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By Bali and Lombok Regional Investment Coordinating Board of Bali and Lombok Province

Visa and Immigration Requirements

Free Visa for a Short Visit and Requirements

Tourists and business visitors from Chili, Morocco, The Philippines, Singapore, Hong Kong Special Administration Region (Hongkong SAR), Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam, Macao Special Administration Region (Macao SAR) and Peru do not require visa for a maximum stay of 30 (thirty) days.

The granting of free visa to visitors as such is limited for the purposes of holidays, inter-government relations, social-culture relations, business investigations or discussions with their business. They are not permitted to conclude any business transaction, engage in local employments, perform any professional or technical service. However, these visas are un-extendable and un-changeable to other immigration purposes. The Free Visa for a Short Visit is also applicable for visitors from certain countries which are having a bilateral and or a multilateral agreements which based on a reciprocal treatment with the government of Indonesia.

Visa on Arrival

Visa is still required for visitors from countries which are not mentioned above. The visa is also available in the International Airports / Harbors upon arrival.

Multiple-Journey Business Visas

Multiple-Journey Business Visa travel visa gives the bearer the right to make several entries to Indonesia within a period of 12 (twelve) months and each stay be up to 2 (two) months.

For business or tourist travelers of nationalities that have obtained the 30 (thirty ) days free visa for a short visit, multiple-journey business visas are not necessary for stays within those thirty days.

Limited Stay Visas or Temporary Resident Visas

Limited Stay Visas are valid for three months to one year and are issued exclusively to experts for the national development and to expatriates who are involved in training or other educational or scientific programs in line with the prevailing government regulations. Direct dependents can also qualify for this type of visa.

Re ? entry Permit

Non-citizens with residential status in Indonesia must have valid re-entry permits to re-enter Indonesia.

Expatriates And Working Permits
In the framework of direct investment, the foreign and national shareholders are free to choose members of the supervisor and management board. The employment of foreign operational directors, managers, technicians, experts and even specialized workers by PMA as well as PMDN enterprises is allowed in Indonesia as long as Indonesian are not available or qualified to fill these positions or jobs. The Department of Manpower issues regulation on this matter in form of a list of professional positions in every positions in every business sector which are open for the employment of expatriate personnel. However, it has relaxed this list a great deal and continues to consider further relaxations accordingly. An expatriate wishing to take up or continue employment in Indonesia must posses a work permit. Work permits are also required to be possessed by expatriates who hold the post of directors.

RPTKA (Expatriate Placement Plan)
If an enterprise in the framework of direct investment wants to employ foreigners, the enterprise should submit an Expatriate Placement Plan (RPTKA - Rencana Penempatan Tenaga Kerja Asing) to the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM). if the enterprise is in the framework of direct investment. In foreign investment/PMA companies, work permits for senior positions (such as Director) held by foreigners are for three years and can be renewed just before expiration. Other position slots in the RPTKA are only for one year and can be renewed annually, usually up to a fixed number of years.
Based on the approval of the RPTKA (Expatriate Placement Plan) a TA-01 is issued, and then a work permit, Izin Kerja Tenaga Asing (IKTA) is issued after your arrival and the issuance of the KITAS card and have paid your annual DPKK fee.
A foreigner's expertise must be proven, as government regulations limit the employment of foreigners in Indonesia to "experts" which can contribute to the national development. Due to the high unemployment rate of nationals, it must be proven that the expertise of a foreigner cannot actually be supplied by a national instead.
A work permit issued for a foreigner does NOT entitle their spouse to work as well. A "dependent spouse"; must obtain their own sponsor and work permit in order to work in Indonesia. This can be done, but depends on the demand for their expertise.

TA01 Recommendation
After the RPTKA has been approved, the TA01 recommendation has to be applied for in order to get a temporary residence visa. The original approval letter on the TA01 recommendation will be needed to apply for the VITAS or VBS (Visa Tinggal Terbatas). The RPTKA & TA01 recommendation are only necessary for foreigners working in Indonesia.

Vitas or VBS - Limited Stay Visa or Semi permanent Residence Visa
Once the TA01 recommendation has been approved, the VITAS must be applied for, for the working spouse and his dependent family, at the Indonesian Immigration office in the intended city of residence. Upon approval, the Indonesian Immigration office will send a telex approval to the Indonesian Embassy where the foreigner and his dependent family want to pick up the approval and to get the VITAS/VBS stamped into their passports.
This VBS visa stamp permits your entry into Indonesia. Within 3-7 days of your arrival in Indonesia, you and your dependent family members must go to the Immigration office to report your arrival and complete the necessary paperwork. Failure to do this within 3 days will constitute a violation of your status, a legal hassle that can only be overcome through a visit to the courts. So don't delay your initial trip to the Immigration office to report your arrival. At the immigration office, you will be called to take a full set of fingerprints and to sign various documents.

KITAS Card or Limited Stay Permit Card and Blue book/POA or Foreigner Registration
When all the paperwork on your visa is done, you will be issued a Limited Stay Permit - Kartu Izin Tinggal Terbatas, better known as a KITAS card. The predecessor to the KITAS was the KIM/S. People still erroneously refer to the limited stay permit as a KIM/S. With your KITAS you will also receive a blue book, Buku Mutasi. The blue book tracks changes in your immigration status. They are valuable documents and should be kept safely. The KITAS card & blue book allow you to live in Indonesia for one year and may be renewed annually, up to two extensions without having to leave the country.

The Indonesian foreign and domestic investment laws allow the employment of expatriate personnel in positions that cannot be filled by Indonesian Nationals. A company wishing to employ an expatriate must, after having obtained the approval of the government (in the form of SPT or SPPP), do the following :

Prepare a manpower utilization plan (RPTK) for submission to BKPM for validation.

Based on validated RPTK, submit of application for a permit to utilize foreign personel. Work permits for foreign personnel (IKTA) are issued by the Regional Investment Coordinating Board (BKPMD), based on the RPTKA (for foreign personnel) and letter of recommendation (TA-01) issued by Investment coordinating Board (BKPM). BKPMD issued the work permit for the Chairman of BKPM and on behalf of the Minister of Manpower. The permit may be for a year o for a shorter term to allow for allow for irregular visits by an expatriate working in Indonesia (e.g. for a week, a month or two months). It is possible to extend the work permit as long as all the requirement fulfill. Expatriate should have KIM (Entranced Permission) and STMD (letter for reporting himself to the police). The expatriate can be stay in work in Indonesia as long as the manpower plan (RPTK) stated. If more than stated in the RPTK than means such guy should follow of EPO (Exit Permit Only) procedure, if they want to work again.

Request of Foreign Worker?s Permit
A. The Requirements of New Foreign Worker?s Permit :
1. Letter of Application from the company.
2. Form ppt2.
3. Copy of Foreign Worker Employment Plan.
4. Copy of KIM?s.
5. Copy of Recommendation TA-01.
6. Copy of complete Passport.
7. Copy of Curriculum Vitae.
8. Copy of work Experiences.
9. Copy of Educational Diploma/Certificate.
10. Copy of Work Contract.
11. Copy of Valid Report Obligation of Worker.
12. Photographs size 4 X 6 Cms 4 sheets (black and white)

B. The Requirements for Extension
Letter Application from the company.
Extension Form of Work Permit for Foreigners.
Copy of Worker Employment Plan
Copy of KIM?s
Recommendation from Manpower Department
Book of Legitimization of Prior Permit
Book of Tax Payment for Foreigners
Book of Report on Foreign Worker?s Arrival at Manpower Dept.
Copy of Work Contract
Report of Realization of Education and Training Implementation
Copy of IWPL Payment for Position that is obliged to pay IWPI.
Photograph size 4 X 6 cms. 2 sheets (black and white)

C. The Requirements of Position Movement
Letter of Application from the company
Letter of Approval of Position Movement from BKPM
Book of Legitimization of prior Permit
Copy of Work Experiences
Photograph size 4 X 6 cms. Sheet (black and white)

This investment information brochure is made with the hope that it will be useful to the investors


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Bali and Lombok Global Business Information services Indonesia
Jalan. Cendrawasih no. 8 Cakranegara Mataram 83231 Lombok N.T.B.Indonesia
Phone: +62 370 631271 Fax : +62 370 631638
Contact person: Mr.Satya Budi
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