Poets in the world



I Libri

Le Poesie

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I am talking to you 

I am talking to you, my love,

I know you can hear me.

Even though you are not present,

You can hear my thoughts

All the same,

Waiting for sunset

To run after ma,

Tell me my love:

Do I make you happy

In this new feeling

Of yours?

I am, and more -

I am happy every moment

And I am waiting for sunset

To run after you,

Joyfully kissing

Your thirsty lips,

Touching with a finger

The meaning of my life!


trembling earth

Trembling earth

Beneath us

Robbing us of calm

Killing dreams

Upright monuments

Destroyed with a gust

Lasting a moment.

Earth you have moved

You have hurled

A scream of anguish

Into every soul

And penetrated

Every shocked being!


Earth, do not tremble anymore

This is the prayer

Expressed by the man

Who is homeless

Robbed of tomorrow

And who every evening

looks at this hands:



Trembling earth

Tormented you jolt

Silently screaming

Even you are dismayed

You dont't want to do it

But nature opposes

Fights your desire

Disintegrating the plans

Of those who have not

Taken her into consideration!


A prayer

Every moment lived now

Is a prayer

Sweet and light.

Like the sky of this Spring

I feel my soul serene

This experience of love

Fills my heart to overflowing

Not with things I need

I have nothing left on this earth,

And God always needs to be thanked

He has made me realize what matters.

Of my blessed life

To savour the dawn with the one who loves me

To live through the day waiting for sunset

To be content with the caress

Of the one who feels tenderness for me.

Praying every moment without realising it

Love is forever

And He spoke to us of love

Not of the power created by it!

Teresa Latini