How to join us

Joining us couldn't be simpler and there are two ways to do it. Just email CISA and we'll let you know the location of your nearest group or alternatively, help you start your own Patrol or Six.

Starting a new Group or Patrol

If there is no Scouting Group near you then why not gather a group of friends around you and start playing the game of Scouting. We can tell you how to do it.

Ideally gather a group of 4 to 6 friends friends, boys or girls with the assistance of a parent, and decide that you want to become CISa Explorers. You do not need to have 24 Explorers or a headquarters to meet in. Many countries of the world have single Patrols or Sixes meeting as Explorers or Timber Wolves.

We have 5 different sections for Scouting depending upon your age group. First, you should read about our programs, and choose the one which is appropriate to your age group.

  • Otters 5 to 8 years
  • Timber Wolves 8 to 11 years
  • Explorers 11 to 15 years
  • Senior Explorers 15 to 18 years
  • Rovers 17+

For more information on what each Section is about, and what they do, please check out the following webpage at: Section Information

Now you have learnt about the different Sections CISA offers, you now need to be sure that Traditional Scouting is indeed for you. If you think you would like to join us, and start a new Group, Patrol or Six, you may request a Chartering Package at: National Council

What's the cost?

The CISA Councils across Canada, strongly believe that the cost of Scouting should be as low as possible. We believe that Scouting should not just be for the rich, but that it should be for everyone.

Like the BPSA, the CISA has no chartering fees, and no annual rechartering fees like certain other Scouting Associations have. You should be aware that it requires no monetary outlay to form a CISA Group.

Our annual registration cost (2008-2009), per person, is $40.00. That cost is the same across the country regardless of which CISA provincial council you belong to.

The CISA keeps its costs down to the bare bones by being 100% volunteer. We have no paid staff, over-bloated administration or costly offices at all. Our uniforms and badges are sold at cost with no mark-up what-so-ever. We believe that Scouting is for kids, not to make a profit!

Already a Scout Group with another organisation?

First of all the CISA is not seeking to expand its organisation by taking groups from any other organisation. Each organisation has its own merits and styles. The CISA follow the original teachings of Baden-Powell and his love for the great outdoors.

However, if you feel that what we offer better meets the needs of your local area, then we would be pleased to help you, on an individual basis, make a decision on whether or not to join us.

Email the National Council which deals with these matters at: CISA Information
(replace "at" with "@" from the address before sending)
