
The group trekked on silently through the forest. Suddenly the procession stopped when they reached a small river. Jen could hear a waterfall in the distance.

"Umm, how are we going to get across?" Jen asked nervously.

"Simple, we swim," Joey answered.

"Joey…" Dawson warned. "Actually Jen, up that way near the waterfall are some stones. We can hop across. That's were we're camping."

"Oh…great." Something rustled in a bush. "What was that?"

"Just a mountain lion." Joey answered breezily, "But don't worry, they don't usually attack humans."


Joey: You mean she actually believed that?

Dawson stepped in. "She's kidding. It's probably a rabbit." He walked down to the water to rinse his hands.

Pacey: Probably……..

"Oh yeah. Just a rabbit. There absolutely no need to worry," Joey covered.

"You mean it wasn't…" Jen was petrified.

"Oh, don't worry. I'm sure Dawson would protect you if a mountain lion did attack." Joey walked off leaving poor Jen to worry. Pacey witnessed the conversation and knew what Joey was up to. He glanced at Dawson and wondered why he didn't see it.

Joey: Dawson is oblivious to everything else, why would he pick up on that?

* * * * *

Dawson decided him and Jen should cross first.

Pacey: Shouldn't it be Jen and he? You know, I did pick up some grammar from Tammara too.

He started out holding Jen's hand. She wavered and almost fell twice, but managed to hang on. She and Dawson finally made it across. Joey went next, carefully picking the right footholds. When she was halfway across, Pacey started after her. He jumped from rock to rock, ignoring Dawson and Jen's shouts to be careful. He reached Joey about 10 feet from shore.

Jen: I thought it was a small river!

With one last leap, he landed on her rock. But suddenly he slipped and instinctively reached out for something to grab. The only thing available was Joey's backpack. She screamed and fell into the water along with Pacey. The next minute was full of confusion. Pacey saw Joey and tried to help her up. Joey just shoved Pacey down and managed to crawl to shore, where Dawson helped her out.

Joey: Thanks for grabbing me Pacey!

"Pacey, you idiot!" Joey turned and stalked off, leaving Pacey sitting in the knee-deep water.

"Joey, where's the blood coming from?" Jen asked suspiciously.

"Me. I hit my knee on the rock when Pacey the idiot pulled me in." She replied testily.

Joey: Why do I always get injured on these trips?

"Let me see it." Dawson commanded. He looked at the gash on her leg. He took off her shoe and sock so they wouldn't get bloody while Jen got a bandana from her pack. Dawson wrapped her leg. "All better." He smiled at Joey, who smiled back. They sat there smiling and staring at each other until Jen cleared her throat. Dawson suddenly realized her was holding Joey's bare leg and her foot was in his lap. He dropped her leg as if it was fire, and stood up quickly. "You sure you're okay?" he asked nervously.

"I'm fine. It doesn't hurt that much," Joey answered distractedly. She was still in that moment her and Dawson had just shared. Pacey had finally wandered ashore and approached Joey. "Jo, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have…" Joey whirled around and cut him off. "Why do you always have to show off, Pacey? If you would just behave like a human being, we wouldn't have these problems!"

Pacey: Wow, she's pissed! I guess I spoiled the moment.

"Joey, I really am sorry…"

"Way to go Pacey! Now both of our sleeping bags are soaking wet, along with our clothes. Where are we going to sleep, Einstein? Or should I say Urkel?" She opened her soaking backpack. "Great, my pack had the sandwiches and the fruit.

Jen: Well at least she's spreading around the insults. I wouldn't want her to waste them all on me.

And it's to late to go back to the campsite."

Pacey just sat staring at her. Part of him understood that this was just displaced anger about Dawson and Jen, but part of him wanted to tell her off. That part won. "Well, I'm sorry Jo," he said sarcastically. "We can't all be perfect like you. Some of us are human. At least I admit my mistakes. I apologized and now I'm moving on. I'm sorry if a little water pisses you off so much, but get over it. Grow up, Josephine."

Jen: Good comeback. I smell a catfight!

"Oh, like you Pacey?" She retorted. "Maybe when I grow up, I can be mature like you and start rumors about sleeping with my English teacher. Maybe I could ruin his reputation and run him off, the way you did to poor Ms. Jacobs, simply because it fit my own hormonal delusions. Maybe I…" but she stopped when she saw the expression on Pacey's face. She had never seen an expression like the one he now, a mixture of pain, torture, and… and anguish. She could literally hear his heart breaking. She was suddenly overwhelmed with grief at doing this to him. "Pacey, I'm sorry, I didn't mean…" But he had already turned around and was running into the forest, leaving Joey staring after him.

Joey: What do you mean rumors? I saw the tape! And I certainly wouldn't say poor Miss Jacobs!

* * * * *

Joey, Dawson, and Jen were sitting on a log waiting for Pacey to return. The sun was setting and a breeze had started up. Joey began shivering in her wet clothes. Jen noticed and asked, "Joey, do you want to borrow some of my clothes?"

"Umm, no thanks." The thought of wearing anything of hers was much worse than the cold. Jen looked hurt, though, so Joey added, "I couldn't fit in them anyway."

Jen: What is that supposed to mean?!

"Well, you should change into something." Dawson said. "I have an extra pair of jeans you could borrow."

Jen: And those would fit her better?

He got up to get them from his pack. He handed them to her.

"Thanks." He took off his flannel and handed it to her. "No, I can't take it. You'll freeze in just a tee-shirt."

"I'm not the one who's wet. I'll be fine. I insist." "Well, if you insist." She laughed and went behind a tree to change. Dawson's shirt smelled SO good, like a combination of his aftershave and Bounce. She inhaled deeply. Yummm…

Pacey: Can you say OBSESSED?

But she had better go join Dawson and Jen.

"I'm worried about Pacey. It's getting dark." Dawson said suddenly.

"I'm sure he's fine.

Pacey: Thanks for your concern!

Besides, we have a bigger problem. Mine and Pacey's sleeping bags are soaked.

Pacey: Yeah, that's a bigger problem then me possibly being dead!

That only leaves two sleeping bags for four people." Joey pointed out.

"Oh yeah…"

"Well, Dawson, I'll sleep with you, and Jen can sleep with Pacey." Joey suggested. Yeah, that would work perfectly.

Jen: Perfectly for you!

"I don't THINK so. Jen is not getting into a sleeping bag with Pacey. No telling what he'd try.

Pacey: You're right to be concerned.

Jen, you sleep with Joey and I'll sleep with Pacey."

Joey stood up. "There is no way I'm sharing a sleeping bag with …HER." She stated with disgust.

Dawson: Subtle, Jo, subtle.

Jen was pissed. "That's it. I'm tired of your attitude, Joey. Why do you hate, you don't even know me." She looked about ready to cry.

Pacey: Isn't Jen EVER happy?

"I know enough…"

"What do you know about me? You never even tried to get to know me!"

"Forget this. I'm going to go find Pacey." Joey stalked off.

Pacey: Finally some one cares!

* * * * *

"Pacey? Pacey? Where are you?" Joey called out into the woods. She suddenly spotted him sitting on a log with his back to her. "Pacey? I know you can hear me." He refused to answer.

Joey: How cooperative!

Joey walked up to him and sat on the log next to him.

He turned away. "Pacey, I'm sorry. I know you didn't start the rumor… Pacey, talk to me!"

"Why would you want to talk to me? I'm not even human, I'm just a screw up. I don't have feelings." He tried to say it sarcastically, but his voice betrayed his pain.

Dawson: Feeling sorry for our self, are we?

"Pacey, I'm sorry…"

Jen: Sure you are.

"At least I'm not a bitch like you, attacking the new girl because I've got the hots for her boyfriend."

Pacey: Wow! That's going to piss her off!

"What?!?" Joey said angrily.

Pacey: See!

"You may fool Dawson, Joey, but you don't fool me. But let me tell you, this isn't The Parent Trap, Joey. Your little plan won't work here in the real world."

Joey: What does that have to do with the Parent Trap?

"What the hell are you talking about?"

Pacey: Yes, What the hell are you talking about?

"The mountain lions, Joey. You scared poor Jen to death…"

Joey interrupted. "Oh yeah, that's right. Poor Jen. Poor, poor Jen. Looks to me like Jen get everything she wants handed to her on a platter, so I wouldn't worry about her, Pacey."

Jen: Yeah, right!

"Look, Joey, I know you love Dawson. But you can't just go around…"

Joey cut him off again. "You don't know anything about it, Pacey. You don't know anything about love.'

"Oh, that's right, nobody could ever love me. And I could NEVER love anybody. I know more about love than you ever will, Joey. You are not the only person with problems in this world Josephine Potter, so just get over yourself." Pacey walked off.

Dawson: Good comeback!

Joey stared after him. Who did Pacey love? "Pacey, wait!" She ran after him. "Pacey, who do you love?"

Dawson: I know!

"Like you care."

She put her hands on his face and directed his gaze into hers. "I do care, Pacey. I really do."

Pacey: Hmmm, I think she's sorry.

He stared at her a moment, almost ready to tell her. But at the last second, he looked away and said quietly, "You wouldn't believe me anyway."

Joey: Probably not.

Why wouldn't she believe him? Who was this mystery woman? Suddenly, everything clicked. "Then that thing with Ms. Jacobs was true? Wasn't it?"

Joey: I saw the tape remember!

He just sat down on a big rock and stared at his feet. It WAS true, Joey realized. And what she said to him at the campsite… "Oh my God, Pacey, I am so sorry about what I said earlier."

"It's okay." He answered quietly, "I'm used to it."

Pacey: Well, that's true. But I wouldn't let her off that easily.

"No, it's not okay. I was way out of line. I'm sorry." She paused. "You want to talk about it?"

"What's to talk about? I loved her, she loved me, but it just couldn't be."

Jen: How profound, Pacey.

"You'll find someone else soon"

Dawson: There's always the substitute pool.

"No, I won't."

"Yes, you will, Pacey…"

"No, I WON'T! I don't want anyone else. No one could possibly compare with her. If I can't have Tamara, I don't want anyone at all.

Jen: Picky, Picky.

Why can't anyone understand that? I love her, I love her…" His voice breaks off and his shoulders shake as he struggles to keep himself under control.

Joey: Pacey's crying?!

Pacey: I would not cry!

Joey: Of course not, because that would let down your macho act.

Every word Pacey said cut Joey to the heart. That was exactly how she feels about Dawson. "Pacey, I understand. I understand." She starts to cry. "That's how I feel about Dawson."

Dawson: "Friends who who are in love, but it can not be" on the next Oprah.

Pacey looks over at her and sees her tears. He gently takes her by the shoulders and leans her against his chest. He held her as she sobbed, feeling her small shoulders shuddering. Tears spilled silently down his cheeks as he watched the stars come out.

Jen: So now they're both crying? That's a Kodak moment.

* * * * *

"Where the hell are they?" Dawson paced up and down the clearing.

"I'm sure they're fine, Dawson. Pacey'll take good care of Joey." Jen reassured him.

Pacey: More than you know.

"Yeah right. I'm sure he'll take GOOD care of her."

Pacey: Jealous?

Jen looked at him. "You're not jealous, are you?"

"Jealous? Why should I be jealous? Just because Pacey had my best friend in the dark woods for two hours. Why would I…" Suddenly he hears a noise. He turns around and sees Joey and Pacey approaching, laughing and holding hands.

Pacey: Aww, they're happy again.

"Where the hell did you take her Pacey?"

Jen: Wait, wasn't she looking for Pacey?

"Dude, chill. We were just talking." Pacey replied defensively.

"Yeah, Dawson. We were just talking. Pacey understands me and I understand him. HE listens." She walked past him

Joey: That's going to sting.

"Is there any food left? I'm starving."

"Umm, yeah, Pop-tarts." Jen pulled five boxes of Pop-tarts from her bag. "Lots and lots of Pop-tarts."

"Great. Pacey, Dawson, you want some?"

"You better save some of them. They're all the food we have." Dawson points out. "All the food was in your's and Pacey's bag."


"Hey guys, I'm sorry for screwing everything up" Pacey offered.

Joey: It wasn't all his fault.

"Hey, it's no big deal." Jen answered. "You didn't mean to. Besides we still have an endless supply of Coke. Dawson dragged, like, 4 six packs up here."

Pacey: For one night?

"I told you that you bought too much Coke!" Joey exclaimed. Pacey and Jen laughed.

"I did not! I bought…" he looked around at his three friends' skeptical faces. "Well, maybe I did bring a little extra…" and with that all four cracked up. The tension was broken… for the moment.

Pacey: For the moment….? I sense foreshadowing!

* * * * *

Dawson shivered. It was cold and it was getting late. He looked at the others. They were all trying to pretend that it wasn't night yet, but it was. "You know, we're going to have to decide sleeping arrangements sooner or later."

Pacey: Here it comes….

"Yeah, well let's do it" Pacey said, "Why don't the girls the girls sleep together, and us boys…" he stopped when he saw the killer look Joey sent him. "Or, Joey, you could sleep with Dawson. You guys always spend the night together anyway."

Jen: Then I get stuck with Pacey!

Pacey: What's wrong with that?

"Oh no!" Dawson protested. "Because that would mean that Jen would be sleeping with you!"

Pacey: and…….what?


"My girlfriend is not sleeping anywhere near you!"

Pacey: How trusting.

"Dawson…" Jen said angrily.

"Why Dawson? What do you think I'm gonna do? You think I'm gonna rape her in the middle of the night or something?" Pacey asked angrily.

Dawson: Rape?! Don't you think that's a little strong? Not to mention unrealistic.

"I am so tired of you suspecting me for everything. Same thing with Joey. No, I didn't make out with her in the woods. I have a little more self-control than you, Dawson. I don't push myself on women."

Joey: When has Dawson pushed himself on women? He's only had one girlfriend!

"Oh yeah, just like your last relationship." Dawson retorted.

Pacey thought he was going to explode, he was so angry. "Is that what you think, Dawson? That I forced Tamara into a relationship?"

Jen: Where do they get this stuff?

"Well, you wouldn't leave her alone, you kept following her around…"

"God dammit, Dawson! I loved her!"

"But did she love you, Pacey? Or was she just using you for sex?" He saw the hurt in Pacey's eyes but he couldn't stop.

Pacey: Don't go there………

"Maybe she just wanted someone…"

Dawson: someone….what?

"NOOOO!" Pacey screamed.

Joey: NOOOO!

He looked at Dawson's smug face. "She loved me!" He smashed Dawson's face with his fist and reached back to swing again.

Jen: When will you boys learn that violence never solves anything.

"No!" Joey screamed and leaped in front of Pacey. She grabbed him and pulled him away. "Pacey, it's okay. It's okay."

Dawson was bent over in pain. He heard Joey comforting Pacey. He was the one who was attacked. Where was his girlfriend?

Joey: Probably comforting Pacey too.

He stood up and looked for Jen. The look on her face stopped him cold.

"You were WAY out of line Dawson." She said coldly. He glanced around and saw Joey and Pacey glaring at him.

Joey: Dawson's going to get it now.

"What? You think this is my fault?"

Pacey: I certainly do.

"Duh, Dawson." Joey replied. The other two nodded angrily.

"Fine, I'll just leave then!" He expected someone to stop him, but no one spoke up. "Fine!" He stomped off into the dark.

Jen: He's going to go pout.

Joey and Jen returned to comforting Pacey.

Joey: I told you so!

* * * * *

Joey and Jen walked down to the creek to wash their faces.

Joey: I thought it was a river and I thought it was dark out?

"What's Dawson's problem?" Jen asked.

Pacey: Jen already knows what his problem is. Can you say denial?

"I don't know. He's never acted like this before. Must be puberty." Joey answered.

"Hmm." Jen dug in her pack. "Oh no! I forgot my soap!"

Joey: Must be back with the lounge chair!

"Here." Joey handed her a bottle of face wash. "You can use mine."

Pacey: It will only turn you face slightly purple…….

"Thanks." Jen smiled at Joey, and to her surprise, Joey smiled back.

Dawson: Something's up. She's being nice.

* * * * *

Dawson wandered back into camp. He saw Pacey sitting by the fire, but there was no sign of the girls. He approached Pacey carefully.

Pacey: He'd better approach carefully.

"Pacey, I'm sorry. I was an idiot to such ridiculous things."

Pacey: To ….what…such ridiculous things. SPELL CHECK!!

Pacey didn't answer so Dawson continued, "I know Tamara loved you and I know you would never take advantage of Joey, Jen, or any other girl." Silence.

Jen: That's what you say now….

"So, I'm sorry. I guess I'm kind of jealous of you. I mean you're a great guy. I guess I'm just worried that Jen or Joey would choose you over me."

Pacey: They probably would…..

"Even if Jen did, I would never steal a friend's girl…"

Pacey: At least not while he was around……

"I know, Pacey. I know. It's just my own pathetic insecurities. So anyway, I just wanted you to know, I didn't mean anything I said earlier.'

Joey: Sure you didn't….

Pacey looked at his best friend. "You hurt me a lot, Dawson."

Jen: Pacey is so emotional in this thing. He sounds like a new age therapist.

"I know, I apologize." Pacey looked away and the two sat in silence. Pacey wasn't quite ready to forgive him.

* * * * *

Joey and Jen started back to the campsite.

"Jen?" Joey ventured.


"I'm sorry about what I said earlier. I wouldn't mind sleeping with you." She paused, "Oohh, that came out wrong!"

Dawson: Sure did!

She and Jen laughed.

Jen: She's up to something.

"Thanks Joey. But I don't think we'd ever be able to get Dawson and Pacey to share a sleeping bag right now."

"Yeah…" She looked up as they approached the campsite. "Hey Jen, check it out!" Dawson and Pacey were sitting silently on the ground. "Hey guys!"

Dawson looked up sheepishly, "Hey."

Jen yawned. "I'm wiped. Who's sleeping with who?"

"You can sleep with Pacey." Dawson offered.

Pacey: Well if you insist…….

"Oh no, man. That's okay!" Pacey spoke up.

Sensing the fragile truce, Jen changed her mind. "Okay, well, um, maybe Joey and Pacey should share and Dawson and I will share. I mean, since it's strictly platonic, right?"

Pacey: Sure it is…..

"Right!" Dawson, Joey, and Pacey agreed. The boys rolled out the sleeping bags. Joey and Pacey climbed in their bag about five feet away for Jen and Dawson's. They struggled to get comfortable in the small space.

"Pacey, your arm is in my face!" Joey protested.

Joey: Why don't they lay back to back?

"That's okay. Your hair is in mine. Here, why don't we lie on our sides."

" 'Cause then we'd be snuggling and you're like my brother!"

"Wouldn't bother me, 'cause I'll be pretending you're Tamara!"

Jen: Eww, I wouldn't want to be in that sleeping bag!

Joey laughed. "In that case, I'll pretend you're YOU KNOW WHO" Pacey laughed back. They turned on their sides and snuggled. Pacey put his arms around her. She felt very safe in his arms…

Joey: Gross!

" 'Night, Dawson!"

" 'Night, Tamara!"

"You know, Pacey, we really ARE soul mates!"

Joey: Sure, right.

* * * * *

Dawson had thought this situation might not be half-bad, sharing a square foot of space with his girl friend for eight hours. There wasn't space for her to put ANY space between them. But the second they had climbed in, Jen turned on her side with her back to him. He had no choice but to turn away from her also.

Joey: Or he could stare at her hair all night.

But now he had to watch Joey and Pacey. They were giggling and whispering, and now he's got his arms around her. And just seconds ago, Joey had called Pacey her soul mate!

Pacey: If he heard that, then wouldn't he have heard her call him Dawson?

But I'm her soul mate, Dawson thought to himself.

Pacey: A little Jealous?

This sucks. Pacey gets to sleep with Joey and I'm stuck here with…my girlfriend.

Pacey: Such a sad situation.

Dawson knew something was wrong with this picture, that he should be happy, but he wasn't. He wondered if maybe he felt more than friendship towards Joey.

Pacey: Sure. So he was just staring at her at the lake for the fun of it!?

Nah, he thought, I love Jen. He closed his eyes and tried to sleep, but the seeds of doubt were planted…

Dawson: Seeds of doubt? Who says that?!


The group all breathed a sigh of relief.

Pacey: Thank god that is over.

Dawson: Don't get too excited. We still have that whole stack.

Pacey: Oh, no!

The gang all sat back and relaxed for a moment before starting the next story……………..