Warm congratulations to the 75th founding anniversary of the KPA


President Kim Il Sung, who was possessed of extraordinary military prescience and insight, clarified on a scientific way the position and role of arms in shaping the destiny of the nation and on this basis he propounded the unique idea and line on the building of a revolutionary armed forces and led the struggle for its implementation to a brilliant victory.

That President Kim Il Sung founded the Korean People's Revolutionary Army on April 25, 1932 was a solemn proclamation heralding the birth of a genuine people's army, the first of its kind in our country and a historic event which opened a new era of the Juche-oriented Songun revolution.


President Kim Il Sung organizes the KPRA on April 25, 1932



The great President organized and led the anti-Japanese armed struggle, defeated the brigandish Japanese imperialists and realized the cause of national liberation relying on the KPRA.

After the country¡¯s liberation he strengthened and developed the KPRA into the Korean People's Army, invincible regular armed forces, and beat back the armed invasion of the US-led imperialist allied forces thus safeguarded the sovereignty of the country and the nation.

Thanks to the wise leadership of President Kim Il Sung the KPA could grow up into a-match-for-a-hundred revolutionary armed forces equipped with latest military weapons, smash the uninterrupted aggressive moves of the imperialists and honorably defend the gains of the revolution.


By upholding Marshal Kim Jong Il as the Supreme Commander of the KPA its invincible might has been strengthened beyond comparison.


Kim Jong Il set forth the idea of ¡°army-first, working class-next¡± for the first time in history and has strengthened the might of the People's Army in every way with the Songun politics.


Under the wise leadership of Marshal Kim Jong Il the KPA armed with the Juche-oriented strategy and tactics and modern weapons displays its clout as a matchless powerful army that defeats at a stroke any invader who violates the sovereignty of the country and the dignity of the nation.


The reality that the destiny of our country is secured and the peace of the Korean Peninsula is firmly defended even in the grave situation where the nuclear war moves of the US against north Korea are getting more undisguised day by day is unthinkable apart from the most powerful KPA led by Supreme Commander Kim Jong Il and the enormously powerful nuclear deterrent built up by the Songun politics.


Today the original Songun politics of Marshal Kim Jong Il becomes the ever-victorious banner of our revolutionary armed forces, almighty treasured sword of the cause of global independence and symbol of fear and horror which brings only a disgrace and defeat to the imperialists.


Indeed, Marshal Kim Jong Il is the brilliant commander of Songun, who brought up the KPA as the ever-victorious iron-ranks, and the eternal symbol of all victories.

Thanks to the ever-victorious brilliant commander of Songun, peace of the country as well as the destiny of the nation are firmly safeguarded and the dawn of the independent reunification is breaking.

This is the unshakable conviction cherished in the hearts of the south Korean people and all other fellow countrymen.

The AINDF fighters and the south Korean people will uphold the Songun politics of Marshal Kim Jong Il with single mind of patriotism and more vigorously wage the struggle to realize the historic cause of the national reunification bearing deep in their mind the boundless pride of holding in high esteem Marshal Kim Jong Il as the head of the nation.