Turn on the TV these days, and what do we see? Hundred upon hundreds of TV channels. In this day and age of the world wide web, fast mcfood, attention deficit disorder riddled children, 1000 bpm Ibiza holidays and the tweenies, we crave more and more channels to feed our never ending need for instant televisual entertainment. And as we create more channels, new presenters are born everyday. Usually these people will fit the usual mould of John McNewsreader, Young Good Looking Autocue-reliant McKids-tv-show-presenter, or Dale Winton.

However, once in a while a presenter appears that truly inspires us all. Someone who graces our screens with a casual elegance, whos introductions and links flow from their lips like a symphony of violins, whos very appearance on the screen begs you to pay attention, whos name is Bettina Pieri.

This radiant Italian woman presents various shows on the Game Network channel (a channel dedicated to computer games, broadcast throughout Italy and the UK, Sky channel 223). Such is her magnificence that I felt it necessary to create a website dedicated to her. A quick search on the web showed that there weren't any sites celebrating this wonder of nature, so with this I decided to make my own. One afternoon later here is the result. It looks pretty crap but I wanted to see if I could make the whole thing in notepad. Looks alright when you think about it.

So anyway, check it out and look around. Email me if you wanna submit anything (make it good or ill hurt you) and stay tuned for updates coming in the future.



20/10/2002 BOOOOOOOOOOO. Its true. Bettina has left the game network channel. Not the end of the world, seeing as it was turniung shit anyway, cashing in with crappy text message chat bollocks. dont these people have msn? it doesnt cost 50p per message with that.....

29/7/2002 Wow. I havent been here in ages, and i read the guestbook and it seems ive started something here. SO ive turned the guestbook into a forum and decided to put some more content up (but i havent got any). So Email me some or ill eat mice.

10/1/2002 The woman herself emailed me! Excitement! Made a couple of adjustments to the site. For some reason this is turning out to be the worst site i ever made. Nevermind.

6/1/2002 Made a flash game. Check out the game section.

5/1/2002 Wrote and recorded a song for Bettina. Check the audio section for MP3 and Realaudio

1/1/2002 Bettina World goes online. Got bored on new years day so decided to make this site. Im not that good at web design so you better view this at 1024 x 768 or above, or it wont look right.