Braun is the most popular brand in my country - Slovenia.  You can buy Braun in shops
and of course lots of them can be bought in the flea market. I'm looking for model S50.

All parts of BRAUN 5260

Collection part 1
Second BRAUN: mod. 3
Legendary SMS super (year1962)

Collection part 2
COMBI-A,Type 1 and SM2 (my father's first electric shaver)
SM 24, 5510, 5340 and 5380
5550 (acc.), 5538 (bat.), 5260 black & orange
5543 (bat.), 5209, 5553 (acc.) and 5213
5428, 5556 (acc.), 5410 and 5422

Collection part 3
5479 - My first Braun (from 1994 to 2000)
Home El. shavers Braun Remington Philishave Eastern shavers
Northern shavers Western shavers Far Eastern shavers
Dec. 2000