JJ: Welcome back everyone to the 2001 season of the Internet Wrestling Federation.  I'm J.J. Tough! 

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As you know last season, my broadcast partner, Max Rakkus decided to become a Manager here in the IWF.  He teamed up with Fear to destroy the greatest wrestler this business has ever known...RAGE! 

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Max and his thugs, with the help of the owner Mr. Gruberman...

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had RAGE beaten...

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and fired from the company that he made great. 

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Our homely, yet capable intern, Lisa filled in as my broadcast partner.  

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Until Max had his #1 assassin, FEAR, put her through a table. 

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Now Lisa is in the hospital and we have not seen the gorgeous and talented CalcGirl because she is helping her friend Lisa get through rehab.

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The Juiced up & power hungry Max, then decides he is ready to get in the ring and become the first IWF Hardcore Champion.

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But Fear puts one over...

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and keeps the belt for himself.

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When Max forces the IWF double champion to defend both belts in consecutive matches.  He loses to the Grim Rapper...

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and Nemesis!

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all in one night.  The betrayed, beaten, and depressed Fear has not been heard from since.

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JJ: I tell you folks...in all of my years in the business...this is the craziest turn of events I have ever seen.   This is worse than an Eric Estrada soap opera on Univision.  What is going to happen next as we begin our new season??? 

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Before we get into that I would like to introduce you to my new broadcast partner.  Some of you will be shocked to learn that the IWF is not the only Wrestling Company on this planet Earth!  That's right, there are other upstart federations out there copying everything that we do.  Well, to try and put an end to the madness, we recently hired a broadcaster from one of the more "well known" wrestling federations.  There has been a lot of speculation about why this individual all of a sudden quit his job.  You are about to find out why...

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Marv: Ladies and Gentleman, it's with great pleasure that I introduce to you, the newest member of the IWF broadcast team...Jerry "The King" Lawler"!

The King: Thanks JR

JJ: Who?

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The King: Opps, I mean JJ.   Wow this is great.  So this is what it's like to be in the big league.   Just look at this place...WOW!  I can't believe it.  The world famous IWF Arena...all the history...all the majesty...all the violence...and best of all...

JJ: The SuperStars???

The King: No, Pupppppppies!

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JJ: Oh no, not again!

The King: Well, I would just like to say...


JJ: Sweet Mother Of God!!!   It's been a long time since I heard that sound, but if I remember right...THAT'S FEAR'S MUSIC!

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The King: Holy Crap!  I can't believe my eye's!  That's the one and only Fear standing there.  I need to get his autograph...

JJ: Settle down King and try and act professional.  This ain't no rinky dinky wrestling federation.  This is the IWF...The BigTime!  You are going to be face to face with the biggest and best this business has ever seen.  Get use to it.  Besides, who knows what kind of mood Fear is in right now.  He's likely to take that pen and stick it straight up your candy ass.

The King: Thanks JJ.   This is just a dream come true for me.  I'm just going to shut up and listen to what he has to say...

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Fear: By now your wondering where Fear has been. What happened? What went wrong? I haven’t spoken since I lost both the IWF Heavyweight title and Hardcore Championship in one night! So here’s my story. I’ve taken some personal time off to find myself. After that shocking night I fell into deep depression. Not knowing who I was anymore and wondering just what the hell happened. I was on top of the game and the BEST in this damn business! And it all went away in a matter of minutes. I lost that heart and fire that I had and took everyone for granted. I guess I just got caught up with myself and figured whatever crossed my way I would overcome it. Well I was wrong. I don’t want to blame anybody in the IWF for my falling. I have taken the time to evaluate myself and tenure in the IWF and came to one conclusion, I still can play the game! Rage was my biggest competitor and he brought out the best in me. When I return to the IWF I will once again regain everything I lost and then some. I may have quit before but never again. I will be back bigger and better than ever! I have BIG plans and I promise I will shock the wrestling world! Ed Gruberman has just signed me to a long-term deal and I will deliver the goods. I will rule the IWF once again. Rage if you can read this whether you’re still in jail, a warehouse or outhouse! YOU are the first person I want in that ring. Many of you may be wondering why the Rage? Well, it’s simple. An associate from the IWF clued me in on just what happened that very night I lost it all. The finger was pointed towards you Rage! You see it all makes sense. Your jealousy overwhelmed you Rage. You couldn’t stand the fact that I had it all and you were in some jail not having a piece of the pie. Rage I’m coming to get you. I may not wait until I come back to the IWF. I may show up wherever your at and kick your ass like I’ve always done. So watch out! I’m coming.

JJ: What the heck is he saying, you don't think...

The King: JJ?  What is happening to the Jumbo Tron?

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JJ: My God, I don't know...What the hell does CG TV mean???

The King: Look, there is some kind of video coming on.  Let's watch...

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JJ: It's that no good S.O.B Max!  Turn it off!  I can't stand to look at him after what he did to RAGE!

The King: Wait a minute, something is not right.  This looks like a surveillance video.  I'm watching this.

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Max: Hey guys this is the greatest celebration ever.  Who needs another juice?

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JJ: Those heartless bastards are celebrating what they did to Fear & Rage.  This is sick!

Grim Rapper:  Yeah, I'll take one.

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Grim Rapper: I still can't believe how easy that plan came together.   With Fear out of the picture, we are going to rule the IWF!

Max: Here's that Juice Grim, I mean, Champ!

Grim Rapper: Thanks man, what about RAGE!

Max: Don't worry, I'll take care of RAGE.  Does anyone know where is he?

JJ: You had him put it jail you idiot.

Rage: I'm over here guys!  Do I know how to throw a party or what???   It's going to take Fear years to figure out who brought him down.

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Max, Rage, Grim Rapper: hahahahahahahahahahahahahahah

The King: I think he just figured it out!

JJ: I can't believe it!  MY GOD!   RAGE?  This has all been an elaborate scheme?  Rage and Max have been working together! Why?

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The King: Look!  Fear is high tailing it out of here!  Where is he going.

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JJ: RAGE doesn't know he is being video taped.  Who the hell is CG?  What is going to happen next!