Who is Who?
Yes, it's incomplete, I'm working on it. People, here's a *rough* sketch of who's who in where. If there's still any confusion, you might need to look at other charcter info sites. Or if it's my fault, then please e-mail me and tell me what I did incorrectly. I really hope this helps! ^^

Fushigi Yuugi Gundam Wing Sailormoon Yu Yu Hakusho

Fushigi Yuugi
Miaka Yuuki~
The main female character of Fushigi Yuugi. Somewhat of a klutz, but sensitive. She's Suzaku no Miko and is in love with Tamahome, one of the Suzaku seishi.
Yui Hongo~
A main female character in Fushigi Yuugi as well. She's the short, sandy-haired classmate of Miaka's who becomes Seiryuu no Miko. She also has a heavy crush on Tamahome, but confused about Nakago and Suboshi, the Seiryuu seishi who appear to love her.
The guy who Miaka falls in love with. The one with the symbol 'ogre' or 'ghost' on his forehead. He appears to be the leader of the Suzaku seishi. He's the first seishi Miaka runs into.
Emperor of Konan. He has a crush on Suzaku no Miko and is the object of Nuriko's affections. He is very bishounen. He marries Houki later, who remarkably looks like Nuriko. The symbol 'star' is on his neck. He's the second Suzaku seishi Miaka discovered.
This is easy. The gay guy on the Suzaku team. (no offense!) There's a red symbol on the right side of his chest meaning 'willow.' This guy has a serious crush on Konan's emperor and has been masquerading for quite a while in his court as a girl, princess to be exact. At the beginning he has this lovely long plaited braid. Another helpful reference is that he has violet hair and eyes. He also kissed Tamahome once. ^^ He's the third Suzaku seishi Miaka met.
The blue-mohawk haired monk who wear a eternally-smiling mask. He's the fourth Suzaku seishi Miaka finds, and she had called him 'kitsune' (fox). He has the symbol 'well' (as in wishing well) on his right knee.
The rough, sort-of amiable leader of the Mt. bandits Miaka ran into. His flaring flame hair and enchanted tessan (iron fan) which throws flames with an incantation (Lekka Shien), are clear details of him. He's the fifth Suzaku seishi Miaka meets. His symbol 'wing' is on his left arm.
A calm, peaceful man. He is the healer of the group. The symbol 'rare cart' is on the palm of of his right hand. He's the sixth seishi Miaka finds. The way they met was unusual... they were fighting over a fish that a merchant accidentally dropped from his cart...
The last Suzaku seishi that Miaka found. He is the child of the group (literally). His symbol 'stretching' is on his foot and it grants him incredible mental abilities and wisdom.

Gundam Wing
Heero Yui~
Number "1" of the five specially trained boys to use Gundams. He is cold, precise, often termed "the Perfet Soldier." He is totaly focused on the mission, and it is all that matters to him. He is unnerved by Relena though. She is something that he hasn't dealt with before. Her behavior totally perplexes him. Heero usually wears tight spandex biker shorts and a green tank top. He has cobalt blue eyes and short sable hair. He pilots the Wing Gundam Zero, a Gundam capable of transforming into a bird-like plane.
Duo Maxwell~
Number "2" of the trained guys. He's mostly the joker of the group. Loose, easygoing, and friendly, Duo sports a waist-long chestnut braid and large blue-violet eyes. He usuallly wears a black minister-like attire with a black cap. He pilots the Gundam Deathscythe which wields a green energy scythe. (Gee... I wonder...)
Trowa Barton~
Number "3" pilot of the Gundam Heavyarms. Not much is known about this guy. He's as emotionless as Heero, but a great deal calmer and analytical. He works at a circus to cover up his Gundam and usually wears a dark turtleneck with long pants while not seen in his clown outfit. He has a partner named Catherine who is an excellant knife-thrower. She once commented of him, "This child... He isn't afraid of dying! Not a bit afraid..." Dark brown hair with long razor-like bangs and dark eyes eyes are also some of his features.
Quatre Raberba Winner~
He is pilot "4" of the Gundam Sandrock. A very nice and placid child to be around, he seems to be the youngest of the five. He is the son of a extremely wealthly family and has many guards to look after him. Quatre has short blonde hair and large cornflower-blue eyes.
Wu Fei Chang~
Pilot "5" of the Gundam Shenlong. An upright Chinese guy, he is strictly fixated on the codes of honor. A bit arrogant, grinding on nerves (for us anyway), he an alright guy to be around. He knows martial arts, is highly intelligent (as the rest of the group), and has his black hair tied up in a small pigtail.

Usagi Tsukino~
She is Sailormoon, Princess Serenity of the Moon Kingdom, Neo-Queen Serenity of Crystal Tokyo, possesser of the Silver Imperial Crystal aka Ginzuishou. Her consort is Prince Endymion of Earth. She a pure hearted soul, a magnetic charisma surround her presence and she brings people together. She has an unusal hairstyle, two buns trailing out in pigtails. That earned her the name Odango Atama (Meatball Head) from Mamoru Chiba, the reincarnation of Endymion (though he wasn't aware of it at the time).
Minako Aino~
Sailor Venus aka Sailor V. The white cat, Artimas follows her and acts as her guardian. Minako is the leader of the Iner Senshi. She has long blonde hair she usually ties up with a red bow.
Ami Mizuno~
Sailor Mercury, one of the Inner Senshi. This dark blue-haired genius is the main brains for the group. She commands the elements of water and ice. She is the first companion Sailormoon discovers.
Rei Hino~
Sailor Mars, one of the Inner Senshi. She is a priestress of the Hikawa Shrine, and has some psychic powers. She commands fire, and she's the second senshi Sailor Moon discovered. They didn't get along too well at the beginning, but in the end, they were the best of friends. She has lovely, long raven hair.
Makoto Kino~
Sailor Jupiter, one of the Inner Senshi. She commands thunder and lightening. An excellant cook and formadible fighter, she's the third senshi Sailor Moon found. She wears her chesnut hair in a high ponytail.

Yu Yu Hakusho
Yuusuke Urameshi~
The main character of this anime. He's a high school deliquent who is hit by a car and granted a second chance at life from the underworld. He is the leader of his Reikai Tantei team. He has a blue, penguin-like creature that is linked to his soul and usually wears his short, dark green hair slicked back. His main weapon is the Rei Gun.
Kazuma Kuwabara~
A fellow deliquent and classmate of Yuusuke's. Kazuma is usually called by his last name, Kuwabara, and used to view Yuusuke as a rival to being first in the position of best fighter. Still, they resolved their differences and Kuwabara is part of Yuusuke's team. His main weapon is the Rei Ken, which he creates from his spiritual energy.
Also known as Shuiichi Minamino in his human form, he is the reincarnation of a youko (fox spirit). He is also part of Yuusuke's team and is capable of reversing to his youko form later on. As a human he has stunning, long, crimson hair and sparkling emerald eyes. As a youko he his long silver moondust hair and metallic gold eyes. His specialty is manipulating plants and his main weapon is Rose Whip.
He is the mysterious member of Yuusuke's team. Dark, cold, and expressionless he is well known and feared as one of the more powerful youkai (demons) in the Maikai (Demon World). He is a fire demon and has a powerful attack called the 'Kokuryuha,' though he mostly uses his incredible speed and excellant swordmanship to deal with his enermies. He has spikey black hair with a streak of white and remains me of one of those Dragonball characters... ^^
He is the son of Enma Daioh, Lord of the Dead. He is a god and the Prince of the Reikai (Spirit World). He is often seen as a cute toddler, though in dire situations you will find him in a more stunning teen form. He processes the files and papers for the deceased, constantly overworked. He is the Reikai Tantei's manager and Yuusuke's team's boss.

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