deer manual
(deer project, 2006-2008, Antonio Maschio @ )
Last updated: December 05, 2008


1. Introduction
2. The Dartmouth Operating System emulator
        2.1 deer options
        2.2 First run
        2.3 Customizable variables
        2.4 System commands
        2.5 Tips on manipulating files
3. Conclusions 
4. References


deer is an acronym for Dartmouth Environment Elementary Renderer; though 
there are already emulators of the Dartmouth OS (on which the original BASIC 
language environment ran), more complete and capable of running BASIC and ALGOL 
(see [1]), I wanted to build my own, and I wanted to do it in two languages:
- deer, the "operating system", in bash, due do its extreme ability to deal 
  with strings (while lacking floating numbers);
- dib, the BASIC interpreter, in C, for its speed and its math functions.

This was particularly interesting because I had to dive into a more complete 
bash and C theory before coding, and I was very pleased by that. 

I spent one year (or so) in building deer, partly because of my need to study, 
and partly because I have a family that occupies my head and time, and leaves 
me nights bits for coding. Finally the OS was ready, but my BASIC was far to be 
completed. It's not that easy to program an algebraic language (my experience 
was limited to stack languages, which are very easy to build). You can read
the rest about this story in the file 'dib manual.txt'.

deer is not a complete replica of the original Sixties OS. It's rather a 
subsystem, but as such it can create, edit, run, delete BASIC programs, and 
has some other features, along with minor differences compared to the
original OS.
I discarded all the connection commands (network, kermit, and so on) and all 
the documentation files (which couldn't be applied to my work); besides, 
documentation takes its time to be written and read, so I limited it to a HELP 
screen. There are no games, no web browsers, no mail readers. Nonetheless, you 
will be able to build your own BASIC programs. 
To tell the truth, I'm conscious that this emulator goes beyond the real
capabilities of the original OS; in all, deer is probably a subset of an
Eighties OS version, rather than a Sixties on. In any case, I set it to make
it work, to be rather useful; all the commands contained into [2] have been 
implemented, along with a bunch of others to ease the programmer's task.

2.1 deer OPTIONS

Usage: deer 

Options are:
  -h --help              Give this help and exit
  -l --lower-allowed     Disable conversion of input characters to upper case
  -t n                   Set auto shutoff to n seconds (n=0 disable shut-off)
  -v --version           Show version and exit
  -x --extended-features Enable extended BASIC features (pass -x to dib)

Option -x is passed 'as-is' to dib (if you use another interpreter, don't set 
it in deer because it may have a different usage).
By default, auto shutoff is set to three minutes (180 seconds).


The first time you run deer, it will create a hidden directory into your $HOME,
named '.deer/' .
After you log in, a subdirectory will be created with the first 6 characters of
the user number turned to upper (e.g., if you type myra8697 at the prompt, the 
directory .deer/MYRA86 will be created); all subsequent logins with MYRA86 will
use the same directory, and different users will have different directories. So
you can have many projects, each under a particular user. Please note that the
original DTSS accepted a login username made of six numbers or one letter and
five any characters; deer is less restrictive, in this regard, and will accept
any series of characters, cutting them to six and turning them to capitals.

If you want, you can copy the content of folder 'USER/' (contained into the 
package) to you user home: you will have a complete set of examples and a 
working environment ready to go; type 

$ cp -r USER/* ~/.deer/MYRA86).

from within the deer unpacked installation directory. 
When you run deer, yor will see the screen cleared, and a few data will be
displayed on the upper left corner:

04 OCT. 2008, AT 13:36, 011 USERS.

(You will see different time values and different logged users.) T1 means
Tonibin 1, and is the machine simulated by deer (the original was D1, but
I believe I had to change it).

At this point only three commands are available:
- HELLO to start a sequence to establish a connection to the system;
- HELP to print a couple of help screens with all the available deer commands, 
  all aimed to help you in writing, maintaining, saving, retrieving, printing
  and running your files and programs.
- BYE (also GOODBYE) to log off (there's an automatic log off if you don't 
  type nothing for 3 minutes - see options below for changing this behavior);


Before running deer, you can change some default variables values contained in 
the first lines of the script. They are:

It contains the deer editor name, enclosed into double quotes. Default editor 
is vim, but you can use the one you prefer (emacs, vile, nano etc.), even a
graphical one, if you want to.

It contains the deer viewer name, enclosed into double quotes.The viewer is 
used to examine a file without changing its contents, so you may use a pure 
viewer, here, or you can even set it to an editor.

It contains the number of seconds for the autologoff procedure. Any value
greater than 0 sets the option for that number of seconds (default is 180,
which is about three minutes). If you put here 0, the timing feature is 

It contains the flag for disabling ($TRUE) or enabling ($FALSE) the timing
feature. A value of 0 for INTERVAL sets automatically noTiming to TRUE, but
you can disable the feature without changing INTERVAL (for a temporary usage,
for instance). Default is $FALSE (Timing enabled).

It contains the delay factor for an empty cycle to be performed to slow down
the listing of a BUILD or a BASIC file. On my emac G4 1.42 GHz, a value of
1000 corresponds to about 2 lines per second (a speed comparable to the one
of the old dear 8086). Default is (aha!) 1000.

(Important) It contains the name of the executable of a basic compiler or
interpreter of your choice. Of course, by default, deer comes with dib.

For dib: it contains all the options you want to pass to it, and in particular
the Extended Features option "-x"; by default it's void, so that deer will
execute only standard BASIC (version III) programs.
For other compilers/interpreters: you can put any meaningful option you want
to pass to your BASIC.

Important: don't change anything else, unless you know what you're doing.


Notes "before"
1) in the following:
   - a PROGRAM file is a BASIC listing (with each line starting with a number); 
     this kind of file may be executed.
   - a BUILD file is a text file in free format; this kind of file cannot be
     executed; it's useful for writing documentation files.
   - CURRENT is the current file (PROGRAM or BUILD).
   - ARG is the (sometimes optional) argument of a command. 

   Commands belong to three classes:
        - Class 1 commands require a value, so if you don't give an argument, 
          you will be requested to give one; 
        - Class 2 commands act on CURRENT file if no argument is given, or on 
          the file whose name match the argument; 
        - Class 3 commands act on CURRENT file only, or are general purpose 
          commands requiring no arguments 
   The class is exposed into square brackets before the command name.

2) any command (except HELP, HELLO and LIST--) is recognized by means of the 
   first three letters (so CAT and CATALYTIC will all act as CATALOG). But 
   beware: you have to type HELLO, HELP and LIST-- in full, though, to make 
   them work.

3) the string WHAT? is printed if you type a command which is not recognized.

4) the same condensed information (or so) can be obtained with HELP.

5) some information about I/O transfers and CRU (Computer Resources Usage)
   have been grabbed by iostat. The iostat program I use comes from Mac OS X,
   the system on which I work, thus it's a BSD version. Linux users and other
   UNIX implementations may have a different (sometimes very different) version
   of the program, capable of giving very diverse data, but not compatible
   with the settings in deer. In any case don't worry: These data wont'
   interfere with BASIC.


Here's the command list (text enclosed into {} is typed by you).

        Give some accounting information
        Note: original data were CRU, SECS, I/O, CORE, written on one line.
        I don't know exactly what's the meaning of these data, but I cannot 
        replicate them in bash on a UNIX machine. So I changed them to reflect
        more practical needs for the deer user, and they will be reported in 
        two lines, the first with headers, the second with values. 
        Data will be:
        - CRU (here Computer Resources Usage): it uses iostat for retrieving 
        idle percentage of the system, subtracting it from 100 and yielding 
        the global system resources usage.
        - I/O (not knowing the original meaning of that): it expresses, 
        through iostat and in terms of MB/s, the amount of exchanged memory.
        - LOGTIME: it expresses the total account session time.
        - RUNS: it expresses the total of RUNs (assuming this has some meaning
        for moderns systems)
        SECS and CORE, two original data of the ACCOUNT command, have been 
        'forgotten', since I have no idea what they were and how to parallel 
        them with those on my UNIX machine.

        Add file {name} to the end of CURRENT file. Usage: 

        APPENDING FILE NAME--{name}
        {APPEND name}

        Note: If you APPEND a BUILD file to another, their content won't 
        overlap. If you APPEND a PROGRAM to another, the appended file will 
        overwrite all lines whose number appears in both files. If you APPEND 
        a PROGRAM to a BUILD file it will appear with its line numbers as a 
        listing queued to the BUILD file. You cannot APPEND a BUILD file to a 
        PROGRAM. A warning appears when you try to do so.

        Allow entering free text on CURRENT file. To terminate input press 
        RETURN three consecutive times.

        If you type BUILD with an existing PROGRAM as CURRENT, its state will 
        turn to BUILD, and a subsequent REPLACE will overwrite the PROGRAM 
        file. So, before BUILD, be sure to open or create a BUILD file.

        Terminate current session. If CURRENT has not been save to disk yet,
        the system will invite you to use SAVE or REPLACE; this advice will
        appear once only; if you save the file or not, when you retype BYE 
        you'll be allowed to exit anyhow.

        Give information about user saved files in the CURRENT catalog

        Create new catalog under CURRENT with name {name}. Usage:

        CATALOG NAME--{name}
        {CREATE name}

        Edit CURRENT saved file with user editor (see variable 'deered')

        Changes CURRENT catalog to catalog {name}. Usage:

        CATALOG NAME--{name}
        {ENTER name}

        Start a sequence of questions for logging in. Here's an example of
        0.38 CRU

        USER NUMBER--{MYRA86}
        NEW OR OLD--{OLD}

        Print a help screen (in future versions, EXPLAIN may expanded to show 
        help for each command)

        Shortcut for enter *MYCAT; re-enters main catalog

        Retrieve saved file, losing all changes made

        Give length of CURRENT file

        List CURRENT file (BUILD or PROGRAM)

        List CURRENT BASIC file starting from line XXXXX. Mind the two dashes
        following LIST.

        Create a new empty file and set it CURRENT with name {name} and
        state PROGRAM (you can safely type BUILD after NEW, because the file
        is empty). Usage:

        NEW PROBLEM NAME--{name}
        {NEW name}

        Retrieve an existing file with name {name} and set it CURRENT; the
        state will be PROGRAM if the first character of the file is a number,
        otherwise it will be a BUILD file. Usage:

        OLD PROBLEM NAME--{name}
        {OLD name}

        Send CURRENT file to printer. Usage:

        Send file {name} (which may be different from CURRENT) to printer.

        {PUNCH name}

        Change name of CURRENT file to {name}, retaining the state (PROGRAM
        or BUILD). Usage: 

        RENAME PROBLEM NAME--{name}
        {RENAME name}

        Save CURRENT file replacing previous contents.

        Execute CURRENT PROGRAM file; an implicit SAVE/REPLACE is done, so
        you don't need to type SAVE or REPLACE, before running a program; this
        is because sources to run must be taken from the disk file, and they
        must be the more recent too! The same was applied in the 1964 OS (see
        the October 1964 BASIC manual for examples in which a program typing 
        is directly followed bu a RUN).

        Store CURRENT file to disk if file does not exist (if file exists,
        a warning will appear; in this case use REPLACE).

        Empty CURRENT file, retaining the state (PROGRAM or BUILD).

        Sort contents of CURRENT BUILD file; a PROGRAM is always sorted 
        automatically in memory and during saving.

        Change system language (fake) to {name} (actually, only BASIC is 
        accepted). Usage:

        SYSTEM NAME--{name}
        {SYSTEM name}

        Delete CURRENT file from disk. Usage:


        Delete a file or a catalog from disk. Usage:

        {UNSAVE name}

        1) Don't use this command thoughtlessly! Remember that, if you type 
        UNSAVE, deer **won't** ask you for a file name; rather, IT WILL DELETE 
        CURRENT FILE! If you want to delete a different file, you **have** to 
        type its name after UNSAVE!
        2) If used with catalogs (directories), UNSAVE will delete the catalog
        ***AND ALL ITS FILES***! Nothing is asked, nothing is written.
        In all, use it with GREAT CARE!
        Give number of currently logged users (fake)
        It's a random number to give the impression the system is not used 
        by you only!

        Show CURRENT file without editing it (using user viewer). Usage:

        Show file {name} with user viewer. Usage:

        {VIEW name}
        Give information about current session in the form:

        COMPUTER      T1 (deer system)
        USER NUMBER   242424
        SYSTEM        BASIC
        SEARCH PATH   :242424

Notes "after"
1) After any command performance, successful or not, a READY will be printed
   so that you may type next command

2) Please, pay attention to the UNSAVE command: if you happen to type UNSAVE 
   inadvertently, you can recover the file (because it's still in memory) 
   typing SAVE immediately after it. File will be rewritten.

3) The command EXTEND (which is off-topic) has some meaning only for dib, the 
   BASIC interpreter. It may be used to activate dib's extended features from
   console, if you have forgotten to start deer with option -x.

4) The SAVE and REPLACE commands play a similar role: the first must be used
   the first time you write a file to disk; the second must be used when you
   want to replace what's stored on disk with what's on memory, updating 
   file's contents.

5) The command EXIT has been given to offer a helping hand to shell users. It
   behaves in the very same way of BYE.


In the following, I assume that:

          is the directory where we are
           is the destination directory
           is the name of current file
          is a new name for current file or a name of an existing file
                other than current

SAVE and REPLACE must be used with the following cautions:
- SAVE if the file doesn't exist
- REPLACE if the file exists

Anywhere I write SAVE you must read SAVE or REPLACE, depending on the file

2.5.1 How to move CURRENT file to another directory


This procedure is not safe, because if something happens to your system
between UNSAVE and SAVE the file is lost, though it's very unlikely since it's
a question of a few seconds; in any case, if you want a safer (and longer)


2.5.2 How to rename an existing file


A safer procedure:


2.5.3 How to move and rename a file to another directory


A safer procedure:


2.5.4 How to copy a file in the same directory (renaming it)


2.5.5 How to copy a file in another directory with the same name


2.5.6 How to copy a file in another directory with another name


2.5.7 How to delete a file



deer is an emulation, written in bash: don't expect it to be fast, precise,
robust. After all it's more like a game. And remember that dib, the BASIC
interpreter, may be used all alone, as UNIX program, and in this case deer
may be forgotten.

But, please, if you want to help me improve this program, write me tips and 
snippets of code to better it or make it compatible with other UNIX systems.

I hope you like deer.
It's GPL: Enjoy!

The following documents were very useful to understand basic principles and 
set up general behaviors:

[1] The dtss simulator, with many information about the system, can be found
    at - in the site you can also find a link to an
    emulator written in java and running online (a registration is requested
    in order to use it - I didn't).

[2] "Dartmouth BASIC manual" for version II, October 1964, is available as a 
    pdf file at

[3] "Programming with BASIC", by Byron S. Gottfried, edition 1, 1975 (Italian 
    version, titled "Programmare in BASIC", Schaum 1982).

[4] "Dartmouth Time-sharing System - a brief description", from october 1964,
    outlines the system in which the OS was implemented, and is available as a 
    pdf file at

				***	***

(written with gvim)


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