1. Head,
postgraduate office, Faculty of Pharmacy, Al-Fateh University of medical
Sciences 2006 up-to-date.
2. Head,
office of quality assurance and accreditation, Al-Fateh University of medical
Sciences 2007 up-to-date.
3. Head,
assessment committee, Faculty of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, AUST Network, UAE
4. Member,
Central Assessment Committee, AUST Network, UAE
5. Head,
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Faculty of Pharmacy and Health
Sciences, AUST Network, UAE (2000-2006)
6. Head,
department of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Al-Fateh
University of Medical Sciences, Tripoli, Libya (Many times for the period
between 1981-1999).
7. Served
as Vice-President of
8. Served
as a consultant to the Ministry of Health Tripoli –