On Aug. 21, 2001, Richard Marrs was ordained as Pastor. Gale Cynova was commissioned as a Deacon in 2002, and Curtis Heidel was commissioned as Deacon in 2003. On July 24, 2005, Vicar Matt Christensen was inducted for a one year dual vicarage with St. John's Church of Alma,KS. In October 2005 the congregation purchased a 1987 Ford 12-passenger van for member groups to use.
In the Spring of 2006, The congregation voted to change the Early Childhood Center to a year-round program. The organ pipes were rearranged and the organ rededicated. Two big-screen televisions were purchased and installed in the front of the church.
On July 30, 2006, Vicar Patrick Niles was installed in a dual vicarage with St. John's Church of Alma, KS. Also on that day, Pastor Rick Marrs was granted a peaceful release from the Call to be our Minister. He was Called to Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, MO, to be a Professor for the new Seminarians.
On April 25, 2007, Matthew Christensen, graduate seminarian, was given, and accepted, a Call to be our new Pastor. On June 10, 2007, Matthew Christensen was ordained and installed as our new Pastor. Rev. Robert Grimm of Alma, KS, conducted the special service, Rev. Troy Slater of Herington, KS, served as liturgist, and Vicar Patrick Niles was lector. Other area clergy participating in the service were Rev. Terry De Giovanni of Duluth, Rev. Justin Panzer of Abilene, and Vicar Ron Rather of McFarland.