Great Quotes from Lawrence of Arabia


Lawrence: "Michael George Hartley, this is a nasty, dark little room."

Hartley: "That's right."

Lawrence: "We are not happy in it."

Hartley: "I am, it's better than a nasty, dark little trench."

Lawrence: "Then you're an ignoble fellow."

Hartley: "That's right."


(Lawrence has extinguished a match with his fingers, Potter attempts to do the same)

Potter: "Ooh! It damn well 'urts!"

Lawrence: "Certainly it hurts."

Potter: "What's the trick then?"

Lawrence: "The trick, William Potter, is not minding that it hurts."


Club Secretary: "I say, Lawrence. You are a clown!"

Lawrence: "Ah, well, we can't all be lion tamers."


Murray: (Lawrence has just given a rather awful salute) "If you're insubordinate of me, Lawrence, I shall put you under arrest!"

Lawrence: "It's my manner, sir."

Murray: "Your what?"

Lawrence: "My manner, sir. It looks insubordinate, but it isn't really."

Murray: "I can't make out whether you are bloody bad-mannered or just half-witted!"

Lawrence: "I have the same problem, sir."


Lawrence: "'I cannot fiddle, but I can make a great state from a little city'....Themistocles, sir, a Greek philosopher."


Dryden: "Big things have small beginnings."


Lawrence: (enters the room, and walks right up to a large statue of a cat) "Oh, that's new." [I find this hilarious!]


Lawrence: "Oh, thanks, Dryden. This is going to be fun."

Dryden: "Lawrence, only two kinds of creatures get fun in the desert: Bedouins and gods -- and you are neither. Take it from me -- for ordinary men, it's a burning, fiery furnace."

Lawrence: "No, Dryden, it is going to be fun." [This is followed by that awesome match to sun scene!!]


Bedouin Guide: (referring to Britain) "Is that a desert country?"

Lawrence: "No, a fat country, fat people."

Bedouin Guide: "You are not fat?"

Lawrence: "No, I am different."


Sherif Ali: "What is your name?"

Lawrence: "My name is for my friends. None of my friends is a murderer!"


Lawrence: "Sherif Ali, so long as the Arabs fight tribe against tribe, so long will they be a little people, a silly people -- greedy, barbarous and cruel, as you are."


Feisal: "With Major Lawrence, mercy is a passion. With me, it is merely good manners. You may judge which motive is the most reliable."


Feisal: "No Arab loves the desert. We love water and green trees."


Auda: "Does your father still steal?"

Ali: "No. Does Auda take me for one of his own bastards?"


Auda: "I am Auda Abu Tayi! Does Auda serve?

Crowd: "No!"

Auda (to Lawrence): "I carry twenty-three great wounds all got in battle. Seventy-five men have I killed with my own hands in battle. I scatter, I burn my enemies' tents. I take away their flocks and herds. The Turks pay me a golden treasure, yet I am poor! Because I am a river to my people!"


Lawrence: "First, I want a room, with a bed, with sheets."

Brighton: "Yes, yes of course."

Lawrence: (pointing at Farraj) "It's for him!"


Lawrence: "I killed two people. I mean, two Arabs. One was a boy. That was...yesterday. I led him into a quicksand. The other was a man. That was...well...before Aqaba, anyway. I had to execute him with my pistol, and there was something about it that I didn't like."

Allenby: "Well, naturally."

Lawrence: "No, something else."

Allenby: "I see. Well, that's alright, let it be a warning."

Lawrence: "No...something else."

Allenby: "What then?"

Lawrence: "I enjoyed it." [Does your heart stop or what?]


Lawrence: "Do you think I'm just anybody, Ali? Do you?"


Lawrence: "Not hurt at all. Didn't you know? They can only kill me with a golden bullet."


Allenby: "I've told you, sir, no such treaty exists."

Feisal: "Yes, general, you have lied most bravely, but not convincingly. I know this treaty does exist."

Lawrence: "Treaty, sir?"

Feisal: (referring to Lawrence) "He does it better than you, general. But, of course, he is almost an Arab."


Allenby: "Are you mad?"

Lawrence: "No. And if you don't mind, I'd rather not go mad."


Allenby: "You're an important part of the Big Push!"

Lawrence: "I don't want to be part of your big push!!"


Allenby: "What in hell do you want, Lawrence?"

Lawrence: "I've told you -- I just want my ration of common humanity."


Lawrence: "I know I'm not ordinary..."

Allenby: "That's not what I'm saying.."

Lawrence: "Alright! I'm extraordinary -- what of it?"


Lawrence: "I shall want quite a lot of money."

Allenby: "All there is."

Lawrence: "Not that much. The best of them won't come for money -- they'll come for me.


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