park whenever Saint and Agent were “at it” again. Once viewed as the perfect woman he wanted in his life, she was now a fucking skank he wished Saint would dump immediately. That day came suddenly when he grew tired of them and the music completely. While sitting in a cozy booth at their favorite restaurant, Blue was trying to conduct band business but as usual Saint was too busy whispering pathetic prose in Agent's ear. Blue had enough of this and slammed the notepad hard on the table frightening the couple for a minute.


'Could you two save that for later? We need to discuss band business! You know we leave in the morning for a two month tour!'


'What the hell is your problem, bro?’ Saint wondered between kisses on Agent's neck, 'Yeah I know we tour starting tomorrow what else is there to talk about?'


Staring at the couple with seething fury in his cold brown eyes as he slams his drink on the table that it splashes a little on Agent, he then fixed his eyes only on her. He enjoyed how it made her shiver from terror before turning his attention back to Saint. 'I was trying to discuss where our band ...remember that - our band going but instead you choose to paw each other like I'm not here!'

Agent not wanting to come between the men and their music clearly knew things weren't going so well ever since she started dating Saint. She even had to hide the engagement ring she accepted recently so it wouldn't upset him. 'Perhaps I should go, Saint, I ...I think you two need to discuss things...'


'Yeah finally she suggests something worth mentioning! You should leave ...forever!' Blue retorted firmly at her realizing it was truly the best idea she ever had.


'No, love, you stay! Blue was just leaving until he learns to calm down,' Saint replied calmly but that didn't sit too well with Blue. For dear life, she clung to his hand feeling terrified of Blue right now. 'Chill, man,' Saint continues, 'What's wrong with you lately? Never seen you like this before...'


'What's wrong with me?!' he exclaims rising from the table once again glaring at the frightened woman sitting in the booth, ‘'What's wrong with you?! Hell ...ever since ...fuck it, man! I'm sick of this ...and her!'


Instantly Agent bursts into tears, which now truly upsets Saint. 'Chill out, bro!' he quietly tells Blue since now everyone in the restaurant is looking at their general direction, 'Let's take this outside...'


'Sick of your crap, Saint ...why does she have to be around us all the time? It was cool when you two started dating but shit she's everywhere now! She's getting in the way of our music ...our dreams and the band! No more!'


'Blue, man ...wait ...take a minute to think before you say something you might regret...'


He shook his head furiously at him. Enough was enough was time to go. 'Clearly you have made your choice, bro! I'm out of here ...and the band!'


That was a hard blow to swallow…for the both of them. When they returned to the condo, Blue had already moved out and they didn't hear from him again.


By chance a year later, Blue just happened to be in the same local music store. Oh they both played it cool as if they didn't see each other while testing the various instruments. It was a dance of the avoidance tango between the two men given the rocky history they shared. Neither wanting to acknowledge each other until Saint began playing a familiar tune ...Reason to Believe ...did Blue make the first move.


'Very cool riff, man,' Blue comments after clearing his gritty throat softly, 'but I think you played the wrong chord on the 2nd riff.'


Saint barely looked up to notice him standing there as he continues to play. 'Uh huh and how would you know?' he hissed lowly knowing Blue was right about the riff ...the chord was wrong, 'Anyway's still my favorite song from our first album.'


'So,' Blue mutters trying his best at the useless small talk by avoiding the one subject which drove them apart musically and brotherly, 'what's new in your life? a new band ...what...'


Saint snickered ...he always knew Blue was so terrible at making small talk after a heated argument. It was his way of trying to say 'I'm sorry about the whole mess' but it would take a whole lot more this time. His words really wrecked his relationship with Agent after that night.


'No time for a band these days ...writing for another with cool lyrics might have heard of them - Damned In Eternity,' Saint replies with a mournful sigh. He puts the guitar down and continues, 'I do miss the old days ...performing before a small crowd. What I wouldn't do to have that again...'


'I agree, bro, the lights ...the adoring fans ...and....' that's when Blue's thoughts drifted away towards her ...the woman who came between them ...the one who started this whole mess. 'Oh by the way, how's Agent doing? Did you and her...'


A growl rumbled deep in Saint's throat but gave his best effort not to kick Blue's ass in the store remaining somewhat calm now that he brought up the subject. It seemed after all this time Blue hadn't gotten over the fact she was with him. The jealousy still burned in his eyes when he looked at him. 'Not again, Blue!' Saint snaps gradually stepping closer towards him while eyeing the man sharply, 'You have some nerve after what you did to her! She blamed herself for the end of us and the band!'


<i>Good,</i> Blue snickered to himself almost beaming with a smile on his face ...that's when he noticed the gold wedding band on Saint's finger shining brightly in the afternoon sunlight. 'No,' Blue lied, 'I'm totally over that now. It's all in the past ...really it is. So how is she?'


'She's fine fact she's back at the condo resting from our trip to Vegas. can I put this, Blue, we got married recently,' Saint informed him rather rapidly under his breath not knowing what Blue would do next upon hearing the news.


There was disbelief on his face. Blue felt the last chance of ever having the woman he so deeply loved just slip away after he heard the shocking news. After all, he loved her more than anything in the world…certainly more than Saint. 'You what?' he exclaimed breathlessly not knowing whether he should be angry or happy for the couple. He was completely in shock ...or so he wanted Saint to believe he was.


'Listen, after what you did to her, she left me believing it was her fault that the band broke up. It took me a month or two just to convince her it wasn't and two weeks ago I surprised her with a weekend trip to Vegas for two. One thing led to another and bam - we got married!'


Blue was deeply hurt by this ...especially since that's not the story he heard from others. It bothered him they didn't even invite him to the reception the day after their wedded event. He heard rumors about the joyous shindig Saint gave to his bride that was held at one of the posh places in Vegas. He was so pissed that Saint now completely had everything he desired - the woman of his dreams and the fabulous ccareer that came with it. It was knowing that fact which made Blue turn a darker shade envy, even though he flashed a plastic smile to his friend. ‘'Wow, man!' Blue exclaimed happily hugging a stunned Saint, 'Congrats! I really mean it hard feelings! I'm happy for the both of you!'


Saint still felt uneasy about Blue's sudden emotional turnabout in attitude but disregarded his apprehension right away. 'Hey some representatives from A & R dudes are stopping by tonight to talk about our old contract they are fucking us on.  I'm sure Agent would appreciate it if you stopped by. Come around 8!'


<i>Oh I shall be there, bro,</i> he thought realizing Saint had just given him the perfect opportunity to act out his revenge. Soon he'll have it all ...including Agent.


The gathering was in full swing when Blue arrived at the condo that same night. So many memories were held within the walls of the old place that he could remember each one while he walked through the door smiling and greeting old band mates and friends. Then, he spotted her being the delightful hostess as if she was the belle of the ball working the room with her infectious charm. Quietly he observed how she chatted away so flawlessly with one of the A & R reps about their music. It was hard not to imagine what life would have been if she was his and not Saint's. When he felt the touch of Saint's hand tapping on his shoulder, he quickly snapped out of his dream-like state.


'Hey, glad you could make it!' he shouted excitedly above the song, "Reason to Believe" blasting loudly on the sound system, 'A & R says we need to discuss the future of this band.  We have a contract and an obligation and they have given us all the leeway we are going to get.  So what do you say…band mates?'


The news totally catches Blue off guard for a minute. 'Seriously?' Blue asks in disbelief as Saint nods his head, 'Wow! That's ...that's unbelievable ...I thought we were being sued...'


'Just say yes, bro,' Saint told him while motioning to one of the representatives to join them, 'Just like the old days, bro. You, me and the music again.'


<i>Yeah right ...just like the old days ...nothing has really changed between us, </i> Blue smirked thoughtfully to himself just as he was awakened by a tender kiss on his left cheek. Such warm feelings coursed throughout his body making him blush from head to the tips of his toes.


'Blue,' she smiled cheerfully wrapping her arms around him. She looked more radiant under the soft glow of the artificial lighting than before ...then too it could have been what she was carrying inside her stomach. '’We've missed you,' she whispered in his ear.  Shivers ran down his spine as he watched her walk away to tend to the needs of their guests. 


'Well, gentlemen, is it an agreement?' the representative pondered looking doubtful at Saint and then at Blue, ‘We are ready to discuss the way forward.'


The news was still unbelievable to Blue's while Saint replied before he could utter his answer, 'That's up to my brother, Blue. What do you say, Blue?'


'Yeah ...sure ...why not,' Blue replied blankly wondering what fantastic lies Saint told to convince the executives of the recording label that he would agree. It didn't matter now. This was the fuel needed to begin his revenge. Saint couldn't have been happier since Blue had just agreed to bring back their band and music that he had glasses of champagne passed around the room. Saint didn't notice but Blue did when Agent flatly refused a glass being passed.  It didn’t make sense.  Agent was always good for a drink, particularly at a celebratory time like this unless…. Maybe she’s pregnant, an even bigger and better blow for his devious plan. Blue was quickly churning fresh ideas of how he could work this angle.


'Blue, come here, bro!' Saint's voice excitedly rang above the loud party noise as Blue slowly made his way towards him while keeping a sharp eye on Agent. She suddenly didn't look too good noting that she was fanning herself even though the room was pleasantly cool. 'Tonight as promised, we certainly have a good reason to celebrate, my friends. The music and us ...yes that's right - Blue has agreed to rejoin the band! We're back and with a vengeance ...a toast to my family, Blue and my darling wife ...hey where is she?'


'I'll go find her,' Blue volunteered since he knew just where to find her, 'Go tend to the guests, man.'


During the toast, Agent quietly slipped outside on the balcony without anyone noticing except Blue. She couldn't help see that his eyes were following every move she made ever since he arrived. It was making her very uncomfortable even though she long had forgiven him for all the nastiness he said on that night one year ago. She knew it was a very bad idea to bring Blue back but Saint passionately insisted things between the 3 of them would gradually heal. She remained ever doubtful and her woman's intuition never lied.


'Hey, Agent,' a familiar suave voice spoke startling her for a moment. Looking up at his soft brown eyes, a wave of shivers washed over her when he gently caressed her bare shoulder. Blue was delighting secretly inside that his sudden presence was making her feel uneasy. 'Hey, Saint was looking for you during the toast. Are you feeling okay? You don't look so good ...want some champagne ...juice ...water?'


She shook her head no ...then gasping in horror upon realizing Blue suspected what Saint haven't given a thought about ...yet. Tears started to pour out of her eyes so fast she couldn't keep wipe them in time. 'Please ...please, Blue,' she begged tenderly as she held his hands, 'don't tell Saint. It will only crush him ...especially right now on the verge of his comeback.'


'Agent...' he whispered gazing into her eyes trying to understand her reasoning for not wanting to tell Saint the happy news. He couldn't imagine something like a newborn baby ruining Saint's pious vanity and career ...unless...yet a secret so precious and juicy like that would cost her dearly and he would expect full payment when due.


'A baby now would be mean the end to the rock image and lifestyle that he always wanted. Please, Blue, keep this to yourself.'


Oh this was too good and she walked so perfectly right into his trap. 'Yeah ...sure, Agent,' he whispered lowly in her ear nearly kissing the soft skin of the lobe as he glanced over her shoulder. Saint was standing there in the doorway fuming a little that his wife and friend were in a very close embrace. 'No hard feelings, huh love. I was the one who truly loved you.'

Agent freaked when she heard that and Saint clearing his throat. Quickly she let go of Blue's hands sensing her husband's jealous rage building as his eyes glared at her. Then all of sudden a smile curled on his face which confused Agent but not Blue. 'Ah this is what I like to see,' Saint exclaimed while keeping a close eye on Blue and then on Agent. He sensed something made her upset again and it had something to do with Blue. ‘My family getting along again ...just like the old days. Come back inside, love, we have very important guests to entertain.'


Before rejoining the merriment and guests inside, she gave Blue one last glance pleading with her eyes for him not to tell Saint about her pregnancy. He merely nodded with a wicked smile curling on his face. She trembled holding onto Saint for protection. As the 3 of them re-entered the room, Blue held up his champagne glass high in the air preparing for another special toast dedicated to her.


'To Agent,' he shouts quieting the noise in seconds while staring hard at her startled expression as she silently shook her head no. He was enjoying how the focus now centered on her, making the woman blush from fear. 'the most beautiful woman behind Saint. May you continue to inspire him ...and our music!'


'To Agent!' the room cheered toasting her as Saint sealed it with a sexy passionate kiss. Blue winked at her. It was code that her secret was perfectly safe in his hands ...for now. He smiled again watching her body tremble knowing that it came with a high price and payments would begin tonight. <i>Let the fun begin,</i> Blue smirked downing his glass of champagne.


The partying continued into the wee hours of the morning and Blue patiently waited for the right opportunity to execute his vengeance on Saint by using the woman who drove them apart. One by one, their guests were starting to leave including the A & R representatives whom Saint personally escorted back to their waiting limo. While he chatted with them one last time about tomorrow morning, Blue seized the opportunity to change the music on the sound system. Carefully selecting her favorite love song off one of their cds, he knew she wouldn't resist joining him in a simple dance ...and if she did, he would just use his latest trump card against her. He made sure that the front door was slightly opened wide enough for Saint to observe all that was about to happen in a few seconds. When the first chord of her song began to play, Blue grabbed her arm spinning her around once until she helplessly fell into his strong arms. Agent resisted as expected but sheepishly he shook his head no forcing her to dance.


'One dance,' he mumbled coyly in her ear enjoying how his sexy voice would make her shiver as he pulled her closer towards him, 'That's all I ask from the most beautiful woman who inspires the music I write like this.'


'Blue ...please ...let me ...let me go. Saint will be returning soon ...and ...and...' she begged even though she loved the way his muscular body felt right now. She knew it was wrong to feel that way however being close to Blue in his arms, Agent felt something she never did with Saint. Now she was emotionally confused as she moaned softly when his hot, steamy breath blew down her neck and his hands seductively caressed the smallness of her back. Despite slowly surrendering to Blue's sensual advances, Agent resisted his first attempt of trying to kiss her. 'Please ...please ...stop ...stop, Blue. We can't...'

'Stop what?' he devilishly wondered spinning around the floor, 'Don't deny yourself this moment of passion, Agent. I know you felt it just now like I did when you kissed me on the cheek earlier.'


'That ...that was just a harmless kiss. It didn't mean anything to me,' she lied hoping it would satisfy Blue and end the conversation. Yet she knew deep down inside Blue was right ... she knew she made a terrible mistake by marrying Saint.  Yes, she loved him, but she was not in love with him. It was Blue all along that made her heart swoon but then again, she was having Saint's baby. She was willing to suffer in a passionless marriage for the sake of her child. 'Blue, I... I...'


'Listen, baby,' Blue spoke placing his fingertips on her quivering lips. The erotic sensations made him tremble with ecstasy delighting how they felt vibrating against his hand. 'I saw the way you were looking at me all night long and I know how much you think you love Saint but I can see it in your eyes. There's that curious doubt ...always wondering what could have been...'


Agent opened her mouth to protest his insane presumptions and defiantly looked away from his eyes even though realizing he was right. She did spend her days and sometimes nights wondering what life with Blue could have been. Yet, she was still afraid to admit her true feelings and being so close in Blue's tender embrace was gradually making the decision for her. Again, she was in denial when she shook her head no at him. 'Blue, please stop,' she whispered looking around the room for any possible signs of Saint's return. Agent knew she had to stop this before it went too far and there would be turning back when it did. 'This is crazy talk ...I don't ...don't are'


'Look at me, Agent, and tell me you've never been curious about what it would have been if you chose me instead of Saint. The curiosity is killing, isn't it? There's a way to end it,' he suggested upon hearing Saint's footsteps approaching the doorway and then abruptly stopping. Blue knew Saint was standing there ...probably wondering why his wife was dancing so close in his embrace ...pondering what was being said so quietly between them. He sensed by now he was fuming with raging madness after observing how her body was responding to his gentle caresses. Definitely not the proper thing for a newly married bride to do. 'One kiss ...what harm will it do? All your questions will be finally answered; my dear Agent, if it says you love Saint as you claim you do, then I'll walk out of your life forever. However if it says you love me, then you'll have to stop lying to Saint and more importantly, to yourself.'


Agent gazed longingly into his eyes knowing either way the answer meant one of them would be hurt forever. She gave in and nodded in agreement to his suggestion which totally shocked Saint seeing his wife surrender so readily to Blue. As he watched Blue's fingers outline the soft features of her full lips, an overwhelming surge of jealousy and wrath swelled up inside him. Her sweet moans were like music to Blue's ears ...and a stabbing dagger to Saint's while he continued to watch Blue and his wife seduce each other. Oh how many times did Blue dream of this moment ever since that horrible night in the restaurant. Hearing her beg to be kissed excited him more while his breathing became more sporadic. He ran his face all over her hair embracing her fragrance she doused lightly behind her ears. The intoxication filled Blue with a surge of hedonistic pleasure that he couldn't stop his mouth from brushing against hers. It surprised him when Agent responded back wrapping her arms around Blue's neck. The sounds sorely infuriated Saint as he quietly watched the two passionately kiss in the middle of the living room. What seemed to last for an eternity, the kiss shared finally ended less than a minute later with Blue breathless ...savoring every last bit of sweetness from her lips.


‘Bastard,' Agent quietly spat as he held her close in his tight embrace.


'Delicious, Agent, utterly everything I imagined it would be,' he whispered in her ear while keeping a sharp eye on Saint standing in the doorway. He realized it was time to really spice things up between Agent to get Saint overly jealous. He delighted already upon seeing the icy pair of blue eyes piercing with red rage as Saint gazed at them. 'There's no denying it now, my dear. I could feel it from this kiss love me.'


'No're wrong ...I ...I...' she stammered nervously trying to gain control of her emotions. The kiss left her in a whirlpool of tormented sensations that she prayed earnestly Saint didn't see what just happened. 'I ...I don't love...'


'Tell me the truth, Agent, do you really love that pompous vain son of a bitch?!' he wondered angrily just loud enough for Saint to hear every spiteful word, 'Or do you still think of me every time you listen to this song? Just tell me, it's not my name you wish to scream while he's making love to you ...tell me honestly that this kiss we shared didn't mean anything to you. I can clearly see it in your eyes, Agent, stop denying and admit you did feel something just now.'


Blue was about to coax Agent out of denial over her true feelings for him when Saint who had enough of their romantic interlude stormed through, slamming the door so hard against the wall that the doorknob made a hole. The sound of his entry into the condo terrified Agent greatly in which she jumped with fright in Blue's arms clinging onto him for dear life.


'Go ahead, my loving, faithful wife!' Saint's voice boomed angrily stressing the word <i>faithful</i> until it hissed. Blue couldn't hold back the smirking grin as he watched how Saint's glared with blazing fury at them both. She tried to break free from Blue to run to her husband and to explain things but he had other plans. Gently caressing her up and down did not ease the tense situation either while held the frightened woman not wanting to let her go yet. 'Yes do tell, Agent, as we are making love, do you secretly think about Blue instead of me?'


Agent was already sobbing heavily feeling the intense pressure from both men as she shook her head no at her fuming husband. Again she fought Blue to break free before Saint could wrestle her away from his grasp, 'I ...I love only you, baby,' she tearfully whispered sensing a beginning of the end to their brief marriage.


'Oh come on, man,' Blue laughed winking at Saint as he spun her around again one last time to finally finish their romantic dance. This move merely angered Saint some more especially when his hands copped a very good feel of her saucy ass. 'You cannot possibily be jealous of this one little dance with your sexy wife however that kiss ...well was all her. Hey! You know I'm a male pig and I'm definitely not going to refuse a generous offer...'


Her dark eyes furiously flashed the word 'bastard' at Blue for his blatant lies against her to Saint as he pushed her away from him. She felt used like an innocent pawn in Blue's vicious game. Her hand almost flew upside the right side of his face however he was too quick and grabbed hold of her wrist making the woman wince from his pinching pain. Silently he glared directly into her eyes telling Agent wordlessly he would reveal her treasured secret to Saint. Then she glanced at Saint with remorse in her eyes while searching for the right words to say which would smooth things out between them ...the right words which would make him understand and ease his growing suspicions about her. No matter how she worded it in her mind, she realized it would be like fighting in a hopeless case for her defense. Saint would never believe anything from her now because in his eyes she committed the ultimate betrayal of their love especially after recently getting married. That one kiss with Blue ruined their happy ending and she could see Blue was enjoying this to the fullest.


'I ...I...' Agent's quivering lips tried to speak but it was all too evident that Blue's lies made a true believer out of Saint. Sobbing loudly, she ran out of the room going up the stairs to their bedroom.


With Agent out of the room, Saint now could turn his attention to Blue who stood there smirking happily with a smug smile on his face while shrugging his shoulders. 'What the fucking hell is going on here, Blue?! Trying to seduce my wife!?'


'Hey, man, I'm not the one at fault here. She tried to seduce me ...something about you not satisfying her enough,' Blue lied so expertly seeing how it was working so wonderfully against Agent in his favor, 'I don't know but you need to handle your business with that woman. She puts on a romantic song begging me to dance with her ...saying how she waited so long to ask about my feelings towards her ...and that kiss - wow, man! She's a very good kisser...'


That last statement assuredly drove the final nail to Blue's vengeance against her as Saint stormed up the stairs to deal with his wife. Everything in the condo rattled from the weight of Saint's thundering wrath in his footsteps. Right now he needed a reason ...a reason to believe that his wife - the woman he cherished so much would NEVER betray him for Blue. She would never fall for his arrogant charming ways wasn't like her. Yet it wasn't the first time that Blue's vicious lies ruined one of his relationships because of his jealousy. Still what he just saw and heard from Blue could have been true. Did she really harbor some secret feelings for him? Saint saw the way she glanced at him throughout the party and that kiss on the cheek earlier certainly was the start of all this trouble. And Saint definitely was no fool, he knew given the right chance Blue would bone his wife behind his back in a heartbeat. However the important question remained ...would she? Saint gazed at Blue before entering the bedroom where he found his wife crying her heart out with her face cupped her shaking hands mumbling incoherently 'she was so sorry ...I should have told him'. Were they tears and words for him ...or Blue Saint pondered thoughtfully but that didn't matter. Betraying him with that one kiss was the only thing that mattered to him as he stood in the doorway. He wasn't a bit impressed by her theatrics for she was always a lousy actress when it came to crying. Saint sought for answers in her weeping brown eyes and found none when he roughly yanked her off the bed to her feet.


'Bitch!' his hissed like a vile serpent, 'You were planning to fuck Blue ...weren't you?! Answer me!!'

'No, Saint, I love you ...I would never ...never do anything to hurt you ...' she replied truthfully but her sincerity wasn't breaking down Saint's wrath, 'I swear! I don't love him ...I'm in love with you...'


Saint wanted to believe her but didn't. Seeing them kissing deeply wounded his soul. The two people he cared the most betrayed him like Christ with a single kiss. 'Oh so tell me, honestly, that kiss you two just shared ...did it mean something to you?' he angrily wondered as he began shaking Agent violently, 'Or how about his toast to you? What the fuck is going on between you two?! It's like you're hiding a secret from me and he's down there dying to tell me!'


'Nothing ...nothing is going on between us,' Agent answered yet knowing it wasn't what she truly felt deep inside. She knew she was living a lie all these years with Saint. Sharing the kiss with Blue instantly brought back all the reasons why her heart would always belong to him. 'Saint ...please ...please, believe me, baby.'


However her eyes told a different story and Saint could see it as bright as day though she decided to continue living in a state of denial. 'Lying bitch!' he rasped as he roughly shoved the woman away from him causing her to fall hard onto the carpeted floor. The brute force of his abuse did terrify Agent and she ignored the throbbing pain in her stomach while he stood leering over her. It still bothered him that she would continue to shake her head no denying she didn't have any feelings for Blue. 'I cannot believe you have no true feelings for Blue after that passionate kiss?!'


The silence between them seemed to go on forever as Agent winced quietly in pain hugging herself. It was growing sharper by the minute and she prayed Saint's abuse didn't harm their unborn child. 'Saint ...whatever Blue told you were all lies,' she sobbed while slowly rising from the floor. She tried reaching out to grab onto his arm for support but again he pushed her away walking around in frantic circles. 'Saint ...please *ouch* ...believe me *please don't let it be the baby* ...'


Below, Blue was sitting on the leather sectional enjoying the argument between Saint and Agent as if it was a Vegas prize fight. His smile was permanently fixed on his face while he listened to Agent trying to convince Saint about the kiss. He shook his head laughing at the fact she was really losing a winless battle with Saint right now. Unless she revealed the news about the baby, he would never believe her. However when the fight turned physical and he heard her fall to the floor, Blue got very worried about her because of the baby. Part of him wanted to destroy Agent for tearing them apart but the other part of him desired more than a sample taste of her sensual kisses. Damn! She had this infectious effect on him that he couldn't shake. Blue knew Saint didn't deserve a beautiful woman like Agent gracing his arms because he claimed his sexy charms won her heart. Fuck that! Saint's vanity couldn't see that it was the music which Blue created that actually won Agent's heart.


'Sexiest man?! Yeah you wish, bro,' Blue muttered as the arguing got even more heated than when it began. Saint was now tossing her clothes and jewelry out of the room shouting at Agent to get the fuck out of the condo that their marriage was over. Upon hearing shattering glass and Agent's screams, Blue quietly moved off the sofa running halfway up the stairs. He could see her staggering backwards away from Saint as he continued to throw things at the defenseless woman. Yet what really caught his immediate attention was the way she held her stomach ...something wasn't right because she was wincing heavily between breaths. Instantly their eyes met for a brief moment. He pleaded to her to tell Saint about the baby in order to save their baby…the only innocent party here. 'Tell him' Blue mouthed to her but it was too late ...she had looked away.


'Saint,' she begged one last time as she moved towards the doorway blocking it with her body so Saint wouldn't see Blue standing on the stairs. 'Baby, please let's talk about this...'


'There's nothing to talk about, cheating whore!' Saint spat angrily until he spotted a neatly wrapped box sitting at the bottom of their closet. For the first time there was a strange peaceful quiet settling inside the condo as Saint closely inspected the tag. There were only two words written on it - 'For Daddy'. Immediately his mind wondered who the hell was 'Daddy' and then he stared at Agent. Finally it was beginning to make sense to him ...she was pregnant! Unbelievable she was trying to pin this child on him and his first thought was Blue. 'So that's it ...that's your little dirty secret! You're pregnant!'


Agent didn't say a word. The pain was becoming too unbearable to handle as she clung to the doorway for support. She made the mistake of glancing at Blue and Saint automatically put two and two together. It was more than just a kiss between them, they were a complete family! Saint knew he had to end it once and for all while searching for the steel lock box that contained his gun. It was always loaded just in case but hidden because she hated having it inside the condo. Upon seeing deadly weapon in his hands, she gasped in horror as he pointed it at her. The gun did fire a round about his head in which she cowered in petrified fear and Blue ducked on the steps.


'So is that it, Agent?' he hissed again waving it wildly about in the air, 'You're fucking pregnant! And who's the bastard's Daddy?!'


'Saint ...please ...put that damn thing away,' she begged, 'Someone ...someone might get...'


'Answer me truthfully, Agent! Is Blue the father?'


It happened so fast that she couldn't answer him as the gun accidentally went off with a deadly ear-shattering bang. Blue didn't have a chance to duck or move out of the way from the line of fire. Gradually as the gun smoke began to clear, it was apparent that the fired bullet did hit something ...someone because Saint stood frozen with a horrified expression plastered on his ashen face while immediately dropping the gun. Blue rushed up the stairs to see if anyone was hurt but suddenly felt his legs become paralyzed from shock. Agent's hands dripped with her own blood as she stood there with a smoking gaping hole close to her heart looking at Blue. Then she sank to the floor.


'Blue…' she faintly whispered wincing in agony from the hot searing bullet lodged inside her chest. Tears slowly streamed down the side of her face while she gazed at Saint who ran to her side. 'I ...I ...forgive' she tried to tell him as he held her hand.


'Shhhh ...I know ...don't talk, baby. I'm so sorry,' Saint cried frantically in a panic shock. Then he spotted Blue who was speechless standing there in the hallway. 'Dial 911 damn it! Hold ...hold on, baby, ...please ...please don't ...don't die ...I'm so...'

Blue numbly dialed the number for emergency on his mobile explaining rapidly to the dispatcher there was a shooting and a pregnant woman was badly injured. Tears clouded his eyes as he told the woman to hurry with the ambulance yet he remained doubtful when told it was dispatched already. Blue wasn't about to breathe a sigh of relief until Agent was safely on her way to the hospital. Though he sensed she would die before they would even arrive, he could tell she was losing lots of blood. He could still see some fight left in her as she reached up to touch the tears wetting Saint's cheeks. And despite feeling mostly responsible for this murderous chain of event, it pained him to see the woman he loved suffering like this. What he wouldn't do to switch places with her right now. It wasn't her fate to die this way.


'So ...cold ...I'm cold...' she barely whispered to Saint as she stared lovingly at him, 'My'


'Shhh ...don't talk. Save your strength, my love,' Saint nervously muttered between sobs and then felt really frustrated with the slowness of the paramedics, 'Damn it! Where are they!?'


'My' Agent slowly repeated while gasping enough air to talk to Saint. She grabbed onto his hand and placed it on her stomach. She smiled while staring into his muddy grey eyes one final time, '...the baby ...don't let ...don't ...let ...die ...don't let ...our...'


Saint was totally confused when he glanced at Blue wondering what did she just say to him as her tight grasp suddenly came loose falling like dead weight to the floor. She had that glassy, staring out into space kind of look in her eyes telling him that was... 'No!' Saint screamed cradling his dead wife's body in his arms upon hearing the very last of her breath expiring forever, 'Who's baby?! Agent!! Speak to me!! Is it your baby, Blue?!'


'No, you arrogant dumb fuck,' Blue snapped angrily, 'your baby! Agent was carrying your baby!'


The shocking news a bit hard to swallow as Saint stared at Blue in disbelief shaking his head. He couldn't ...didn't want to believe the woman he recently married was pregnant ...HIS baby. 'A baby ...she was going to have have my baby?' Saint sobbed while tenderly kissing her hand never wanting to let it go from his grasp, 'Why ...why didn't ...didn't she tell me...'


Oh Blue had man perfect answers for Saint and quickly chose the most logical one to give to his grieving friend. 'She wanted to tell you, Saint, but she didn't to spare your damn selfish vanity!' Blue replied while remembering how radiant she glowed under the soft lights in her motherly condition ...the panic in her eyes earlier when he discovered her secret ...and the way they melt together during the kiss. That he would treasure the most. 'She thought of nothing but you and your reaction to the news. Man, you never deserved a woman like her! She deserved better ...she could have...'


'Bullshit!' Saint fired back quickly standing up shoving Blue hard out of the bedroom into the hallway. He couldn't fathom that he would spew such crap to justify that he didn't play a role in ruining his marriage. He knew it was his jealousy and rage which destroyed everything he loved and possibily could have with Agent. It was his lies that clouded his judgment and caused him to murder his wife and unborn child.  Yes, it was all Blue's fault ...he did this ...he was the one who pulled the trigger and now he had to pay dearly. 'You just couldn't give her up and move on ...could you? All this time you still haven't gotten over the fact she chose me not you!'


'You never had her love, Saint!' Blue retorted as he slammed Saint into the  wall crushing his small frame with his muscular arms pressed against Saint's chest, 'and you never will! She may have loved you but she was in love with me!'


'Fuck you, Blue! Your damn jealousy has left the one woman we cared the most dead killed my baby! I may not have deserved her love but in the end she loved me!'


Saint's spiteful words suddenly struck the wrong nerve in Blue that caused him to savagely attack his former friend in the hallway. It wasn't the first time these two have fought however, Blue being considerably bigger since high school may have the upper hand. Saint quickly moved out of the way when he saw a right hook coming towards him. Yet Blue's strong left caught him off guard as it squarely landed on his jaw, knocking him into the wall again. Furiously Blue pounded him like a bloodied punching bag in the ribs repeatedly until Saint kneed him in the groin. It was enough to get the heavier man off him as he wiped the trickle of blood from his mouth.


'You're going to pay for what you have done, Blue,' Saint hissed while rubbing his bruised chest. He grimaced quietly from the sharp pain as he glanced over his shoulder at the gun laying on the floor in the room near Agent's body. Gradually he positioned himself closer back to the doorway as he slid against the wall in hopes of reaching it before Blue got the same idea. 'Going ...going to pay ...for murdering my wife baby ...going to make sure you burn in Hell!'


'You first, Saint!' Blue shouted as he leaps towards Saint again wrestling the weak man to the floor which landed Saint right where he wanted. His fists once again pounded his chest which ultimately cracked several ribs. Saint screamed in agony when he feels the sharp broken ribs pressing hard against his lungs. Then Blue's hands squeezed tightly around his neck choking the life out of him. He could feel Saint's body thrashing wildly about underneath his heavy weight. He struggled to breath but slowly his body succumbs to the black unconscious world. 'You never deserved her...' Blue screams while tears streamed down his face, 'NEVER!'


During Blue's continued fury, he began banging Saint's head up and down on the carpeted floor nearly snapping his neck while tightening his grip. He squeezed and squeezed until there was no apparent life in Saint making him pass out from the pressure on his neck. Slowly rising off the unconscious man, Blue spat angrily in his face and then kicked him again in the ribs. With his back towards Saint, Blue exhaustedly collapsed to his knees sobbing remorsefully in his hands as he tenderly gazed one last time at Agent ...the only woman he loved from afar seducing her with his music who would now be a haunting memory for eternity. Gently cradling her lifeless body in his arms, he bent over to plant a kiss on her forehead while tears wetted her cold face.


'I'm so sorry,' Blue wept quietly while rocking her in his arms, 'I'm so sorry sorry, it wasn’t supposed to happen like this ...forgive me...'


Unknowingly to Blue, Saint didn't remain unconscious for long. He merely pretended so he could search for the gun pinned under him. He kept close watch on Blue as he slowly moved the gun closer to his hand without trying to make a sound. When Blue carefully laid her back onto the floor, Saint quickly closed his eyes holding his breath while he arose from the floor.


Blue slowly staggered out of the room however something made him stop in his tracks. A terrifying clicking sound from behind and then he heard his name cried. As he spun around, Saint fired the gun directly in his chest.. Blue had this facial expression of shock, then disbelief as he stared at the blood gushing all over his hands.


'What the fuck?!? You shot me...' Blue staggered back just as Saint gradually stepped closer towards him. He pointed the gun against Blue's chest for a much deadlier shot.


'That was for my unborn baby ...this is for Agent! Burn in hell, bastard!' Saint growled when he fired another round into Blue quickly ending his life.


It was all over now ...his marriage ...his music career and fame ...and his friendship with a former friend. Saint dropped the gun upon hearing the blaring sirens approaching the condo. They had finally arrived too late to save his wife and unborn child. Suddenly he felt like he was swimming in deep waters while stumbling down the stairs and out the door. Once outside, he could see the flashing lights and people standing there but he couldn't hear a word anyone was saying as he ran away. He took off running down the street screaming in agony before a squad car pulled up...


Besides a rolling thunder or two and the heavy rain dancing on the roof, Saint found  a peaceful calm that he so longed for though he knew he wasn't alone. Someone else was there listening to his final confession. Saint jumped upon feeling a hand on his shoulder but found  sanctuary when he began speaking.


'My son,' the robed priest gently spoke as he glanced at the blood on his hands and soggy clothes, 'are you alright ...are you hurt?'


'He made me ...he made me do it...' Saint blankly replies while staring into the priest's eyes hoping it would grant him absolution from his sins. He winces silently realizing the piercing pain in his chest was making it harder to breathe. Accidentally touching the bruised area, Saint screams in agony. 'My ribs...' he groans between breaths, ' ribs are broken...'


Just then his peaceful sanctuary was rudely violated by the forced entry of blinding lights and shouting voices. Shadowy drenched figures ran inside staining the pristine church floor with mud and rain with guns drawn blocking his only means of escape. Saint knew it was the end for he was completely trapped as he once again sneered at the religious symbol. He couldn't help think it was some divine cruel and ironic joke set against him that they would find him here.


'Hands up where we can see them!' the shout came as they flashed their lights into his eyes. He raised his hands to shield himself from being blind. 'Step away slowly from the priest and make you way towards the aisle!'

'My son, ask for sanctuary,' the priest advises, 'The Church offers sanctuary to those who want it...'


'Padre, even the Church couldn't save this poor soul then ...why would it want to now?' he angrily hissed while struggling to rise from the pew, 'It's too late for me ...I've lost everything ...including her...'


'Last warning!' came another shout, 'Put your hands up in the air now or else...'

Saint somehow musters the very last of his mortal strength and quickly grabs the priest by the throat as he steps into the aisle. 'It wasn't suppose to end like this ...not like this...' Saint cries aloud then whispers to the priest, 'Give me a reason to believe...'


'Salvation is here for those who truly believe, my son. Seek sanctuary in Him,' the priest answers calmly knowing the comfort in his voice and words is soothing the turmoil in Saint's soul, 'Let me help ...let Him help you find that peace you are desperately seeking. You were never alone. All of His creatures great and small are loved so dearly by the Maker...'


'We have a hostage situation...' was yelled into the walkie talkie but Saint couldn't hear the rest because the priest's words were starting to make sense in his head and shut the outside noise around him out. He felt something instantly wash over him like loving arms embracing his troubled soul. That's when ...he saw her ...a bright figure standing afar ...reaching out for him ...beckoning for him to come towards it.


'...Let Him grant you everlasting peace and comfort if...'


Saint pushed the priest aside walking slowly towards the heavenly creature with tears of joy in his eyes. He couldn't hear the police warning him repeatedly to stop moving or they will shoot. His eyes were fixed on the warm angelic glow that surrounded her as she tenderly wipes away his wetness from his eyes. A smile appears happily on his face when she kisses his forehead before whispering sweet words in his ear.


'I love you always, Saint,' she speaks so softly as rounds of gunfire pummel his body yet the pain isn't so bad. She was the everlasting peace he was always seeking and now he finally had it.


Her arms tenderly cradled him as his mortal body fell backwards onto the cold stone floor. His eyes marvel once more at the celestial ceiling of Heaven and then at her ...his angel with a smile...


'In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit...' the priest says while performing last rites over the mortal body.


'Amen...' Saint faintly whispers before closing his eyes...