There's all kinds of people getting into C.B radio. It offers free communicatons for anyone who wants it, and you dont have to know a lot of fancy radio theory to get on the air. Theres an estimated 16 million CB radios in service right now.

Maybe youre interested in CB but dont know where to start. I will be adding some interesting links to help you on your way. CB communicaton is not only fun, it's smart too. On the road, at home, CB is a useful tool for almost anyone. Truckdrivers, motorist use CB to keep things together on the road, so they can perceive changing road conditions, weather, accidents, and other driving hazards.

I've have had a CB radio now since I was 14 years Old, My brother bought me my first one for my birthday, He had one, but it was an old AM which was an illegal radio, in them days. But because of the popularity of them the government decided to make 27mhz, FM legal In 1981. AM was illegal in the United Kingdom, It was said that it interferred with important Hospital Equipment, and alarms etc.

I have met a lot of people over the CB, some lifelong friends, In which I still talk to today, occassional, Its nice to hear from the old breakers, ( CB'ers) that pop back from time to time. I met my husband over the radio, in 1990, and we still have a radio today. Im known as EARTHANGEL and my husband PSYCHEDELIC NIGHTMARE Over the radio, these are known as our Handles.

The Middlesex Breakers Club, as in the Emblem above, was a meeting place, for CBers, a place where we could EYEBALL,(meet) see the people we had been speaking to ,we would arrange Camping Trips, and do Charity Events, Etc. It was fun, and have many good memories, of our weekend Camping trips we had, followed down the motorway by all the other C.Ber's on our convoy to the seaside. But sadly the club closed down. It was held at Thorpe Park, In Chertsey, which now belongs to the famous Amusement park.

To All My Fellow C.B. BUDDIES. If you have any Interesting and Helpful Links and would like to join In on my EYEBALL PAGE for the BEST C.B LINKS on the W.W.W... Then Please EMAIL me with your U.R.L and DESCRIPTION and I will gladly ADD YOU!

Lets Go For A Eyeball !!

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