Goddess Worship

 IFC Temple of Divine Love

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Tantric Goddess Network

IFC Tantric Soul-Mate Connection

Tantra Goddess Network

Women's Net
Photo link to Women in Business. Comprehensive health service Directory, Women’s Health Directory, Global and by Regional

Goddess Temple has program that can,

Change your life

Tantric Goddess Network  in conjunction with IFC Temple of Divine Life (India) Reg; 279/2003, a non-profit organization that is dedicated to educating the public with regard to the need for legitimate and ethical Tantric Healing (Para-Tan Sound Healing) professionals; and the establishment of a charitable fund to provide a learning center in India and in other part of the world, to offer counsel and assistance  to establish Goddess center around the globe for our students to work from. We have now established such a center in the Netherlands.

Tantra Teacher's Training
Tantra Teacher's Training, four-Level diploma program is designed to provide Tantrika's (person practicing Tantra) with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to provide safe, effective, and ethical care. Each Level is for a period of 3 months

The ultimate adventure of discovering all the Tantric Temples in South India.
We read of the problems between Pakistan and India, and this problem is only in the Northern Tip of India, and in the south it is free from all the trouble. When flying into India either fry into Mumbai or Chennai, and it will be safe.

Women's Network
We currently offer FREE MEMBERSHIP to Women who are out there wanting to help bring joy and love into the live of their community. No adult works in the name of Tantra or also know as Goddess will be listed in this site.

We offer Vedic Horoscopes that will help you mold your life towards a very successful life, by understanding what your past karma is and how to change it. Let our experts help you.

Meditation hall

Have you been searching for resources that will nourish the body, mind, soul and Heart?

Discover Goddess temple, a center that will support your Spiritual Journey. We offer you information and practical experiential guidance on healthier living and invite you to participate in the community and the children's home.

Life Improvement is achieved by connection with oneself, by balancing oneself with the Goddess and God within.

Personal Growth - embracing life by finding stillness within

Social Consciousness - Let us together build a better world, starting, helping the little children in the streets

Healthy Living. Experience well being with our Master, an acclaimed Chef and internationally known healer will provide you food for life. He will offer you a treasury of culinary wisdom (all vegetarian). Our Master, multi-talented will show his understanding of food as important both for health and as part of the delights of living

We offer positive life changing program that will inspire you. Learn from spiritual educators and experts who share your passion about the Goddess, and our Master Sri Param Eswaran who is committed to improving the world around us.

Goddess temple is a place where we share the knowledge of reclaiming the feminine quality within all of us.

Surging our way into the demand of modern materialist  society, most people in the Modern world has forgotten the human essence within. The essence comes from us being connected with the feminine within.

Human are the only species that function with only half their potential, thus find success in the world, but missing out in the home world.

We need both the Shakti and Shiva (yin and yang) to be balance within for attain ever lasting happiness, both personally and within society.

Key Benefits

bulletBenefit 1
We offer certified course in Tantric puja, Tantric Massage, sound healing, body honoring and vegetarian cooking. You will receive a Teacher Certificate and Healer Certificate that is suitable for framing

bulletBenefit 2
Understand and live in harmony with yourself, by understanding and connecting with the biopolarity of your body. In Tantra, the right side of the body is considered male, and the left female.

bulletBenefit 3
Increase the use of your nonverbal memory, and concrete thinking, speech, abstract thinking, power of conversation and more. Tantra is a total science, and all it is yours to learn.

bulletBenefit 4
You will receive a web page in Tantric Goddess Network,
bulletBenefit 5
Receive a free listing in the IFC membership directory. We would have a directory in each of our 5 sites which receives more that 3000 visitors per day. You could have fund traveling around the Globe teaching like what our Master does. He will stop traveling from Feb 2004
bulletBenefit 6 
Free membership with Tantric Soul Mate Connection, this is suitable for single members who would like to find their special Soul Mate who will work in harmony them


bankcard_donations.gif (1040 bytes)Please send us as little as $27 every 6 months or whatever amount that you can to the poor forgotten community, HOMELESS WOMEN and HELP STREET KIDS in South India.  There are about 50 million street kids in India that need help.

IFC Temple of Divine Love (India) Reg;279/2003.
118/1b Killankulam Village, Periyur Taluk, Madurai Dist, South India

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Send mail to webmaster@ifc-net.org with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 2002 IFC Temple of Divine Love
Last modified: May 18, 2004