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( Some of the beautiful Places I have visited, here In the United Kingdom.)

The Mill Pond-Swanage.

Once it was no more than a little fishing village but Swanage has now grown into a popular seaside resort. It retains many reminders of the old part of town, particularly in the area near the mill pond which is surrounded by attractive stone-built cottages and overlooked by the church with its sturdy 13th century tower.


With its impressive coastline stretching from the elegant Georgian town of Lyme Regis in the west to the bursting resort of Bournemouth in the east, has much to offer a visitor.

In many places the chalk or limestone cliffs have been carved into dramatic shapes by the action of the wind and sea, leaving isolated offshore stacks and arches like the Old Harry Rocks or famous Durdles Door.

Ancient fossils can still be found in the cliffs which are indented with coves while long, apparently unending, beaches provide for those who wish to enjoy the summer sunshine. Dorset's ancient ports such as Poole, with its unusual double high tide, and Wareham, an important settlement in Saxon times, have a long seafaring tradition. Inland is the heathland and pastoral scenery so beloved of Thomas Hardy and vividly portrayed in his novels as the country of Wessex.

Towards the north of the county, attractive and historic market towns such as Sherbourne and Shaftesbury are set among green hills with the vast panoramas of Blackmore Vale and Cranbourne Chase stretching to the horizon. A fine Heritage of magnificent buildings remains across the county: Sherbourne Abbey, Wimbourne Minster, the famous 11th century Priory Church in Christchurch and Corfe Castle, standing guard on its mound in the Purbeck Hills.

Ancient earthworks and curious figures carved in the chalk hillsides also testify to Dorsets long and rich history, a history which continues to draw people to this most diverse of counties.


A friend is like a flower,
a rose to be exact,
Or maybe like a brand new gate
that never comes unlatched.

A friend is like an owl,
both beautiful and wise.
Or perhaps a friend is like a ghost,
whose spirit never dies.

A friend is like those blades of grass
you can never mow,
standing straight, tall, and proud
in a perfect little row.

A friend is like a heart that goes
strong until the end.
Where would we be in this world
if we didn't have a friend?


Why dont you send this page to someone you consider a dear friend, or someone that could use a smile.

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