Our Last Day Together

Ever since 1994 Lee has taken a Windjammer cruise twice a year for two weeks at a time. He always went in April and October. Unless I was out of town, I always drove Lee to the airport. This time was different. His flight was to leave around 6:30 a.m. on a Saturday morning. My husband was being nice and offered to let me sleep in and drive Lee to the airport.  I couldn’t pass up an offer like that, so I rolled over and went back to sleep. I didn’t even get up to say goodbye to Lee. After all, he does this twice a year and I would be seeing him in two weeks. How I regret that decision.

So, the last time I saw Lee was Friday night, October 3, 1997. He was busy packing and giving me last minute instructions on his flights. I don’t even remember if I told him to have a nice trip. I know I didn’t tell him I would miss him or that I loved him. I didn’t even give him a hug goodbye. We tend to take things for granted that we shouldn’t.  I thought he would always be there, but he no longer is.


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