

Studi esoterici

Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul
Esoteric Philosophy

English edition
German edition

Initiation, Human and Solar
Letters on Occult Meditation
A Treatise on Cosmic Fire
A Treatise on White Magic
Discipleship in the New Age - Volume I
Discipleship in the New Age - Volume II
Problems of Humanity
The Reappearance of the Christ
The Destiny of the Nations
Glamor - A World Problem
Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle
Education in the New Age
The Externalization of the Hierarchy

A Treatise on the Seven Rays:
Esoteric Psychology I
Esoteric Psychology II
Esoteric Astrology
Esoteric Healing
The Rays and the Initiations

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
(paraphrased by Djwhal Khul
with commentary by Alice Bailey)
The Labors of Hercules
(paraphrased by Djwhal Khul
with commentary by Alice Bailey)

Alice Bailey

The Consciousness of the Atom
The Soul and its Mechanism
From Intellect to Intuition
From Bethlehem to Calvary
The Unfinished Autobiography

Agni Yoga Series

Master Index

Leaves Of Morya's Garden I (The Call)
Leaves Of Morya's Garden II (Illumination)
New Era Community
Agni Yoga
Infinity I
Infinity II
Fiery World I
Fiery World II
Fiery World III
Supermundane I
Supermundane II
Agni Yoga Glossary