Brilliant life of a bodyguard


- On the occasion of the 58th anniversary of demise (September 22, 1949)

of Comrade Kim Jong Suk, anti-Japanese woman hero -


Comrade Kim Jong Suk, anti-Japanese woman hero, held fast to the arms of Mt. Baekdu and showed excellent paradigm how to devotedly defend the leader during the period of the bloody anti-Japanese war and building a new country after Korea¡¯s liberation. Her great exploits are more brilliantly shining as the years go by.

Since the anti-Japanese armed struggle, organized and led by great President Kim Il Sung, was the most arduous and sternest struggle unprecedented in human history the President was always haunted by dangers.

At the critical junctures Comrade Kim Jong Suk defended the Headquarters of revolution at the cost of her life just like a citadel and shield holding fast to the arms.

At the bloody battlefields against the Japanese imperialists such as Dashahe battle, Honggihe battle and Fusong Town she kept off the bullets of the enemy directed to the President with her body and always took the vinegar with her to detect the poisoned salt thus securing the safety of the Headquarters of revolution.

During the days of the anti-Japanese war Kim Jong Suk wagged the resolute struggle against the counterrevolutionary elements thus firmly defending the President¡¯s revolutionary ideas.

After the country¡¯s liberation, too, Comrade Kim Jong Suk devotedly defended the great President holding fast to the arms whenever the enemies and reactionary forces were desperately maneuvering to do harm to the Headquarters of revolution, saying that she had the only duty to safeguard the President as in the past.

Comrade Kim Jong Suk¡¯s life was a career of a great revolutionary who devoted her all for the motherland and people as a revolutionary fighter boundlessly loyal to great President Kim Il Sung.

Therefore the south Korean people are highly praising her undying exploits saying; Kim Jong Suk is a woman general born of Heaven, who embarked on the road of the sacred struggle in her teens and lived with the soul of General Kim Il Sung and fought with his stratagem and valor. Let us extend the greatest respect and thanks to the woman general of Mt. Baekdu who defended the line set forth by General Kim Il Sung, the destiny and sun of the nation, politico-ideologically and at the cost of her life thus glorifying the history of arms.