INTERVIEW ( Oct.29 '99 )


Tamori (host) : so what people around you react to your debut?

Sho : Let's see, I'm a high school student now, and my friend at school is planning to have a party for me…maybe in December.

Tamori : what are your guys going to do at the party?

Sho : well, we are talking about getting together to somebody's house and having fun with listening to "A-RA-SHI"

Tamori : I see. What about you, ninomiya?

Nino : in my case, nobody reacts to this. My friends doesn't say much about my debut , and my mom just said "good for u, congratulations." that's it.

Matsujun : I went to school today, and my friends cheered me up when I told them that I was going to appear on music station tonight.

Tamori : what a difference from ninomiya. Are u all right, ninomiya? You may be hated by your people.

Nino : yeah, although there are so many people in Japan , I feel somewhat isolate(laugh)

Tamori : how about aiba?

Aiba : my parent run a Chinese restaurant, and everybody is telling me to make the restaurant become popular all over the places in Japan.

Sho : yeah, like "aiba masaki's restaurant!!!"

Aiba : I'm being fooled around like this all the time.

Tamori : where is the restaurant located? Oh, but if u say the location, everybody will go there and there will be a panic, so may be you shouldn't . What's about ohno?

Ohno : well, there are some kids in my neighborhood. And they are so cute.

Others : what are you talking about ??? you are change the topic!!!

Ohno : ok, but let me say this. They are so cute. There are six kids, and the sixth one was born just recently.

Sho : how come you are making a small talk?

Tamori : who gave a birth to those six kids, by the way?

Ohno : my neighbor did. She gave a birth to the sixth baby recently, so I went to visit them.

Nino : I have no idea that he talking about.

Tamori : then did they celebrate your debut?

Ohno : no. but they are really cute. so cute.

Others : ok ok, we got it. Thank you very much.

Tamori : hey, your guys should pay attention to ohno from now on.

Others : yeah (laugh)

Tamori : how did you feel when you heard about debut?

Sho : well, I thought it would be one type of unit in jr. cuz there are some units within jr. but about one week before the official announcement of arashi in Hawaii, we heard that we were going to make our debut. So we were kinda upset, rather than feeling happy about it.


Translated by " SANAE "