- On the Auspicious Occasion of the Day of the Sun -


Great Leader Comrade Kim Jong Il Said About the Greatness of President Kim Il Sung ;

Respected Comrade Kim Il Sung was a great leader, acclaimed and venerated as the such by our people for the first time in Korea's history of 5,000 years. He was the greatest of great men, the incarnation of all the best values and qualifica­tions a great man must possess.

Our leader created the great Juche idea after acquiring a deep insight into the requirements of a new era when the oppressed and humiliated masses of the people became masters of their own destiny. Thus he developed their struggle for independence onto a higher plane and opened up the age of Juche, a new era in the development of human history.


The history of the Workers Party of Korea is precisely the history of respected Comrade Kim Il Sung's great revolutionary activities.

Great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung was the founder of the DPRK and the father of socialist Korea, and he is the eternal President of State.

President Kim Il Sung built our People's Army into a prototype of a revolutionary army and laid eternal foundations for its development by thoroughly applying the principles and ways he had put forward for the building of Juche-type revolutionary armed forces.

He built the People's Army into an army of the Party and the leader, a genuine army of the people, and developed it as an armed unit of ideology and faith, possessed of all the politico-ideological traits required of a revolutionary army.

Under the leadership of President Kim Il Sung, the ever-victorious and iron-willed brilliant commander, our soldiers and people turned out as one in the just Fatherland Liberation War and fought in a self-sacrificing manner, giving a full demonstration of their unparalleled mass heroism at the front and in the rear. Consequently, they defeated the US aggressor armed forces that had been boasting of being the mightiest in the world, defended the freedom and independence of their country with honor, encouraged the oppressed peoples of the world in their anti-imperialist national liberation struggle, and made a great contribution to safeguarding world peace.

The idea and line of giving importance to force of arms and military affairs, advanced and consistently maintained by President Kim Il Sung, constitute the basis and starting point of our Party's Songun politics.

Great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung regarded the people as his god.

He dearly loved the people, firmly believed in them, and gave his all for their freedom and happiness, under­going hardships and sufferings on their behalf throughout his life.

Great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung is the sun of our nation and the lodestar of national reunification. He devoted all his life to the country and nation and made imperishable achievements in the cause of national reunification.

Great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung set forth the three charters for national reunification which clarified the fundamental principles and methods of national reunification, and provided the guideline that must be maintained in accomplishing the cause of national reunification.

As a veteran of world states­manship, respected Comrade Kim Il Sung gave strength and confidence to the world's progressive people in their fight for independence, and made an imperishable contribution to the cause of human independence.


Kimilsungia, eternal flower of Sun