School Choir
The school choir consists of all the children in the Pre-school and Kindergarten classes. They will be singing at least three times in Sunday Church Services throughout the year.
The Senior Choir is comprised of all ages from young adults to mature adults. During the months of September through May we meet every Wednesday evening from 7pm to 8pm to practice. The choir performs the third Sunday of each month and on special holidays. Anyone wishing to make a joyful noise unto the Lord is welcome!
The mission statement
of the LWML is to assist each woman of the Lutheran
Church-Missouri Synod in affirming her relationship
with the Triune God so that she is enabled to use her
gifts in ministry to the people of the
All women of Immanuel are invited to
attend the LWML events with the bi-monthly meeting
held on the 3rd Thursday. All ladies are also
invited to attend any of the Bible study groups which
meet at various times and places as printed in the
Parish Caller.
The LWML focuses on...
Spiritual Living
-Scripture studies
devotional resources
-Fellowship of women
Awareness for Ministry
-Support of LWML mission
-Conscious consern for others
for God-Blessed Service
-Active and regular
involvement in ministries
-New areas for
life-enhancing experiences
Pricilla Bible Study
The Pricilla Bible Study group of Immanuel Lutheran Women's Missionary League meet on the second Tuesday of each month at 10am in the homes of the individual members.
The ladies enjoy coffee and goodies while discussing bible topic studies from the LWML quarterly book.
Our goal is to learn more about God's word to help us cope with everyday problems of life. Also, to share the word of God by telling others of His great love for all people.
We support the International LWML in theirc 'round the world mission projects with our "mite" offerings. An offering is also taken for the local LWML which is used at Christmastime for gifts to needy organizations, also to supply devotional materials, altar candles, and other things needed to carry out our mission as Lutheran women serving our Lord.
Rachel Circle
Rachel Circle meets the first Monday of each month to study and discuss topics from the Lutheran Women's Quarterly. Each member takes turns at serving as hostess and assigning Bible quotations, etc., that apply to the topic.The meetings are very informal and it is a chance to discuss problems and answers that may arise.
Why not pay a visit to one of our meetings starting at 7pm? The church secretary can supply you with telephone numbers of who to contact. May God bless each of you.
Mary Circle
Mary Circle meets the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 1PM. Members take turns hosting. They, too, study topics from the Lutheran Women's Quarterly. On months that a member's birthday falls they go out for lunch.
Esther Circle
The Esther bible study group meets on the 2nd Monday at 1:30pm each month in the church Conference Room. The topics follow the "In His Word" section of the Lutheran Women's Quarterly. All ladies of our congregation are invited to study God's Word and enjoy fellowship and refresments.
Fellowship Club
The Fellowship Club meets on the third Sunday each month September through May. Time and place varies depending on the activity planned.
Our three-fold purpose is to promote Christian knowledge through bible study, to promote Christian fellowship through constructive recreation, and to promote Christian service through Christian projects and activities.
The club projects are to decorate the church's Christmas tree, visit the Good Samaritan Home, have a work day to clean the church, keep the cradle roll up to date, and contribute 10% of the free-will offering to the church scholarship fund.
Adult members of Immanuel are welcome to attend any of the club's activities as guests or to become members.
Golden Agers
The Golden Agers bible study group meets the first and third Wednesday of each month at 10am in the Conference Room. The group is open to all, especially those over the age of retirement.
Our aim is to study the Word of God
and become more deeply rooted in that Word:
we may face life with courage and confidence that God
will walk with us through all the times of our
-That we may learn what to do with sin and
-That we may rejoice in God's abundant
forgiveness through Christ Jesus' death and
-That we may share our faith with
those around us.
Men's Bible Study
The Men's Bible Study meets at Stacy's Restaurant at 7AM on Saturday mornings. They are combined with men from St. Paul Lutheran Church for fellowship. They study different books of the Bible and are led by one of the Pastors or an Elder.
Sunday Bible Study
There are three Bible study groups that meet during the Sunday School hour after the Service. The topics vary from class to class. Everyone should be involved in one or more of these Bible studies throughout the week as God has commanded in Col.3:16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God.
Mission Sewers
The Mission Sewers are a group of ladies who meet the 4th Tuesday of each month from 9:30am to 2:00pm in the Conference Room of the church to make quilts for distribution by Lutheran World Relief to areas of the world suffering from catastrophic events such as floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, wars, poverty, etc. Come join us for a day of fellowship and a potluck luncheon while sharing your time and talents to provide warmth and comfort to impoverished and disaster-stricken victims.