Well, u might not find it "that" fun.  But I feel these are kinda creative. =) Enjoy.  And u might wanna apply, who knows? *shrug*
   HOW to apply for an AWARD?

1) Must be Manga/Anime related
2) No Java script errors*some is ok*
3) No broken Links*some is ok*

These rules apply to all, and any award I offer~ Though if your page is really good, I won't mind some Errors...
Send me an e-mail stating which AWARD you want to apply for, your website, your e-mail, and that's it..!! ^_^
Specific quality for each award is stated very clearly too at the bottom.
The original award would be different from what u see here. eg. Bigger and better quality.
*It doesn't say "sample" on it doesn't mean u can take them*
U can...but there would be no point if u don't win it.
BRIEF Description~Highest Award to the Lowest
#1 The "STUNNED" Award
                              Qualifications: It must be "special". eg. Used Flash, or Java animation.  Or u just simply have a super layout.  It has to be so good that is I am "stunned" and speechless.  Of course, it also needs good loading time, very little spelling mistakes, and little java error as possible. (I know geocities sometimes have  ads that cause errors. And those won't count.)
#2 The Ah! Ur Site is better than Mine! Award
                              Qualifications: Obviously ur site has to be better than mine. =) I know, this sure make myself sound so proud and stuff.  But hey, if u think ur site can beat my "Angelic~ANC" site, apply for it. And I know there's better sites out there. eg. ayashi net. I will definitely bow down to that site! =D Again, good loading time, and little java error as possible.
#3 The Ow! Look What u Made me Do! Award
                              Qualifications: I have to be so infetched with ur site that I might cut myself! U know, one of those scene where a character is so attracted to something he/she hits the wall.  It is sorta like the "Stunned" Award, but easier to win. So I am look for "attention grabbing" layout! Yet again, good loading time blah blah blah...=P If u wanna know...read previous award's last sentence.
The Action Packed Award (by itself)
                              Qualifications: Ur site have to be action packed, as in it needs to have some sort of animation.  Not just that, if has to be a VERY VERY informative site.  So even if I dunno the anime, I have to be very interested.  And a nice gallery is so important.  Again, good loading time....so on and so forth. I don't think this award can really be ranked the lowest or the highest.  It is kinda by itself.
The COOL Award (by itself)
                              Qualifications: The whole feeling of ur website has to be really "cool".  For example, a site on a really cute bishounen would be considered cool.  And perhaps even something I haven't seen before. But nah...only if u can attemp something I have never seen before. Again, good loading time etc.
The Drool Worthy Award (by itself)
                              Qualifications: "Drool worthy" as in, ur site deserves to be drooled over. *ano;; I dunno if that is a good thing eh?* This award is for people who build Shrines for Bishounen or Shoujo characters.  I will do my best to drool over Shoujo...;; ano..but to me Bishounen sounds more right. Again...good loading time etc.
The Effort Award (by itself)
                              Qualifications: Effort stands for the amount of time u spend on something. You will need to update ur site really often, (like at least 4 times a week) and u must have many details in your site.  Plus some really good new or interesting ideas.  Some what original.  Good loading time etc...urg;; how many time do I need to repeat this? +_+
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