well nobody cares about Links...
nobody... really... but i'm puttin them here anyway...
Shortcut | Description |
Geocities Yahoo! | Have to advertise for them... they hosted this page after all.. and i'm nice, you know? :) |
Hotbar | Got spy-ware... but you get a nice skin for your browser in return |
Hacker | self-explanatory |
壽司占卜 | 廢廢地, 不過几cute |
Hunter 漫畫 | where I get my free comics... |
CuYu | You get some free comics here... *chinese* |
Cool Tests | 好多心理測驗 |
Comicer | Another great source of free comics!! |
Love Calculator | quite self-explanatory eh? checks whether you are meant to be with another person or not... pretty dumb... but i'm puttin it here anyway *most probably because I am dumb :)* |
Maryknoll Convent School | i heard i'll get better grades if i start being a suck-up and put my school's homepage here.... |
Who Do You Love | 好多唔同既I Love You講法...(唔係病毒) 岩晒芬姐/哥.... |
Past life... | tells you what you were in your past life... i reckon its sort of true... altho i'm a catholic... |
Cute flash | cute flash works... but you gotta know Chinese... good when you've nth better to do |
A-Z Lyrics | You get all your lyrics here... really... |
Free midlets | where i get some of the programs for my 6100 |
All about the f-word | self-explanatory, and it rocks |
Kazaa | prob the best source of MP3s on earth... its a P2P sharing program, and got spy-ware (dont believe the Kazaa Lite thing... it has EVEN MORE spy-wares, dude) but well worth it (P.S. WinMX takes a bit too long to connect and download songs... use it only you have a private P2P channel) |
Initial D Comics | Initial D得意卡通. 不過一定要識日文先知佢講乜 :) *and that means.. ME!! lol* |
D!Va's gues+ b00k | now... you'll JUST HAVE TO GO and LEAVE ME A MSG OR ELSE... |
AAA Jokes! | Free jokes daily... not all clean tho... |
Our lousy Physic project | just keeping it here for a record |
mucky個homepage | cool girl from Canada |
C Test | See Test |
Rick個homepage | pretty self-explanatory eh? |
My cute looking friend's site | i'm tellin you... this is a must go... (if you're a guy, single) |
Basketball Project? | 功課... i'm just puttin it here in case i need the username for some purpose again... |
Tranquility Bay | Read it. I implore you to spend your time reading these articles and confessions. This is IMPORTANT. You will be sickened to find that such things existed amongst us. In front of our very nose. |
Virtual Rock | Funny as hell. |