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All the Arab Christians Born during the 70s of the past century, remember the Hymns written by the active "Mansour Labaki" who had great heroic activities during the Lebanese war, I met this great Person during the Lebanese Book Festival 2oo4 In Antelias, He was signing His New Book "Les Cendres du Phoenix" that came out as a Movie also .

This Hymn is one of his that I like Most, here is its translation:

Leave everything And Follow me and I shall be your prize?

Leave every thing and you shall be given every thing , come on with me and hold your cross

You will find calm and comfort; come on with me and you will not be disappointed

Wherever you will live, I shall live, Come on with me  For my face shall never leave you

I have chosen you to help me, the heaven is call for you Come on with me

I looked in your eyes and I loved you, Come on with me for I knew what is in your heart

Your land is thirsty for love and peace , shouting at you Come on with me



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