Practical Iguana Keeping Tips

From Lisa, IL-Coordinator NIAD:

Tip #1 - I used to make fun of the salad shooter before I had iguanas in my life. Now I know what a great time and labor saving device it is. Best of all, you can sometimes find them at rummage sales and thrift shops. I only paid 3 bucks for mine. It works great for squash, parsnips and sweet potato. Doesn't work well on green beans though.

Tip #2 - A salad spinner is a great item for rinsing greens and getting out excess water. Simply put the greens in the basket and rinse like a colander. Then put the basket in the spinner container and put on the lid. Turn the handle on top to spin the basket in the container and the water shoots out slots in the side. Make sure to do this process in the sink! Makes greens last longer and you can frequently find this item at rummage sales and thrift shops.

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