****I am not exactly sure who wrote this, but it was e-mailed to me, and I figured it may benefit some people out there.****

I am happy to inform you that your ARE NOT CRAZY nor immature. I have never met anyone that didn't have a symptom that I all ready had. All Phobias share 3 myths:

1. I am the Only one

2. I'm going crazy

3. My symptom is so severe I am incurable.

Yeah you and 45 million other people. Every Phobia IS curable. Let me say that again EVERY PHOBIA IS CURABLE. Phobia is a restricted fear. Something you can't do or don't like to do. So you avoid dealing with the anxiety.

When you are feeling anxious you're preparing for combat. Your body keeps giving you the strongest drug on the market and that is Adrenaline, every fear though keeps giving you more, until you have the symptoms, like fainting, going crazy, dying, etc.

When this adrenal is secreted your brain only does what you tell it, if you tell it is real and your going to pass out well you will continue to feel that way until you think otherwise. Thoughts have no power, they are suggestions. When you think your getting ready to pass out tell your fear voice, "so what make me pass out now!"

The only way you can cure it is to face your fear with safety and intelligence. Adrenal is a normal body function, and NO normal body function can cause, death, fainting, heart attack etc.

Medication alone will never cure you. Face the fear safely and you will get use to it. Now after a panic attack a day or so later don't you always say, nothing happened to me? You have to learn some techniques in thought stoppage. Remember NO NORMAL BODY FUNCTION LEADS TO DEATH OR DISEASE.

You can move mountains with your thoughts, but I will bet you, you can't turn the light switch off. Thoughts have no power unless you give it to them. No matter how uncomfortable you are when you have your panic attack nobody to this day has died from one. Let me tell you one other thing, there is no such thing as a nervous break down either, nerves don't break down. Thoughts are just suggestions; we really know how to scare or embarrasses ourselves, don't we? You have to learn to recognize when that fear is coming and deal with that inner voice who I call Franky Fear. When you learn that then you will cure yourself.

People that have phobias are highly intelligent people, think about that now aren't we. Phobias are genetic; we were born with it. You may say well it didn't start until I was 20 years old, well think back look around your family you know it was there. Everybody has adrenaline and anxiety; it is how they deal with it what makes people different. The Brain does not want to Die or be embarrassed. The weapon that Franky Fear has on you is, What If, What will People Think he only has 2 Tools.

When you avoid your panic attack and don't drive in your car or get on a plane, Franky Fear, gets stronger and you know it! You have to face the fear correctly. You can call that voice inside you whatever you want, mine is Franky Fear, when he comes, I take a walk, or listen to music, it's hard in the beginning I know that but soon it will work. If you die from your panic attack you will be the first!