L'effetto della globalizzazione produce un linguaggio universale...

.:Cappuccet Red:.


A long.Long (very long) time ago, was a little girl, called Cappucet Red.
One mattin, her mam dissed: "Dear Cappucet, take this cest to the nonn, but
warning to the Lup Mannar, that is very pericolous. Torn prest, good luck
and in bock of the lup!"
Cappucet didn't comprended this lats think, and she incammined vers the bosk
with the cest.
Unfortunately Cappucet Red's mam had reason: In fact, the Lup had a very
brut past because he had been for a long time in prison, but not the prison
of the game "Monopoli", the real prison. Atfer a process,
with the Cassation, he went out but he started to take an industrial
quantity of alchoolics and light drugs.
He was the most terrible animal of the forest: with his great and strong
physic, and with his typical meridional accent, he was like the Tarricon of
Grand Fratel.
Cammining cammining at a cert point Cappucet Red incontered in the forest
the Lup, who dissed: "Hi piccirilla, where you go?"
"I go to the nonn with this cest, wich is little but it's full of chocolate,
biscuits, panettons, mores and mirtills!", she dissed.
"Ah, mannaggia 'a maruscella! (Maybe is an expression like: what a great cul
I had!)", dissed the Lup, with a river of saliv out of the mouth.
And so the Lup dissed: "Beh, mo' I go because my cellular is squilling,
sorry." And he went to the nonn's home.
Cappucet Red, who was very very lent (a casin lent), continued for her
sentier in the forest.
The Lup arrived at the house, suoned the campanell and after saluting the
nonn magned her in a boccon.Then, after sputing her dentier, he indossed the
ridicul night-berret, and gone under the coperts.
Then Cappuced Red went to the nonn's house suoned and entered.
When she saws the nonn, (was not the nonn, but the Lup.REMEMBER!) she
"But Nonn, why do you stay in the let?" And the nonn-Lup: "Nothing, I have
stort my cavigl doing aerobics".
"Oh, poor nonn",she resposed (she was a little stupid, wasn't she?).
And then diss: "But what a big occhions you have, do you need some collir?"
"No, my little Cappucet, they're for see you better!", was the rispost of
the imbarazzad nonn-Lup.
Then, Cappucet Red (who was dure like a block of marm):"Nonn, what big oreks
you have, have you the orecchions?"
At this point, the nonn-lup thinked if was possible that this stupid girl
couldn't make her cazz, but he resposed: "Oh, my Cappucet, this oreks are
for ascolt you better!"
Cappucett, (now I think that she was very rincoglionited) domanded again:
"But.What a big dents you have!!"
The Lup, wich baloons were that moment like two mappmonds, dissed:
"They're to magn you better!" And magned the poor little red girl.
But out of the house, a sympatic and curious cacciator of Frodo (it's a city
near there) sentet all and dissed: "Accident, a Lup! His pellic costs tant!
And so, spinted only for the compassion of little girl, the cacciator butted
a ter the volps, fringuels and the leprs that he ammazzed till that moment
and with a great impet imbracced the arm and entered in the stanz: so he
ammazzed the Lup Mannar.
Then squarced the Lup's panz, (being attention to not rovin the pellic) and
tired out the Nonn (still live) and Cappucet Red (still rincoglionited).
At the end the cacciator vended the pellic and guadagned (honestly) a great
quantity of money, the nonn magned all the leccornies in the cest ( it was
like a Cuccagn pal) and Cappucet Red was really felix, and started playng
with her Pokemon-peluche.
So, everibody live felix and content!!!! (Maybe not the Lup.)

The end.

Marzio ti amo :*(eheh, i miei messaggini segreti...)