
Last name:
First Name:
Middle Initial:
Birthdate (mm,dd,yy):
Civil Staus:
University grdauated from:
Year of graduation:
Graduation Distinctions (if any):

Current Company/Institution:
Working there since:
Other Work-related experiences:
(include company name and year of involvement/s)

I was a delegate to HPAIR during the following years:
2001 Singapore
2000 Beijing
1999 Hong Kong
1998 Kuala Lumpur
1997 Bangkok
1996 Seoul
1995 Jakarta
1994 Manila
1993 Hong Kong
1992 Taiwan
2. I was involved as a/an:
delegate, during the year/s:
head delegate, during the year/s:
observer, during the year/s:
officer, during the year/s:
in the position/s of:
organizer, during the year:
adviser/moderator, during the year/s :
Mailing Address:

Contact number/s:
Fax number:
Cellphone number:
E-mail address:
Website URL:

On posting information on the website:

Yes, you may post on the website all the details (personal, work, HPAIR involvements, contact) about me.
No, you may not post on the website the following details about me:

Personal Details
Work Details
HPAIR Involvement Details
Contact Details

<;i>Qualified. You may post all my information, except for the following:

Yes, you may post my photograph on the website.No, you may not post my photograph on the website.

In helping to create a database.

Yes, I am interested. You may contact me about it to interview me on our activities in the past
Yes, I have photographs that I can send you. Email me and remind me about it.
I would like to help but I am too busy. I will just give you names of people I know who went to the conference. Email me and remind me about it.
Sorry, but I cannot help.

UA&P HPAIR Delegation Alumni Reunion Party (tentatively set for February 2002)

Yes, I am interested in going and will make time for it. Keep me updated
Yes, I am interested but will probably not be able to go due to hectic schedule. Nevertheless, keep me updated about it. ;
No, I am not interested.

Updates on the Society
(who the new delegates are, table discussion schedules, etc)

Yes, I am interested in being kept updated with the activities of the society through emails.
No, I am not interested.