*I sleep with my Irvine Kinneas plushie!* <BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/jikannojoketsu/wounded.mid" LOOP=INFINITE> The current mood of Ryoko Masaki at www.imood.com >
I, Ryoko Masaki,*
Irvine Kinneas- He Rocks My World!!
This page is lovingly dedicated to Irvine Kinneas, the redheaded, sexy sniper from Final Fantasy VIII. Enjoy your stay!!
Want more info on my sexy husband? ^^ Of course you do. Go on, click on the picture (or right here)...you know you want to. =^.^=
My Favorite Links:
Marry a Bishonen! FanFiction
My Info:
Name: Ryoko Masaki
Email: jikannojoketsu@yahoo.com
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