Christina Tells All from By: Meaghan Buchan
With Christina's first Latin album, "Mi Reflejo", livin' la vida loca on the charts and a new Christmas CD on the way, it seems like all of this genie's wishes are being granted. We asked all of YOU to pick her brain on everything from boy bands to beauty tips. Here's what she had to say...

bonitobroth: Why did you choose to record a Latin album now?
Christina: I used to sing in Spanish when I was little and I grew up around a lot of Latin music. I thought it would be something good for me to explore - especially since I want to learn more about my Latin roots.

altarboy: What's your favorite song on your upcoming Christmas album?
Christina: We've got everything on this record, but I guess I would probably pick "This Year" as my favorite song. Actually, "Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas" is another one of my favorites.

natesoto: What are you looking for in a man?
Christina: Individuality. I have to date someone who has a mind of their own and who isn't afraid to express himself - someone who pretty much stands out in a crowd. I usually don't go for the Brad Pitt, typical gorgeous guy. I go for the cute guy who has more of a rough edge - a little more street.

rockstar6: Are you friends with Britney Spears in real life? Would you do a duet with her?

Christina: She's really talented and I'm proud of her for getting out there and working her butt off. This is a tough business, so I give her much props. I did know her from the MMC (Mickey Mouse Club), but because of our schedules now we never really get to spend much time together. I would consider doing a duet with practically anybody. I thrive on creativity and seeing what other people have to offer. So you know, if she would be up to it, it'd probably be fun.

cakemix: Do you have a favorite boy band?
Christina: I really don't listen to that type of music personally. I don't know. I really can't answer that question. Wait - 'N Sync's pretty talented.

spade21: How do you feel about having your picture plastered on guys' walls all around the world?
Christina: It's very flattering. I think it's a cool thing to have so many people who look up to you as an artist or look at things you've done and look up to it. Nothing really freaks me out unless a situation kind of gets out of control and endangers me or my family. But other than that, all these fans are great. They're the reason why I'm here in the first place.

BlackEcho: Do you have any advice for aspiring singers?
Christina: You have to love singing from the bottom of your heart. Practically since I was out of diapers I wanted to become a singer. It's a really hard business and it can chew you up and spit you out. Explore your creativity and what's new or individual about yourself and always keep your head up.

groovychick2: Do you have any beauty tips?
Christina: Everybody has different skin types, but for me, I've been using Noxzema since I was like 12 years old. It can dry out your skin so you might want to use a moisturizer or something afterwards, but I love the way it smells. I also think treating yourself to a really hot bubble bath and putting rose petals in it is a nice pampering thing to do.

Tye: How do you stay so slim?
Christina: This is a tough one just 'cuz, ahhh, I live on cheeseburgers and fries and chicken fingers. It's all comfort food with me - on the road especially. I just look for the nearest Wendy's. Probably the only exercise or workout I get is at dance rehearsals... or on stage every night performing. I guess it's also the running from the airport to the venues.

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