Mandy Ashford

Mandy Ashford


Mandy grew up in Clinton, MS before her love of music and performing brought her to Orlando, FL, to help create Innosense. Mandy's talent was evident even as a small child. She was dancing and singing by the age of five which lead to performances at State Fairs, Rodeos and the Mrs. Mississippi Pageant.

As a cheerleader, beauty queen and homecoming court member Mandy was liked and respected by all. She's not only beautiful, she's smart too as evidenced by a 4.0 GPA and a full scholarship to college.

Mandy was involved in a group called Attache, which is a choir from her alma mater of Clinton High School. Musically their taste ranged by performing show tunes to ballads, performing at shows all over the states. It was during this time that Mandy met Lance Bass, which in time proved to be a good move. He was the one that introduced Mandy to Lynn Harless, and led to her being in Innosense. Here are some old photos of Mandy from Attache.

Full Name: Mandeline Elizabeth Ashford
Birthdate: 3/16/79
Birthplace: Clinton, Mississippi
First Ambition: For Innosense to have great success
People would be surprised to know that:
I was a 4:0 student as you can always catch me in my own little world.
Personal message to your fans:
Be yourself and never give up - you only have one life to live so live it up!

[Bio from Innosense site]

[More Mandy pics]