My Info

English Name: Stephanie Chan

Chinese Name: *sigh* sux 2 be me

Nickname : ...... you askin' me? oh whteva... perhaps.. to skid... its Joo-Kah... =.=

Sex: nah... still waiting for the right partner...

Current Mood:The current mood of at

Next mood swing: 6 minutes

Blood Pressure : 97, 52 (...i haf no idea why i'm putting these here ^^")

Haemoglobin: 12 gm/100ml

Red Blood Cells Count: 4.82 million/cu. mm.

White Blood Cells Count: 5000/

White Blood Cells Differential: Neutrophils 70%, Lymphocytes 26%, Monocytes 1%, Eosinophilis 3%

Blood Group: B                           Rh(D): Positive

Vision: R 6/12, L 6/6

Death Status: I am currently

Photos : 比較核突... 嚇親唔好搵我喎...... -___-lll Photo Album

Birthday: 24-2-1987 (上次考試我居然當左我個生日做耶穌個生日! 就咁冇左1! ~>.<~)

Horoscope: Pisces (and no one in my class can spell it... i dont believe this)

Religion: I believe there's ONE and only ONE god... which is "I am"... so... get it? i'm a catholic

ICQ #: 30662025 (鐘意就add我啦!! 不過我未必authorize你架喎!!)

Phone #: call marion

Cell: access denied... dont even try to figure it out... 

Cell ringtone: here

Height: 1999年開學果陣係160cm... 睇黎都唔會再高架喇...... ...... *okay i'm like, 159/158cm now... why's it so? its not fair!!*

Weight: ! 嚇死人呀!

Style: 心理測驗話 "你是一個無藥可救的樂天派"...?? well basically i think i'm pretty mean... i scream at people... *tsk tsk* eh-hm.. 

   anyway, i'd like you to keep the followin pts in mind in case you're plannin 2 add me thr icq or nething:

1. dont start wif me, you'll not win... my way, or no way, you hear me?

2. i dont expect you to read my mind, its too complicated

3. attitudes are contagious, and mine might kill you

4. i love my attitude problem

5. i'm multi-talented: i can talk to you and make you mad at the same time

6. i used to be schizophrenic

7. i'm always mad and i'm gonna take it out on you

8. i'm a prima donna

9. i love 2 be pampered

10. i know i should be ashamed of myself, but i dont care, so you'll juz hafta learn to put up wif it

11. dont keep me in suspense, i'll get mad

12. i'm NOT nice

13. i hate it when people dont reply, either thr phone or icq

Family: pop mom n 2 xxx bros (for some reason i like them all now, i used to think they're so annoyin and everythin... tsk tsk...)

Primary: Maryknoll Convent School (Primary Section)

Secondary: Maryknoll Convent School, Phillips Exeter Academy

University: Cornell University

Hobbies: ""K, 傾電話, 發脾氣, 鬧情緒, 大笑, 大喊, 暴食, 絕食


Pets: T, CoCo, Tommy *死過2* ...

Fish: Stingray, its cool :)

Drink: 蘋果綠茶, 咖啡 ^^

Food: 壽司, 白飯(我可以一次食6碗架), 意粉(唔要有肉), carbs, Dentyne Ice, TCBY ! 哇哇><" 好肥呀!!

Animes: 名偵探柯南, 頭文字D, 足球小將, 幽遊白書, hunter x hunter, 少年偵探~推理之絆, Naruto etc :)

Car: FD S3 (啟介個架)

Magazine: Co!-Co!, TeenPeople, Seventeen

TV Show: Dr. Joy Brownie

Author: R.L. Stine, Stephen King, John Carpenter, Christopher Pike. J.K. Rowling... you name it, i read it

Book: Ichya Ichya Paradise

Idol: Avril, Aaron Carter, Haley Joel Osment, Edward Furlong (only when he was 14, thats 1997), W-inds (KeItA!), Lead (都係Keita!), Arashi, Kat-tun, Linkin Park n more......

Song: Losing Grip


Terminator 2 (actually i liked all of the threes but then the 2nd was the best because John is sooo cute!)

A.I. (now David's story is really... well... touching)

夢幻街少女 (purely because its sweet)

Conan movies

Mr Bean is good

all Disney's production

Teacher: Mrs Marion Ho & Miss Bonnie Chau ^^

Skills: 訓覺... ...

Sports: 游水 *i mean it, hmm.. i mean... i might be able to swim faster than you :)*

Colour: Amethyst(紫色), 藍色, 黃色,橙色, 銀色, 黑色, 白色...

Dream: 成為Keita既女友 ^^ *j/k*

Love type:  should be a Japanese maniac

should like anime

should be like an anime character ^^ like KaKashi!


Most hate

Pets: 小強

Fish: Barracudas, they just freak me out, dont ask me why, i HATE them! avoid showin me them when i'm wif you b'coz i'd scream

Drink: full-fat milk, tastes like cream... eww yuck!

Food: 西芹

Drugs: Advil, probably the best painkiller around (and yes, i'm only a teenager, and yet i needed them)

Cartoons: not sure, i LOVE cartoons :)

Singer: CHARLENE! (stupid bXXXX)

Sports: 馬拉松 (好辛苦... 唔掂)

Color: shockin pink... i mean... it's weird isn't it?

Teacher: 傻喇! 點會有呢...? *tsk tsk*

Other Things: 小丑, 講大話既人 *你絕對唔可以呃我, 如果俾我知道左既話, 一定*, 吸煙既人, 唔理我既人, wax figure, corpses... *well yah duh!*



These are questions in a chain letter... i'll just copy and paste them here

Homosexuality? : i'm totally fine with that as long as i'm not involved

What would I wanna see most?: well... test papers..

Think you're fickle?: YES!!! for one sec i like Keita, and the other sec i'm in love with Ryuichi!! but you cant blame me.. they're soooo sweet!

What type of flowers do you like? I HATE flowers.... dont even lemme see them....

What bothers you most: being fat and ugly... sigh...

What do you live in?: building! duh!

Moments you missed: those when i dont have to worry about how much do i weigh...

Time for bed: i get my beauty sleep at around 5 on weekends... and 12 on weekdays... not a good sign of health

Type of movies you like: have to include horror and killing! oh yes!!! *perverted* no really... i'm okay with Disney productions too!

Skill: What? me?

Do you have a boyfriend/ girlfriend now? Yah... but... no actually... erm...

What colour are your eyes?: well... beats me... i cant distinguish between black and brown.. really...

Got tattoos?: used to have one, "DIVA", but its those spraying ones... =]

What would you want for your birthday?: well... NOT cake... hmm.. i dont know... i have pretty much everything i wanted 

except health, good grades and a nice boyfriend... so anything is fine.. really...

(now i'm not saying he's not nice... its just that.. oh well.. he'll never read this anyway, who cares... wont even notice...)

Got cell? Which model is it? Yep :) 6100 Blue, cool eh? i just LOVE it with the Kurapica wallpaper

Where will you be 10 years later?: still alive... i hope

Who do you hate most? i hate no one except Geoffrey's cocky corny conceited and yet dorky and annoyin friend (i can go on)

Think its right for your date to pay for you?: No!! i mean... com'on.. its the 21th century man...

Have you been in a car crash?: Nah... or else i wont be here typing stuffs...

What's your weakness?: Not gonna tell! i'm not SO stupid that i'll tell you that i give in whenever people apologize, esp in tears... 

and oh i'm scared when marion gets mad too

What's the best way to take revenge?: Forgive... really... 

altho sometimes i do get mad and hate that person for a pretty long period... 

(but i think this will make him/her feel even better =.=)

Describe yourself in three words: Perverted moody vegeterian 

Got ear loops?: yeah... 2... one on each... might get more tho...

Like beer/wine?: Does ginger beer count?

What would you do if your date insist on paying for the food: smack him on the forehead until he is unconscious and get the bill

When are you planning to get married?: well.. for now... i dont think thats such a good idea... 

perhaps its because i'm still "young"... but i think gettin married is soooo.... 

well... i dont like it... so i hope itd be just bed and board :) 

What do you do when you're free?: read a good book *well you believe that? hehe*

Diamonds are a girl's best friend, agree?: NO! its soo stupid... who would like to wear those flashy stones? its HEAVY =.=

Who's your best friend?: well sorree fiona karen etc.... but seriously i think marion is like my best of the best friend... and oh... perhaps too :)

Do you discriminate?: No... i hate everyone

Smoked?: no

Drank?: yah

Went movie shopping?: yah duh

Gone skinny dipping?: no

Missed someone: yep 

Hugged someone: yah

Are you for world peace: sure

Do you do drugs?: yeah *and you believe me?*

Do others think you're cute?: no

Do you bite your nails?: sometimes

What hand do you write with: right.... 

Tried to kill yourself?: yah

Made yourself cry to get out of trouble: no

Love or Lust: love 

Ocean or lake: ocean

Chocolate Chip or Mint Chocolate Chip: mint 

Night or Day: night, bcoz i get to talk 2 ppl i like more

Silver or gold: silver 

Skirt or jeans: jeans (still)

Rose or tulip: neither, i hate flowers

Cried? : yah

Do u believe in yourself?: not really

Are you an extrovert/introvert?: introvert, but some of my friends think i'm loud and everything... so not sure

Do you have a crush on anyone?: cant tell... i dont know