Are you obsessed? I know I am...

So, you want to know if you're obsessed? Well these are the top 10 ways to know if you're obsessed with David. Read on to find out.

10. You have an Angel/David/Angelus web site and/or belong to numberous Angel/David/Angelus mailing lists and/or clubs.

9. You kiss your pictures of David every morning and night and constantly talk to them.

8. You print every picture you can find of him off the internet.

7. You make wall paper for your room out of those pictures.

6. Every piece of paper you've ever come in contact with has either "Mrs. David Boreanaz", "(Your name here) Boreanaz" and/or "I Love David Boreanaz forever">

5. You are saving up for a trip to L.A. to meet David.

4. You tape every episode of "Buffy" with Angel in it and watch the parts with him over and over and over...

3.You cried uncontrollably and refused to come out of your room when Buffy killed Angel at the end of the second season(you even held a mini-funeral).

2. In every picture of Angel and Buffy that you have you cut out Buffy's face and replace it with your own.

And drum role please....The Number One Way To Tell If You're Obsessed with David Boreanaz is...

You bought a pair of leather pants, sewed fabric David faces on them and wear them often.

Well, that's all I have right now. So how'd you do? Feel free to join the Angel Lovers Anonymous Club by going here. If you have any that you would like to add to this just e-mail me. Oh, and by the way, some of these are from personal experience!