
Finishing Moves:

Fatality 1: B, B, B, F, LK  (Full Screen)

    Mileena opens her mouth, then swallows a jar of tacks. She then starts

    to spit them out at her victim. This is one of the best in the game!

  Fatality 2: D, F, D, F, LP  (Next to)

    Mileena does her old Suck fatality from MK2, but much more body parts

    come out. Most are rib cages and a few heads.

  Friendship: D, D, B, F, HP  (No Block in Winning Round) (Past Sweep)

  Animality: F, D, D, F, HK  (Mercy First) (Next to)

  Babality: D, D, F, F, HP  (No Block in Winning Round) (Past Sweep)

  Mercy: Hold RUN, Wait 1 Second, D, D, Release RUN  (Round 3) (Past Sweep)

  Stage Fatal: D, D, D, LP  (Next to)



Special Moves:

  Fire Teleport Punch: D, B, HP

  Green Sphere:  D, DB, B, LP

  Soul Slam:  B, D, B, HK  (He raises his hand, and you are picked up and

                              thrown to the ground. Not close)

Finishing Moves:

  Fatality 1: D, U, D, D, D, BL  (Sweep)  (Hold Block)

  Fatality 2: RUN, BL, RUN, RUN, HK  (Next to)

  Babality: D, B, B, F, HP ?  (No Block in Winning Round) (Past Sweep)

  Mercy: Hold RUN, Wait 1 Second, D, D, Release RUN  (Round 3) (Past Sweep)

  Stage Fatal: RUN, RUN, RUN, RUN, LK  (Next to)

                            CLASSIC SUB-ZERO                           

Special Moves:

  Freeze:  D, DF, F, LP

  Ground Freeze:  D, DB, B, LK

  Slide:  B + LP + LK + BL

Finishing Moves:

  Fatality 1: D, D, D, F, HP

  Babality: ?  (No Block in Winning Round) (Past Sweep)

  Mercy: Hold RUN, Wait 1 Second, D, D, Release RUN  (Round 3) (Past Sweep)

  Stage Fatal: F, D, F, F, HP


Special Moves:

  In Front of Ice Shower: D, DF, B + HP

  In Back of Ice Shower: D, DB, F, HP

  On Top of Ice Shower: D, DF, F, HP

  Ice Clone: D, DB, B, LP  (Can be done in the Air)

    (If you hold block while falling toward Sub-Zero's ice Clone, it

    won't freeze you if it's on the ground. Wont work in close,

    past sweep range.)

  Ice Freeze: D, DF, F, LP

  Slide: B + LP + LK + BL

Finishing Moves:

  Fatality 1: BL, BL, RUN, BL, RUN  (Next to)

  Fatality 2: B, B, D, B, RUN  (Sweep)


  Friendship: LK, RUN, RUN, U  (No Block in Winning Round) (Past Sweep)

  Animality: F, U, U  (Mercy First) (Next to) (Hold Block).

  Babality: D, B, B, HK  (No Block in Winning Round) (Past Sweep)

  Mercy: Hold RUN, Wait 1 Second, D, D, Release RUN  (Round 3) (Past Sweep)

  Stage Fatal: B, D, F, F, HK  (Next to)