Christina Aguilera on "I Turn To You"- MSN Live
Digital Dish Diva says: To all of the fans here from around the world, welcome to MSN Live! Hola! Buon giorno! Bonjour! Ni hao! Guten Tag! Konichiwa!

DDD: Tonight from Hollywood, we are proud to present an event with Grammy winning recording artist, Christina Aguilera who's new single, 'I Turn To You' and its Spanish translation, 'Por Siempre Tu,' will be released as an enhanced CD with the video on Tuesday, June 13.

DDD: Christina, it's great to see you again! Welcome back to MSN Live! We have an auditorium full of fans tonight, so let's get started!

Christina Aguilera says: Hey, thanks for logging onto my chat. I can't wait to enjoy your questions, and I can't wait for the opportunity to talk to you guys!

DDD: Our first question tonight is from MiamiMaria who says: Hi Christina. You are the best out there. I'd like to ask about your new single. Was it hard to record this single in English and Spanish. How is your Spanish doing? Usted es muy bonita!
CA: Muchos gracias, Maria. It wasn't too tough for me to actually get the pronunciation right from English to Spanish considering I grew up in my household hearing the language spoken, so I have the ear. Singing and speaking in Spanish is natural once I start doing it. I'm excited about exploring the Latin side of me and the side the people have not seen yet. It's a huge part of me and I'm excited about doing that.

CA: The upcoming album should have a fall release date and it will show a whole new side of me that fans haven't seen yet.

oceanlove says: We love you here at UMASS! We'd like to know what is on the enhanced part of your new CD single?
CA:The enhanced part will include the entire play of the 'I Turn to You' video and other things. You can check it out with the Spanish Version ('Por Siempre Tu') It's really cool, so check it out on Tuesday.

caltech99 says: Hi Christina! I would like to know what you do to prepare before you go onstage? I can't wait to see you in Chicago on August 19!
CA: Right before I get onstage about five minutes before departing from the dressing room, I gather my band and dancers in my dressing room and we circle holding hands and my bass player leads us in prayer. That gets us prepped for the show and I'll say my personal prayer, and sometimes I'll lead the prayer. That's the single most important thing I do before getting on-stage.

cu7iepi3 says: Christina, hi, this is Veronica. What has been the weirdest thing a fan has done?
CA: Well, the scariest thing - I don't know if this is fan or stalker - but this guy carved my name in his chest.

DDD: OK. That's just scary.

HeartofDark says: Hello, I'd like to ask how hard is it to keep up with all the fame. Don't you ever wish that you could just live a normal life for one day?
CA: HeartofDark, well, I do crave free time, which my schedule lacks now. I do jump at the opportunity to get that extra hour of sleep or being able to have my alone time. There are moments when you do want to do your own thing. The schedule can be overwhelming, but I wouldn't trade it for anything else. I love what I do and I want to continue doing it for a very long time.

therealsugababy says: Hi Christina! I would like to know when you'll be coming back to Toronto because Toronto loves ya and I love ya!
CA: That's really sweet. I can't wait to come back to Toronto. I always have a great time when I go there. I'll be heading out internationally in the late fall or towards winter - late late late Fall. You can get the information for upcoming tour dates at

christina~luver~ asks: What's the difference between performing for Europe and U.S?
CA: All over the world - there are different vibes. The US has a great energy and is home to me, but going international is so different. There is an energy that is unexplainable - Germany, Brazil, London. They can get pretty crazy and I enjoy their energy level because it's so insane. Traveling overseas to Japan and Asia, they can get kind of crazy too, but the audiences tend to be more reserved.

Missy2 says: Christina, what was it like having to live on the road on tour and everything?

CA: Missy, the great thing about touring is the tour 'family' that you make your second family away from your real family: dancers, managers, band. We have a special bond. We share something incredible with friends and they become our second family. Touring is fun. The downside is that it gets to be tiring and it can drain you. You have to make sure you get enough rest, eat right. Otherwise you can really fall ill. All in all it's a really fun lifestyle, but you'd have to really love what you do to stay in it. There's a lot of pressure and a lot of hard work that goes along with it.

DDD:By the way, your fans here on MSN Live are thrilled you are feeling well again!

Nightmarez asks: What's the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you during your music career?
CA: Nightmarez, I forget words to songs all the time. It's funny and I cover it up by continuing on and making up lyrics. The first time I broke in 'All Right Now,' nobody was telling me the show was coming so fast. So the night before I had to learn it. I seriously didn't know it the next day and I was throwing out any words possible and it was embarrassing and crazy to cover up. Sometimes you just have to let go. Let it slide and show the audience you're having fun.

CA: I've had everything happen from mics blowing out, headsets dropping and shattering, shirts coming off, and last week was my second time at falling off of a stage completely! (Laughs) I'm fine - a nick on my back, a few bruises.

DDD: We're glad you're ok!

LOVERGIRL asks: Hey, Christina! Now that you have toured around the world singing, you have a full-time job. What did you do before you became famous?
CA: Hmm, I always pretty much did something in entertainment, acting, dancing, but mainly singing. On the side I went to school and did babysitting around my hometown. That's basically it.

DDD: I'm sure the kids you babysat are now thrilled they had you as a babysitter!

CA: Yeah (laughs).

FANFORLIFE says: Hi there, Christina! I would like to know what can we expect from the upcoming tour. Any surprises you can tell us about?
CA: If I would tell you it wouldn't be a surprise - but - expect a tour with a theatrical / magical / Arabian / edgy tour with a rock twist. Expect costume changes, dancers, full band and I'm bringing aboard new female dancers too. The song choices will be interesting and surprises as far as covers with my interpretation I'll be rocking out literally! It's something to look forward to.

DDD: Well, I know we are all really looking forward to it!

silversync says: I love you Christina. I'm going to see you at Summerfest in Milwaukee. Who is going to be your opening act?
CA: I am not sure. You can log onto to find out. It will vary, but more than likely it will be Destiny's Child and a few other acts.

Bob says: I got to see you live down at Disneyworld in April. What recording was that for?
CA: I was just in Disney World for a Disney Special that airs in the summer, the Disney Summer Jam Special including Enrique, Destiny's Child, and others.

lame-o says: asks: Do you consider yourself a performer, or a musician? Would you rather just write music, or do you enjoy performing as well?
CA: lame-o, I think an artist can fit under a few different categories - depending on how much you explore your creativity. It can vary from artist to artist from musician to performer to vocalist. I thrive on creativity. So in the long run I want to be an all around entertainer. On stage vocalizing, choreography, and doing characters - that's a performer. I love doing it all! One day producing and venturing off into films as well. I want to do as much as I can so being an entertainer can be anything in the entertainment business.

sassy_sweet1 says: Hey Christina, what do you do when you have free time?
CA: I love doing normal things, movies, going out with friends, writing, reading, taking hot bubble baths - that's a big one for relaxation. At the moment I've just moved into my first apartment in L.A. and my free time is getting everything from paper towels to ironing board, Q-tips, soap dishes etc.


CA: I'm excited about my first place and I'm getting things for it in my spare time.

amber lynn says: Christina, were you really surprised when you found out you won the Grammy for best new artist? You looked surprised!
CA: I was completely blown away, shocked, overwhelmed, and thrilled. I didn't expect it. I was going to have a good time considering my album was out the least amount of time. I thought no way I would get it. I was pleasantly surprised when my name was called and I was actually the winner of Best New Artist. I've dreamed of that since I was eight years old. I was rambling off the top of my head, my knees were shaking and I'm still floating on air because of it!

GYMChick says: Christina the new pictures on your website are outstanding. Great abs and arms! Do you have to work out hard? Do you maintain a Zone diet? You have a perfect look- very healthy!
CA: That's really really sweet of you to say. I do get my form of exercise through my life performing, dance rehearsals and running around. I'm just starting with a personal trainer to get stamina for the tour, getting toned. I appreciate the comment since I live on junk food and don't go to the gym.

DDD: Check out Christina's pictures at her site,

CA: By the way, don't believe everything you see in magazines. (Laughs) There's a lot of air brushing going on! (Just kidding)

jams_mom says: Hi Christina! I met you last year at a 'meet and greet.' You are just what I expected. My daughter wants to be just like you. I think you are very real. Our question for you is: We were both floored when we met you. Is there anyone that has floored you when you met them?
CA: jams_mom, wow. I appreciate that, thank you! When I was in Europe last year doing the Awards I was able to meet one of my idols - Whitney Houston. I walked into her dressing room and I realized I idolized her since I was seven or eight years old. I was living my dream of meeting her and performing with her was a surreal moment for me.

kala says: Will you be on MTV again?
CA: Absolutely! Sometime soon. I think I'll be taping something on Wednesday. They're doing the 'Making of the Video' of my next video for 'Come On Over' from my album. We're finishing recording it any day. I think we're making the 'MTV Diary' show for them too. It's interesting. I've been sort of absent as far as personal appearances are concerned, but I'll be back soon.

guitar4esn says: Hey Christina, I'm in a guitarist / vocalist in a band at the moment. Do you have any voice exercises you do before you sing? My throat gets tired and it hurts after like 20 minutes. And what kind of stuff inspires you to write songs?
CA: guitar4esn, I do work with a vocal coach now out of New York. He helps me. If your throat is tired, rest it. Make sure you're singing properly. There are ways you can damage your voice if you don't place correctly or use the muscles right. Work with someone who knows what they're doing and sing the proper way. I try to do exercises for 45 minutes a day. There is a tape that I exercise to. Everything inspires me to write songs from the railing Iím leaning on to the clouds in the sky, people in my life, dust on the ground. Everything inspires me. Use your imagination and think in deep thought or no thought at all. Whatever works for you. Try candles or a bubble bath to completely relax and let your mind wander to explore creativity. It is always fun for me to write because anything is possible.

DDD: This bubble bath is a big deal for you, huh? (Laughs)

CA: Yes, I love it. Mr. Bubbles! (Laughs)

Strifecloud asks: Thank you for supporting various local charities Christina. What is one thing most people do not know about you?
CA: Strifecloud, there has been gossip, lies, tabloids in the last year. The most important thing is to know that anything you see me do or say is from the heart and it is real. I want that to come across in my live shows, interviews. There is so much superficial stuff in the business anyway. I turn my nose up at it. I'm not into that scene. I want everything I put out to be real. That's what I'd want everyone to know. When you see me - know that it's real!

~lyrical_virtuoso~ says: When does your first Spanish single come out?
CA: We've put out a couple of Spanish singles. There will be others coming your way as well. We're undecided which one will be in Spanish. I think we're looking at a new song written for the Spanish Album. I think it is called 'Salsa Esperanza.' It's like Salsa and R&B. But that could change.

JT_at_YZ says: Hey Christina. Your record is in heavy rotation at my station. I would like to know if there is anything unusual that you ask for backstage like Evian water or green apples?
CA: JT, thank you for putting my record in heavy rotation. I really appreciate that! Backstage, I guess the weird thing that I ask specifically for is Flintstones Vitamin C tablets. I love the taste of those. Nestle's Quick was a big one for a while.

Lugia says: What kind of music artists do you listen to?
CA: (Looking at CD collection) Everyone from Fat Boy Slim, Mariah Carey to different artists like Bjork, Dr Dre, Moby, Madonna - a lot of people, gospel, Janet, and a blues singer Nina Simone that I'm crazy about.

~The Titanium Tiger asks: What will be the next video after 'I Turn To You'?
CA: The next will be a new version of 'Come On Over' from my album. The video will be a lot of choreography. You've never seen me dance this fast in your life! (Laughs) It's going to be so tight. A lot of boy / girl interaction with the dancers. It's probably going to be my favorite video to date. 'Making the Video' - MTV - will be there. It's going to be really, really exciting.

DDD: Our last question tonight is from KC who says: What is your favorite thing to take on tour with you?

CA: KC, let me think. Gosh, it changes all the time, but I travel with this necklace from my priest. It is a St. Christopher medal. He is the Saint of travelers and it's blessed by my priest. I also never leave without my CDs and my CD Discman either. And my Flintstone's vitamins! (Laughs)

DDD: Christina, I know you are getting ready for your tour. Thanks so much for being our guest this afternoon. Best of luck with your Summer Tour and your new single, 'I Turn To You' / 'Por Siempre Tu.'

CA: Well, I can't thank everyone enough for logging on with me and for having this wonderful chat. I truly enjoyed myself and love these times when I can talk one to one, or close to it with my fans. I've enjoyed answering the questions. This summer, please come see me on tour and be a part of it. I can't thank you enough for your support, cards, get well wishes, and prayers when I was sick. I'm well and ready to give you more. I'll see you all soon. I love you all. Hugs and kisses!

DDD: Thanks, Christina! Best wishes from all your fans!

Learn more about Christina's new single, 'I Turn To You,' it's Spanish translation, 'Por Siempre Tu' and more on Christina's summer tour at

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