Childbirth Affirmations

Childbirth Affirmations

Birth is a safe and wonderful experience.

I will give birth without complications.

I am not afraid.

I know my baby feels
our calmness and confidence.

I trust in my ability to give birth.

My body knows exactly what it is doing.

I am confident in my ability to birth
naturally, painlessly amd easily.

During labor and birth,
I am completely relaxed and comfortable.

I will have an uncomplicated, peaceful,
joyous and pleasurable birth.

My baby is healthy.

I am completely cooperating with my body.

I will breathe deeply and slowly
to relax my muscles
making it easier for my uterus to work.

My body is made to give birth, nice and easy.

I believe my baby's birth will come quickly and easily.

My body is completely relaxed.

All I need to do is
relax and breathe
- nothing else.

Everything is going right.

I feel the strong waves of labor
and know that everything is normal and progressing.

Relax my mind and muscles.

Courage, faith and patience.

My body knows how to have this baby
just as my body knew how to grow this baby.

Keep breathing slow and even.
Inhale peace, exhale tension.

Keep my mind on acceptance and surrender.

I show absolutely no signs of fear or concern.

I surrender my birthing
over to my baby and my body.

My body has a wide open space
for my baby to descend.
There is nothing in the way.

My body will give birth in its own time.

I love my baby and I am doing all that is necessary to bring about a healthy birth.

Birth is an easy and natural occurrence for which my body has been perfectly designed.

The strength of my uterine contractions is a sign of my feminine strength.

I have the energy and stamina
to birth my baby.

There will be no complications.

I surrender to the contractions
and relinquish control of the forces within my body.

I allow my body's natural
anesthesia to flow through my body.

I do not fight the birth in any way.
My body is totally relaxed.
I am not afraid.

The power and intensity of my contractions
cannot be stronger than me, because it is me.

I am ready and prepared for childbirth.

My job is to simply relax and allow the birth to happen.

Just let my body do it; let it happen.

I see myself handling everything beautifully.

Each contraction produces a healthy, positive pain that I can handle.

Birth will go exactly as it should.

Today is the day I have been waiting so patiently for.

Within me I can feel the stirrings I have wondered about since the first realization of what was to come. They come from deep within me. I feel joy!

Today my body will fulfill the purpose for which it has been made. Today I will show my strength, my courage, my love for my baby. I can feel the strength in my body, a wonderful strength that is meant for just this purpose.

I can feel my body opening up. Opening up like the petals of a spring tulip on a cool morning. My body is beginning a labor of love. I accept all that comes to pass with the birth of my child. I know that it will require much from me, much that through love I am willing to give.

My body is strong. My body has hundreds of thousands of years of history in it that will allow me to birth my child with joy and ease. I will not feel pain.

I will feel the widening of my child's birth passage. I will surrender to the opening of my body. My body knows what to do, I must let it be. I will not let my mind interfere. My mind stays steadily focused on the wonderful expression of love that I am feeling as I birth my child.

I will give my body all the time it needs to work. I will not track time other than to gaze at the sun or the stars.

some affirmations or ideas borrowed from Mango Mama's Natural Parenting
Mind Over Labor by Carl Jones

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