The Wondrous WASP presents: the ...and Letters List of the Marvel Universe

...AND LETTERS (with a BIG letter on the chest or a VERY BIG letter on the belt): A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I-J-K-L-M-N-O-P-Q-R-S-T-U-V-W-X-Y-Z 


Apocalypse, the Egyptian, X-ternal, Celestial-empowered mutant. Atlas, Erik Josten of the Thunderbolts. Avalanche, of the Brotherhood of the Evil Mutants V and Freedom Force.

Arsenal II, Moon Knight's foe. The Angler, Kayla Ballantine and Quasar's foe created by the Geometer. Armory, of the Initiative.


Boomerang, Fred Myers in his original costume. Barricade, from Azania, of the Supermascists. Black Panther's foes. Boulder/Butterball, of the Initiative.


Comanche, Luke Cage foe. He always is with his partner Shades. Crimson Crusader, of Clan Destine. Imp is his partner. Cyclone II, of the Masters of Evil VII. Charcoal, Charlie Burlingame of the Thunderbolts.


Daredevil, the Man Without Fear. Matt Murdock, advocate, vigilante and ninja. Demolition Man. Dennis Dunphy, Captain America's friend, and an Avenger too.


(*) Endotherm, Tom Wilkins, of the Stark International London branch, Iron Man villain suffering from paranoid schizofrenia. Ethan Edwards, Skrull, friend of Peter Parker


Forbush Man, Irving Forbush.  Freedom Force. Force, Iron Man's foe and ally.
Forbush Man

Foreigner, Spider-Man's foe and Silver Sable's ex-husband. Flag-Smasher, Captain America enemy. Flatman, of the Great Lakes Avengers. He remembers me Mister Fantastic, doesn't he?
Flag-Smasher Flatman


Galactus, on the "armor" he used when he met the Fantastic Four for the first time. Giant-Man, Bill Foster, when working to Stark Enterprises West and Project: Pegasus. The General, one of the deadliest foes of Sentry, and also an old enemy of the X-Men.


Hawkeye, Clint Barton, the Avenger. Hammerhead, of the Triumvirate of Terror. Hydra. All Hydra's soldiers. Hercules, Olympian and Avenger.

The High Evolutionary, in one of his outfits [H4H#15]. Hitmaker. Orlando Sinclair Jackhammer, of Hydra and Masters of Evil VI. Haywire, of the Squadron Supreme.

Captain Hero, the Super Skrull. Hellfang, semifinalist to "Who wants to be a Thunderbolt?". Hindsight Lad. Carlton of the New Warriors Human Torch. Jim Hammond of the New Invaders.
Captain Hero Hindsight Lad

Hatemonger, Adolf Hitler clone, Red Skull ally. Hardball II, of the Initiative. He likes Komodo.


Mr. Immortal, of the Great Lake Avengers.


Jackdaw I. Elf, Captain Britain's pal, deceased, killed by the Fury in the "warped" Universe.


Komodo. Of the Initiative. She stole Doc Connors' Lizard formula.


Magneto, during his phase of redemption. Mandarin, Iron Man foe. Lady Mandarin, Betsy Braddock in the body of Kwannon.
Lady Mandarin

Mimic, of the X-Men. Moses Magnum, X-Men enemy. Monotony Man, Iron Man's foe.
Monotony Man

Mauler, Brendan Doyle, on one of Roxxon's new suits. Megatak, Gregory Nettles, Thor foe. Killed by Scourge. Mysteria, of the Superia's Femizons.

Master Menace, the Supreme Squadron's greatest enemy. Captain Manhattan, of the New Universe. Meteorite II, Valerie Barnhardt of the Redeemers.

Micromax, Scott Wright of Excalibur. Blue Marvel, enemy of Anti-Man. Medusa, in the costume from the War of King.


Nightcrawler's N-Men. They had a big N on the belt! They was most of the Gatecrasher's Technet. Nomad, Jack Monroe. Nonstop, of Nevada's Heavy Hitters.


Piledriver I, of the Triumvirate of Terror. Puck of Alpha Flight. Pip the Troll. In one of his "coloured" costumes.


The Resistants. All them: Crucible, Meteorite, Mist Mistress, Occult, Paralyzer, Quill, Rust, Think-Tank.  Ricochet. Johnny Gallo of the Slingers and Loners.


Sentry. Robert Reynolds.
He is also Void.
Shades. Partner of Comanche. Silver Sable's Wild Pack: Battlestar, Quentino, Chen, Crippler, Powell. And Man-Eater, too.


Thunderfist, of the Crusaders. Thunderboot, of the Triumvirate of Terror. Terminizer(*). Luis Gutierrez. Hawkeye character (only on the cover).
The Thunderiders, Honcho, Red, Sharon and the others. Terrax. Herald of Galactus. The Human Torch. Jim Hammond of the New Invaders.
Texas Twister, of SHIELD and Rangers. Coal Tiger, a T'Challa coming from and alternate timeline. Tomorrow Man, Zarrko from the future.
Texas Twister Coal Tiger Zarrko, the Tomorrow Man
Trauma II, Terrence Ward of the Initiative.
Trauma, Terrence Ward


U-Man. Atlantean criminal, enemy of Namor and ally of the Nazi WWII army. Captain Ultra. Griffin Gogol, on his first costume.


Val-Larr, who wields the Solar Sword. Iron Man ally of the Dark dimension. Victorius, Victor, enemy of Ka-Zar and Captain America and the Thing. Vulturians, Spider-Man enemies.

Vixen's men. Of the Crooked Universe. Slaymaster. When he brutalized Betsy Braddock. Voortrekker. Of the Azanian Supremascists.
Slaymaster Voortrekker

Vavavoom, Dawn Middlebury, one of the new Grapplers ' Vores. Goat, Bull, Pig and Wolf. Protection racketeers in San Juan. Defeated by Rick Jones. Voice. Jason Lorne Cragg, affiliated to the Skeleton Crew.

Citizen V and the V Battalion. Videoman. Spider-Man, Firestar and Ice-Man foe. Virtuous. Ethan Edwards, Skrull. Friend of Peter Parker


Whizzer(s), Robert L. Frank of the Invaders, Stanley Stewart of the Supreme Squadron, and the clone created by Arnim Zola. Captain Wings, of the Crusaders. White Wolf, Hunter. T'Challa's brother-in-law. Wasp. Janet Van Dyne, the wondrous Wasp.
Whizzer, Robert Frank Captain Wings Wasp. Janet Van Dyne, the wondrous Wasp.

Wonder-Man, the ionic Avenger. Wargod, Mona Hagen. Captain America's foe. New Wave(rs), created by Dust and Silence. Wolverine, in the alternate reality in which he was Heather Hudson (white Sasquatch)'s husband.
Wonder-Man Wolverine

Walrus, powerful partner of the White Rabbit. Wardog, leader of the Special Executive. White Avenger, of the Supremascists.


Mr. X, wrestler Ray Deacon who killed Jumping Jack Flash and was captured by Captain America. X-Factor, Angel, Beast, Ice-Man, Cyclops and Marvel Girl, and X-Factor II, Havok, Polaris, Jaimie Madrox, Strong Guy and the others.

X-Force II. Rictor, and Jessie "Bedlam" Aaronson and Boom-Boom during the Wisdom's leadership. X-Men. In most of their costumes.

Generation-X, after Adrienne's Frost affiliation to the school. X-Statix, Anarchist, Dead-Girl, Doop, Orphan, Phat, U-go Girl, Venus Dee Milo and many others. Once called X-Force III.


Young Watchers, created by Stoneface, twisted by Miller, uncovered by Falcon and Spider-Man, helped by Jim Wilson.


Zaladane. Zala Dane of the Savage Land. X-Men foe. Captain Zero. Spider-Man ally.
Zaladane Captain Zero


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