Date:__________ Name:_________________

1. ________ may have been the first form of life to exist on earth.

2. Early bacteria may have taken their energy from ____, ______ and ________ rather than from the ___.

3. Bacteria are the most ______ form of life on earth. They cover our ____. They live ______ of our bodies. They exist in the ___, _____, ____, in our _____, and on ______. They exist in the depths of the _____ and in ___ springs.

4. There are bacteria which thrive at ________ temperatures and others which thrive in temperatures as high as ___-___ F degrees.

5. Bacteria are __________--a word which means they are every where.

6. Bacteria exist as a ______ cell which is so small that they cannot be seen without a __________.

7. With a ___ power microscope, large bacteria appears as specks.

8. With a _,___ power microscope they can be distinctly seen.

9. To examine bacteria closely requires an ________ microscope.

10. Bacteria are measured by the ___________.

11. Bacteria range in size from ___ to __,___ ____________ in length.

12. Several _______ bacteria could occupy the space of the period at the end of this sentence.

13. Bacteria are classed according to their _____, as well as the _____ of their ______.

14. ______ (_____, plural) are sphere (round) shaped bacterial cells.

15. ___________ are spherical bacterial cells joined in pairs.

16. _____________ are spherical shaped bacterial cells which form colonies in clusters like a cluster of ______.

17. _____________ are spherical shaped bacterial cells which form colonies of filaments or _______ of cells.

18. ________ (_______, plural) are rod shaped bacteria.

19. ___________ are rod shaped bacteria in colonies of pairs.

20. ______________ are rod shaped bacteria joined end to end to form a colony which resembles a string or ________.

21. _________ (________, plural) are cells shaped like bent rods or cork screws.

22. Bacteria have a ____ ____ which gives it shape.

23. Within the bacterial cell wall there is a thin ______ ________ which surrounds the _________.

24. Bacteria have no _______ ________, but a nuclear area near the ______ of the cell.

25. Surrounding the bacterial cell wall is a _____ _____ which ________ the bacteria and helps the cell _____ on to things.

26. The slime layer is sometimes called a _______.

27. The capsule for many bacteria contains and secretes a ______ that protects the bacteria from _________. It is the poisonous slime layer (capsule) that can frequently cause _____ _______.

28. Some bacteria can ____. Movement is referred to scientifically as ________. Most of the bacteria that are motile move by way of ________. Flagella is a ____-____ structure which whips about allowing the bacterium to move in ______.

29. Many bacteria have the ability to go _______ when temperature, moisture, light conditions and food supply do not allow them to ________ live. These bacteria transform themselves into _________ which are capable of remaining dormant for __________ of years. When conditions become right for living, they spring back to ______ living.

30. An endospore is able to tolerate great ________, as well as great ____. Some endospores can survive _______ _____.

31. Endospores have been found in deep layers of ___ in the antarctic, trapped there for _________ of years. When placed in a better environment they become ______ cells.

32. Most bacteria grow best in the ____.

33. Many bacteria are killed by the __________ radiation of the ___.

34. Some bacteria are _______ and use oxygen for respiration.

35. Most bacteria are _________ and are killed by oxygen.

36. Still other bacteria can either ____ or _____ oxygen, but do best either ____ or _______ oxygen.

37. Those bacteria which must have oxygen are called ________ _______.

38. Those bacteria which are killed by oxygen are called ________ _________.

39. Those bacteria which grow best without oxygen, but are not killed by oxygen are called ____________ _________.

40. Those bacteria which grow best with oxygen, but are not killed by a lack of it are called ___________ _______.

41. The anaerobic respiration of bacteria can produce several different __-________, such as _______, ______ ____ and _______.

42. Some bacteria are ___________ and make their own food.

43. Some bacteria have ___________ for photosynthesis.

44. Some bacteria use iron, sulfur or nitrogen and make their food through ______________.

45. Most bacteria are _____________ and feed on other organisms.

46. Some ____________ bacteria are saprophytes.

47. ___________ feed on dead organic matter. By doing so the bacteria cause this dead organic matter to _________. These bacteria also feed on the dead organic matter which is intended to be _____ ____.

48.Some heterotrophic bacteria are _________. These bacteria invade the bodies of ______ and _______ and get food directly from the ______ ______ of these organisms. The organism invaded by these bacteria is called the ____.

49. Most bacteria reproduce by ______ _______. In ______ _______ everything in the cell is __________ and then the cell ______ into ___ cells.

50. Under good conditions, a new cell may be ______ by division, ______, and begin its own division within as little as __ minutes.

51. Starting with a single bacterium, after 7 hours there would be more than _ _______ bacteria.

52. A few bacteria, such as _ _____ which inhabits human _____ __________, reproduces ________.

53. Not all bacteria are _______ _______ (__________). In fact, most bacteria are ________, and others are very _______.

54. ____ bacteria decomposes dead ______ and ________ so that their nutrients are added to the soil in a _______ form for growing plants. Without these ____ bacteria, the soil would lack usable __________.

55. Bacteria fix ________ so that plants can use it. Although 70% of earth's atmosphere is ________, it is not in a _______ form for plants. Bacteria transform ________ into a _______ form for plants.

56. Bacteria are the main ___________. If there were no bacteria, dead bodies would lie around for thousands of years _________.

57. Bacteria is used to make _________ _________, _______, __________, ______, and ______.

58. Some bacteria eat _____ ___ and are used to clean up oil spills.

59. The things that we describe as _____ are usually either bacteria or viruses.

60. In the late 1800's _____ _______ formulated ____ theory, which changed the course of ______ ________. ____ theory is that bacteria can cause _______.

61. Some bacterial diseases represent bacteria _______ on human ______. Other bacterial disease occurs because bacteria produce and secrete _______ called __________.

62. List nine (9) diseases caused by bacteria. 1.__________

2. __________ 3.__________ 4.__________ 5.__________

6. __________ 7.__________ 8.__________ 9.__________

63. Because bacteria have a ____ ____ and a ______ ________, drugs have been developed that will kill bacteria by destroying the ____ or ________.

64. Many years ago it was noted that many ________ and _____ produced _________ which made it impossible for other bacteria to grow anywhere near them. If they did attempt to grow near them they were ______. These chemicals were extracted from these ________ and _____ and became __________ drugs, such as __________.

65. __________ drugs come directly from bacteria and molds.

66. _______ drugs are synthetic versions of the chemicals which kill bacteria.

67. The primary defense against bacterial invasion is the ______ ______.

68. We have _____ _____ _____ which recognize that bacteria do not belong in the human body, and they eat them through ____________.

69. If we lack the _____ _____ ____ which is capable of killing a certain bacteria, cells in the immune system can get information about the bacteria and take it to the ______ _____ so that a _____ _____ ____ which will kill it can be made. This, however, takes ____, and during this ____ the bacteria are ___________ and eating _____ ______ or releasing _________. This is why ___________ is so important.

70. Like with viruses, bacteria can be ______ or ________ and injected into the human _____ ______. The white blood cells do not know that they are ________ or ____ so they take them to the ______ to make a white blood cell which will kill them. Then when the actual ________ do invade the body, we now have the _____ _____ ____ which can ____ the invader quickly.

71. Some bacteria have, in addition to their DNA, an extra circular __________ called a _______. The function of the _______ is to produce substances which make the bacteria ______ the chemicals in the _____ _____ of other bacteria and molds. It also functions to make them resistant to __________ _____. This _______ is used by scientists to turn bacteria into __________ ________.

72. Scientists can replace the _______ with the gene for human _______, for example, and the bacteria will _________ the gene and develop ________ of bacteria that now produce human _______.

73. Scientists can replace the _______ with the gene for the human ______ _______, and it will be ________ in mass quantities.

74. The process called _______ ___________ or ___________ ___ has made it possible for scientist to ____ _______ human chemicals which are used medically for ______ who need these chemicals.

75. Bacteria like to ___ the same _____ that we eat.

76. _____________ is a process of heating certain liquid food, like ____ for example, to kill most of the bacteria.

77. _______ prevents bacterial invasion, as does _____________, ________ and ___________.

78. ____ and _____ can be used to kill bacteria.

79. _______ with very small holes can ______ bacteria from liquids. 80. ________ ____________ can be added to foods to preserve food by __________ bacterial invasion.

Bacteria Notes