Mt. Baekdu (2,750m), the highest mountain in Korea, has endured harsh winds and  severe frost throughout the long history of the Korean people.

The mountain was created after volcanic eruptions one million years ago.

It soars high like the head of the Korean Peninsula.

   The majestic mountain is covered with snow all the year round.  











                Three great generals of Mt. Baekdu

 As the mountain, where the Juche revolution took root, the ancestral mountain has become a majestic and sacred mountain.

Leading the great anti-Japanese war for national liberation centering around Mt. Baekdu, President Kim Il Sung hewed out the Juche era, a new era of independence when the popular masses become the masters or society, and began the revival of the Korean nation.


 Kim Il Sung founds the Anti-Japanese People's Guerrilla Army


   Kim Il Sung led the bloody anti-Japanese struggle to victory


 Kim Jong Suk, an indomitable anti-Japanese woman hero, carried out important military and political activities here, upholding the President¡¯s intentions.



   Kim Jong Suk devotedly defends Kim Il Sung in a battle


   Kim Jong Suk conducts the clandestine

   revolutionary activities


   Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Suk

   in the days of acting at the headquarters

   in the secret camp of the Mt. Baekdu area


 Mt. Baekdu is also a historic place where Kim Jong Il was born, embodying its spirit and energy of Lake Chon. His birth was a great event in the long history of the Korean nation, an event of colossal good fortune to Korea in its quest for prosperity.

At the foot of the mountain lie the secret camp on Mt. Baekdu, where the headquarters of the Korean revolution where the President  stayed were situated, and a simple log cabin where Kim Jong Il was born.


  The native home in the secret camp of Mt. Baekdu

   where Kim Jong Il was born



                         Kim Jong Il in his childhood with Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Suk






    Kim Jong Il, brilliant commander of Baekdu, born of heaven



The Mt. Baekdu area contains many battle sites and historical sites showing vivid traces of the anti-Japanese war. Monumental structures can be also seen there.

The significant relics and structures are in harmony with the surrounding scenery, adding much to the imposing yet graceful appearance of the mountain and demonstrating the achievements and greatness of the illustrious three commanders of Mt. Baekdu.



   The log cabin of the headquarters where Kim Il Sung stayed



   Slogan-bearing trees found in the Mt. Baekdu area


Mt. Baekdu is indeed a historic place, the place where the Korean revolution took root and the bright future of socialist Korea began.

Inheriting the Juche-type bloodline created on Mt. Baekdu, the Korean people, full of great national pride, are pushing forward the building of a powerful nation in the new century, proudly displaying the soul and revolutionary spirit of Baekdu.

A symbol of Juche Korea, Mt. Baekdu rises solemnly as the highest peak of the era, demonstrating its majesty and glory forever.



    A meeting of foreign personages at the secret camp of Mt. Baekdu



   The KPA soldiers cheering on Mt. Baekdu









   A dazzling display of firework over Jongil Peak