The Unofficial Fort Trumbull Website

Fort Trumbull is a 3rd System masonry fortification located in New London, Connecticut. The present fort was built between 1839 and 1852 in Egyptian Revival Style. It is, however, the third fort built on the site the first one being built in 1775 and the second circa 1808. Today Fort Trumbull is preserved as a state park for all to enjoy.

This website hopes to encourage interest in and knowledge about Fort Trumbull. Viewer comments are always welcome.

June 14th, 2002 (Flag Day)
is the official Grand Opening of the Fort
for the 2002 season.

The History of Fort Trumbull

Provides a brief overview of the history of Fort Trumbull and its contributions to American History.

Friends of Fort Trumbull

Related Websites

Coast Defense Forts in New England

Forts in Connecticut

Fort Griswold

Military History of Fisher's Island

Connecticut Tourism Office

Contact Information

Telephone Number for Fort Trumbull State Park:
860 444-7591

Send E-mail about this website to:
John M. Gould

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