

syc.gif - 3.97 K
Standing Stones in the night,
The Milky Way Streaks across the Sky,
The cross of Cygnis dominates.

A sense of contrast as the elements intersect,
So old, so very old,  So near and so far,
The ancient stones, the timeless stars, the endless cosmos.

Spica rises above a stone, the Pleidies cluster beside another.
The Plough and Cassiopiea in all their majesty,
The ancient and very distant Andromeda Galaxy.

An Erie light, mist like, encircles the stones.
They form dark silhouettes on the skyline.
A sense of presence, a sense of awe.

So humble beneath the stars,
So human standing in the stone circle.
Timeless, ageless, like finding home.

This is who I am.  
The sense of wonder is tangible.
The stones are my bones, the stars are my thoughts.


CHAKRA: CROWN COLOUR: AMETHYST ENERGY: BALANCE ELEMENT: ETHER LEVEL: MIND, BODY and SPIRIT in Harmony. YIN/YANG: BALANCE This symbol means 'PURE LIFEFORCE'. It has a very subtle, but powerful effect. It can be used to enhance healing. It has a meditative and clarifying quality that can help to resolve confusion. It also puts you in deeper contact with your 'Spark of Eternity' and higher wisdom. It can be used for channelling or imagery meditations.

Description and How to Draw

The blue circle represents the Flat Chi (pre-Universe). 1) The 'stalk' represents the arising of the 'original dualism'. 2-3) The two inner vertical lines represent the opposites of self and other. 4-6) Next, there is the inner U shaped section. This represents the arising of the three forces; Consciousness, Existence and Reality (one 'bar' for each). 7-9) The outer section represents the Masynchi continuum and the resulting phenomenal Universe. It has 'fancy' ends to represent diversity. drawsyc.gif - 5.97 K

The Sun-Ya-Chi System

Chakra Map