Sandor Ferenczi (1873-1933) was born on July 7, 1873, in Miskole, Hungary. He was the fifth son in a family of twelve children. His parents ran a bookstore and lending library. After receiving his medical degree in Vienna in 1894, he became chief neurologist for the Elizabeth Poorhouse in Budapest and was subsequently appointed as a psychiatric expert to the Royal Court of Justice. Through a colleague, Dr. Philip Stein, he first met Freud on February 8, 1908.

Férenczi (à direita) visita Freud durante suas férias na Hungria em 1917


            O "Comitê Secreto", formado por Freud em 1912, reunindo os discípulos fiéis aos princípios originais da Psicanálise. Da esquerda para a direita, Otto Rank, Freud, Karl Abraham, Max Eitingon, Sandor Ferenczi, Ernst Jones e Hans Sachs (Foto de 1922)
  Anel do Comitê Secreto
    Freud gave members of the Secret Committee this cornelian ring. The ring not only represented membership in this exclusive group but also was a symbol of allegiance to Freud and his psychoanalytic beliefs. This particular ring was given to Sandor Ferenczi, who bequeathed it to Michael Balint and is now worn by Enid Balint.

Freud (front row, fourth from right) at Clark University, Worcester, Massachusetts, September 1909, where he presented a series of lectures which introduced psychoanalysis to America. Also present in the photograph are: front row: Franz Boas (first from left), William James (third from left), Carl Jung (third from right); second row: Ernest Jones (fourth from right), A.A. Brill (third from right); third row: Sandor Ferenczi (fifth from right). Sigmund Freud Collection.Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress (LC-USZ62-119767)

[Um pouco de História] [Introjeção, um processo] [Incorporação, a introjeção impossível] [O Trauma] [O Mito] [A Técnica Ativa] [A Análise Mútua] [A Bibliografia de Férenczi] [Leituras sobre Férenczi] [Oeuvres de Sandor Férenczi] [Música...] [Links interessantes e Busca] [Psicanálise húngara: um caso de tranferência. Artigo de Anna Verônica Mautner]




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