Dr. Rafael A. Lara's


Contactee Carlos Diaz and the Sounds of the Light Beings

We were the first to say so: Mexico shall never have a generation of researchers and theoreticians like Vallée, Persinger, Schwarz or others, since "official" research is in the hands of charlatans, yellow journalists and UFO merchants.

Carlos Díaz, who can fairly lay claim to being this country's most popular contactee given his close ties to Jaime Maussan as well as to the TELEVISA media outlet, has launched his new musical CD entitled Todos Nosotros Podemos Salvar al Planeta (We Can All Save the Planet). Said release took place on May 30, 1997 at the auditorium of the Centro Medico Nacional Siglo XXI in Mexico City with the presentation of the video Ovnis: la Otra Realidad (UFOs: The Other Reality).

The CD in question contains the following melodies: "Bernal", "Tepoztlan", "Teotihuacán", "Monte Albán", "Amatlán" and others. The musicians appearing on this musical effort are all New Age performers including veteran singer Johnny Laboriel and the entire Díaz family. The liner notes indicate:"...Carlos Díaz was invited to know this ship of light, from which he was shown that our Mother Earth is in her death throes. This music was inspired by the marvelous energy which has reached our planet to motivate us so that we may all save the Earth, our only home..."

This production, priced at $70.00 NP (U.S. $10), had a run of 3 million copies. According to Nina Castillo Velazco, the album's main promoter, "this music will undoubtedly put you in touch with the beings of light who watch over us and care for us in these dark times (?)..."

It is depressing that at this stage of UFO research a country such as Mexico should have its investigative activities in this field fall into the hands of opportunists seeking personal gain. We are in complete disagreement with this attitude and with the statements made by Augusto Hernandez, an alleged "computer expert" who claims that the frequency at which the Tepoztlan UFO vibrates is similar to a musical note (shadows of CE3K?). I was not wrong when in Samizdat Special Reports Mexico 1995 and 1996 I discussed the nebulous activities of these alleged contactees. Therefore, I shall repeat my original statment: the stage is set, the actors have taken their places, but what will be the first act?