Foreword: Um, hi. This is a crossover on Sailormoon and 
Yu Yu Hakusho. Anyway, the idea of what this is about is 
that Usagi fails to reincarnate and Botan picks her up. 
This takes place after Sailormoon defeats the last bad 
guy. I guess you could say this takes place at the end 
of Yu Yu Hakusho when everything's peaceful. I sorry, 
but this story, I think, will contain spoilers. You've 
been warned here.  At any rate, I hope you like the 
story. The animes and the respective characters of each 
do not belong to me and were not created by me. ^^ Any 
comments or suggestions, please e-mail me at ~Crimson Ice 

Untitled No.1: Part One.

         Cold. It was was deathly cold. Such was Chaos's 
embrace. But it was gone now. And it was warm. Usagi 
acknowledged the warmth. So warm! So familiar, like that 
taste of a memory! Usagi opened her eyes, and sat up in 
a pearly radiance. ...I? she thought, am still alive? 
She glanced down upon herself, somehow she was in a 
loose shift tied securely on her shoulders and neck, and 
gazed at the hazy air around her. I... had surrounded 
Chaos... at that last moment, and was bounced back out! 
She stared inside the kaleidoscopic, lumionous light 
enveloping her. Here is? ...Everybody all vanished, gone 
now? She wondered sadly. Chaos? ....? Everyone all-? 
         " Konnichi wa! Usagi Tsukino!" an unfamilar 
feminine voice chirped behind her.
         Uwa...! Usagi spun around around quickly to see 
one of the more unusual sights during the long battles 
for the sake of the solar system. There was a petite 
girl sitting on a floating oar waving at her with one 
arm as she was busily reading from a book titled "Reikai 
Book of Souls'. She wore a simple pinkish kimono and had 
dark deep sky blue hair that was pulled up into a high 
ponytail with a red band, it bounced around as she 
flipped through the thin book. Well, it was sort of 
thick, but compare to Ami's usual study books... Usagi 
felt a pang as she thought about Ami. Mercury... she she 
the look in her friend's eyes as she melted away in the 
full blast of Usagi's attack, the same look in all of 
the other senshis's eyes... Tears glinted in Usagi's 
cerulean eyes, she quickly wiped them away. Come to 
think of it, Usagi thought, this girl's hair color is 
just a little lighter than Ami's... The girl didn't 
notice Usagi's expression as she frowned into the book. 
          " Makasa!" she declared, abruptly, jerking her 
head up, revealing violet eyes," you're not suppose to 
be dead yet!" Then muttered something even more 
quietly," We've been getting a lot of those lately..."
          Dead? Usagi thought startled, of course I'm 
dead, what is she talking about? Then again, what is she 
doing here at Chaos's headquaters? " Nanni?" Usagi 
finally spoke," Who are you? How do you know my name? 
What are you doing here? Where is here anyway?"
         The girl blinked," Ah, gomen nasai! Watashi wa 
Botan desu! I am a Spirit Guide for the Reikai, and my 
job is to ferry souls across the Sanzu no Kawa to their 
Judgement. You're in Tokyo, in a apartment complex's 
back lobby." 
         " Reikai?" Usagi asked slowly, puzzled, she had 
never heard of it," What is that? I've never heard of 
it. Sanzu no Kawa? Isn't that a river in the legends? 
What judgement? What am I doing in a apartment complex?"
         Botan's jaw dropped," Nanni!? You've never 
heard of the Reikai!? Or Sanzu no Kawa!? Where've you 
been?" Then she chuckled, seeming to decide that Usagi 
was joking," And I suppose you've never heard of Koenma-
sama either."
         Usagi was even more bewildered," Ko...enma? 
Who's that?"
         The girl facevaulted and nearly fell off her 
oar. Recovering she said," Koenma, the Prince of the 
Reikai. You know Reikai, the Spirit Realm where all 
should go to after they die. All the humans go to him 
for their Judgement, their designation to heaven or hell 
depending on the deeds completed during their life," she 
amended quickly, seeing an even more mystified look on 
Usagi's face. 
         The place where souls go after they die... 
there's no such place! The senshi and I have died so 
many times, but we've never went to where she's talking 
about! We always reincarnated... maybe that's why. But 
then what am I doing here?  Usagi thought about it, then 
startled she realized the opalescent light had vanished 
and she was hovering beside Botan in a hallway in mid-
air, not touching the ground. Huh? 
         " Anyway," Botan continued," You aren't suppose 
to be dead yet, it doesn't say anything about it in your 
file," she waved the book erratically," In fact, it says 
your not even CLOSE to dying. This is very weird. It 
also has nothing on what you're doing here..." She 
frowned, snapping the book closed.  " We'll have to ask 
Koenma-sama himself! Even though he's always so busy and 
all... this is really weird. But then so was Yuusuke's 
case, and then there was Genkai's-"
         Usagi's brow furrowed," Yuusuke-? What's going 
         " Ah, nothing! I was just talking to myself! 
Come on," the girl said and patted the space on the oar 
next to her," Get on, I have other people to get after 
you and then I have to talk to Yuusuke."
         Usagi looked at the oar uncertainly. I've been 
on odder methods of transportation but this is a little 
much. Plus the fact that I have no clue of what she's 
talking about or what's going on.  Which is always 
usually prior to something very bad, Usagi recalled 
Galaxia, Sailor Tin Mouse, Sailor Starlights, Professor 
Tomoe, Demando, and ect. She stared uneasily at Botan. 
        " Well, come on! It's safe, I've never had any 
problems!" Botan called to her impatiently.
        Usagi shrugged, It's like I have anything to 
lose, she thouht ruefully, I'm already dead and she 
can't kill me. Or control me, I have the power to resist 
her. Why not? It's not like I have anywhere else to go. 
I should investigate this Reikai place anyway... " 
Okay," Usagi finally said, she cautiously moved, or 
glided actually, and gingerly set herself on the oar. 
        " Hold on!" Botan said to her. 
        " Huh?" was all Usagi had time to say before the 
oar gyrated and rocketed forward, leaping past clouds at 
a unbelievable speed. She let out a yelp, and gripped 
the oar with a death-like grip. 

         This girl is really unusual, Botan thought as 
she sped along to the Reikai, her file has an almost 
perfect record and some weird anomalies. She sailed 
onward, sensing extreme distress at her backside. 
Inwardly she grinned, just like Yuusuke and Kuwabara. I 
can't imagine why riding on my oar could be 
unpleasant... She thought about the person behind her. 
Hm, there's something odd about her for sure, I don't 
know, somehow she doesn't really >feel< like a human. 
When she spoke... I thought I heard someone familiar, 
like a close one, but I never meet her before. Her 
name... rabbit of the moon... That impression of endless 
stars, and despairing beauty... I wonder. It's really 
odd I just happen to pass by the particular area. 
Otherwise I would have never noticed her. But what was 
she doing there? She mulled over it. Ah, we're almost 
there. I hope Koenma will know what to do. 

        "Uh..." Mamoru groaned and slowly opened his 
eyes. Sunlight streamed through the windows and into his 
apartment. Beside him he heard the sounds of the other 
senshi waking. He registered their position; they were 
in his living room.
        " Wha?" Minako mumbled, similar reactions came 
from the others. They slowly took stock. For a reason or 
another all of them were wearing identical loose shifts 
fastened with tied cord-like straps, except for Mamoru 
who was wearing a loose collared shirt and pants, they 
sort of looked like pajamas. Haruka and Michiru hugged 
each other fiercely and then the senshi all piled in a 
huge group hug.  Tears ran from all present's eyes, 
overjoyed to find themselves with each other again. 
        " Nanni?" Mamoru abruptly breathed," Where's 
        All motion froze. " U-Usagi," Ami gasped. She 
remembered the desolate anguish etched on her beloved 
friend's face, the despairing defeat in her eyes as she 
        " Where is she," Setsuna whispered, eyes wide," 
she couldn't have possibly-" Desperation showed in her 
cold garnet eyes, usually unexpressive with so many 
        " Makasa!" Haruka snapped, a light dawning in 
her teal eyes," don't you remember the Guardian?"
        " Hai," Hontaru, echoed softly, remembering 
slowly," she said that Usagi's starseed had skewed and 
was unable to locate it. She has not been 
        Frantic looks appeared in the mysterious eyes of 
the solar system's senshi. " We'll find her," Makoto 
declared grimly.
        " Even if it takes us a thousand years," Rei 
declared in an undertone, her expression unreadable.
        " Forever," corrected Minako.
        " The mirror should be able to help..." Michiru 
summoned out the reflective brilliance of her tailsman 
and gazed long into its farseeing deepths, trying to 
sense the truth of where Usagi was. She couldn't see 
anything.  " Iie," she said in shock, the others crowded 
around her, peering into the hand-held mirror. " The 
mirror cannot find her..."

::End Part 1::


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