

1. The average person has _ to _ ______ of blood in their circulatory system.

2. Over half of blood is ________.

3. Plasma is a slightly ________ fluid that carries hundreds of different substances in ________ or _________. These substances include __________, ________, __________, ________, _____, _______, _____ ________ proteins, and the _____ _______ of metabolism.

4. Also suspended in plasma are ___ and _____ blood cells.

5. Red blood cells are called ____________.

6. Erythrocytes carry ______ to and ______ _______ away from the ______ ________ cells which compose the human body.

7. Mature erythrocytes have no _______, so they do not _______ as do normal body cells.

8. An erythrocyte will last about ___ days before becoming worn out.

9. It is estimated that erythrocytes are created and die at a rate of _,___,___ per second.

10. Erythrocytes are formed in the ___ ______ of bones by a process called _______________.

11. Erythrocytes are ____-shaped and slightly _______ on both sides. They require ___ energy to maintain this shape; for when ___ energy is taken away they become more _________ in shape.

12. Erythrocytes get there color from an _____ pigment called ____.

13. ____ combines with the protein ______ to form __________.

14. Hemoglobin picks up ______ in the _____, hold it loosely, and exchange it for ______ _______ in ___________ which serve cells.

15. In the lungs hemoglobin releases ______ _______ which we ______.

16. White blood cells are called __________, and are much ____ numerous than erythrocytes.

17. White blood cells are actually _________, but show up _____ under microscopic light.

18. Leukocytes are slightly ______ than erythrocytes.

19. There are many different types of leukocytes, and they are named for their ________ _________, or for the ______ which they accept.

20. ____________ have tiny granules which are easily seen when they are stained, these leukocytes are manufactured in the ___ ______.

21. ____________ are manufactured in the lymph nodes, _____ and _______ _______ of the __________.

22. Monocytes are produced in ___________ ______, _____ _____ and the ______.

23. Neutrophils are leukocytes which absorb a _______ stain (neither ______ nor _____).

24. ___________ absorb a rose-colored stain called _____.

25. Eosin is a stain that is attracted to _____.

26. _________ adsorb a basic stain known as _________ ____.

27. The primary function of leukocytes is to ___ anything which does not belong in the ____. They do this through a process called ____________. In this process some leukocytes are ______, and remain mixed with the ____ _______, and a few live leukocytes, to form what is commonly called ___.

28. If there is infection in the body the number of leukocytes _____ dramatically to fight the infection. Therefore a ____ _____ _____ ____ _____ is a sign of infection.

29. Unlike ___________ which must go with the flow of blood, __________ can move to where they are needed. They move much like an _____, and can exit the ___________ to fight _________.

30. The membrane of a leukocyte is __________ _________ to the ______ produced by ________, and it is this attraction that causes them to move toward the ________ area.

31. Another function of leukocytes is to ___ damaged or worn out ____________. This destruction occurs in the ______, ___ ____ ______, _________ tissue, and the _____.

32. After ____________ are eaten, the by-products are recycled to form ____.

33. Since most damaged and worn out erythrocytes are destroyed in the ______, the ______ is known as the "_________ for red blood cells."

34. Also suspended in plasma are blood platelets called __________.

35. ____________ are about one-fourth the size of erythrocytes and also have no _______. Like erythrocytes ____________ are also formed in the ___ ______.

36. Platelets help initiate ________ by causing certain plasma contents to ___________.

37. The word "coagulate" means to change from a ______ to a _____.

38. Thrombocytes release an enzyme called _________ which causes a plasma protein called __________ to form ______.

39. Fibrin is a ____-____ of thread which covers the _____ and traps _____ _____ so they can not escape through the wound.

40. _________ _ is vital to thrombin, and is administered to assist clotting.

41. _ is the first letter of the Danish word for ___________.

42. Blood does not normally ____ in the ___________ ______ because of the presence of a substance called _______.

43. If blood does clot in a blood vessel the clot is called a ________, and the condition is called __________.

44. Heparin obtained from the _____ of ___________ _______ is used medically to break up a thrombus.

45. If a clot should develop in the circulatory system the clot may break lose to form an _______. An _______ is substance, such as a blood clot, ___ _______, ___ ______, or clumps of _____--which is swept along in the blood stream until it lodges in a vessel and ______ the ____ __ _____ beyond that point. Such a condition is called an ________.

46. All erythrocytes and most leukocytes are made in the red marrow from ___________ ____ ____, lymphocytes and monocytes are formed in the _________ ______.

47. The _________ ______ is sort of a _________ ___________ ______ which functions to return fluids from tissue spaces to the ___________ ______.

48. In the lymphatic circulatory system there is no ____, such as a _____, to cause a flow. Instead, the movement and action of _______ causes this fluid to move.

49. Without lymphatic circulation tissue becomes _____-______ producing a condition called _____.

50. The lymphatic system also serves to ______ blood of ________ to arrest infection.

51. Along the course of the lymphatic circulatory system are the _____ _____ which do _________.

52. There are more than a _______ lymph nodes spaced along the lymphatic circulatory system.

53. Lymph nodes manufacture ___________ which kill the trapped bacteria.

54. An ________ is a protein in ____________ which becomes modified when it comes in contact with a foreign substance called an ________.

55. An _______ is any substance which will stimulate the production of an ________.

56. The modification of antibodies occurs in the ________- _______ ________. The end result of this reaction is the production of a _________ that will destroy the antigen.

57. The ________-_______ reaction is the key to immunity, as these reactions result in the production of a _________ which will immediately kill an invader so that we do not get ____ from it.

58. Often _______ or ________ are killed or weakened and are then injected into the blood stream so that the antibody- antigen reaction occurs. This procedure, called ___________, allows us to become ______ to a bacterial or viral disease.

59. The ________-_______ reaction can result in allergies and auto-immune diseases.

60. _________ includes all of the physiological activities that make it possible for the body to recognize things that do not belong in the body and render the ________. These foreign invaders include ________, _______, ___________ and _____________ _________, and ______ (_______).

61. If things that don't belong in the body have penetrated ____, escaped being killed by ________ ______, _________ ______ or _____ ______, managed to travel through the _____ which lines passages into the body, they must then be killed by ___________.

62. All lymphocytes start as ____ _____ made by the ___ ____ ______.

63. Those ____ _____ which travel to the thymus are made into _- ___________.

64. From the thymus T-lymphocytes travel to the _____ _____ which becomes their ____ _____.

65. Those stem cells which associate themselves with globulin to form _____ ________ are the _-___________. As gamma globulin they eat foreign objects circulating in the _____ ______.

66. Human beings may be classified in one of four general blood groups according to the nature of certain _______ ________ in plasma and in red blood cells.

67. Because of our inheritance we have different ________ in our blood.

68. Some common antigens have been named _, __ and _.

69. If one's blood lacks these antigens they are blood type _.

70. Other rare factors are M and _.

71. Another blood factor is __, an antigen first observed in the ______ ______.

72. About __% of people in the United States have the Rh factor in their blood and are designated as being __ ________ (___).

73. The __% who lack this factor are __ ________ (___).

74. Antigens must be matched when blood is __________ from one person to another.

75. Group O- is called the _________ _____, because type O- lacks all of these ________.

76. Anyone can be transfused with __ blood.

77. Group AB+ is called the _________ _________ because it contains all of these ________.

78. A person with blood type ___ can receive blood of any type.

79. If transfused blood contains factors which the recipients blood does not have, there occurs a reaction called _____________. In _____________ their is a ________ of blood cells which inhibits normal blood flow, and damages the _______.

80. If the ______ of a child is Rh+ and the ______ is Rh-, the child's blood type will be determined by the ______ ___________ of their parent's _____. The gene for ___ blood appears to be dominant, and there is a good chance that the child's blood forming organs will begin to manufacture ___ blood.

81. Normally, the blood of ______ and __________ _____ do not ___; however, bits of the child's blood cells will enter the mother's blood stream as _____ _______. As the ___ _________ from _____ ________ enters the mother's blood stream, she begins to make ___________ to destroy them. In time, usually after the ______ or _____ child, the mother's blood will have developed a significant number of __________ against this invading ___ ________. When the mother's blood contains a high number of these __________, they invade the body of the fetus and cause the fetus' blood to ___________. The result is ______, which often results in _________, ________ and ______ _______. This condition is called ______________ _______, and requires immediate _____ ___________ at birth.

82. Erythroblastosis can be _____.

83. Children born with erythroblastosis are often in appearance, and are commonly called "____ ______ ."

84. About __% of marriages in the United States pair an Rh+ ___ with an Rh- _____.

85. There is an ____-__ _______ which prevents erythroblastosis.

86. Before the development of this _____, Rh incompatible couples were advised to have no more than ___ children, as the _____ would run a high risk of ________________.

87. With the anti-Rh serum, Rh incompatable parents can have almost any number of _______ ________.

88. Donating blood is not only good for the _________, it is also good for the _____ as well. The giving of blood stimulates the ____ ______. If a healthy person donates a pint of blood, they will regenerate that pint in about ____ _____. If they then donate a second pint, they will regenerate that pint in _____ _____. If they then give a third pint, they regenerate that third pint in ___ _____.

89. ______ refers to a lower than normal level of __________, or to a lower than normal number of ____________.

90. The most common kind of anemia is due to ____ __________.

91. The most common cause for ____ __________ ______ is a diet deficient of ____.

92. __________ levels in mature females are slightly _____ than in mature males, making females ____ likely to develop ____ __________ _____.

93. ____ supplements, in the form of _____, will usually correct this deficiency.

94. The second most likely cause of anemia is _______ _____ ____. Blood loss may occur because of ________ ______ ______, _________ (__________ feed on ____________),____________, and excessive _________ flow.

95. The symptoms of anemia are _____ (skin which becomes more ____ in appearance) and lack of ______.

96. _____ ______ in particular must be careful not to over-dose on ____ ___________, as these effects can be _________, and can be far _____ than anemia.

97. Anemia may also develop from ____ ________, as ____ accumulates in the ____ ______ and destroys some _____- _______ _____. 98. Diseases such as _______ cause anemia as the _________ transmitted by the ________ feed on ___ _____ _____.

99. Bacterial ______ can also cause anemia, as many of these ______ destroy ___ _____ _____.

100. ____________ _______ is the result of the failure of the red blood cells to ______ normally.

101. Pernicious anemia is caused by a ________ ___ __________, which results in _____ than normal red blood cells being produced, and the production of very _____, ___-______ red blood cells.

102. Pernicious anemia occurs in people over the age of __, and usually has its onset in the __'s and __'s.

103. Pernicious anemia is usually treated with ________ ___, and the _________ _______ which allows the __________ of this vitamin.

104. The word "pernicious" means ______.

105. Pernicious anemia is ______ life threatening today.

106. ______-____ _______ also causes anemia.

107. ______-____ _______ is a genetic disease inherited in the _________ manner.

108. In ______-____ _______, some of the erythrocytes take a ______-_____ because of the distorting effects of an abnormal __________ molecule. These ______-______ erythrocytes clog ___________ and _____, causing an impairment of blood flow to organs such as the _____ and _______ ______. Severe symptoms occur in "______ _______" which are more common in ______ and ____ than other times of the year. In ______ ________ there is _____ and ____ in the ____, ____, _____, or _______.

109. __________ is a sex-linked genetic disorder. In its most common form ____________ have less than one percent of the normal ________ ______ in their blood. The numerous ________ ________ of ____________ often result in ______.

110. ________ is sometimes called "cancer of the blood." It is a disease of the _____-_______ ______ in which there is an ____-_________ of leukocytes.

111. In the plasma of blood are dissolved _________ substances such as: ______, _________, ________, and _______.

112. The organic portions of plasma include the ______ ________ known as ________ and _________, as well as the proteins _________ and ____________. Plasma also carried _______, ________ and ________.

113. Plasma proteins are classed as being either ________ or _________. These plasma proteins are ______ in living things. The white of an egg, for example, is primarily composed of ________. The yolk of an egg is primarily composed of _________. Plasma albumin functions to control the _______ ________ of blood. Globulin also helps control _______ ________, but it has other functions as well.

114. A part of globulin is _____ _________, a substance that contains __________ which protect us from _______.

115. Gamma globulin is made by ___________.

116. Blood circulates throughout the body in a ______ ______ in which blood is confined in _____ _______.

117. Blood is forced outward from the heart through ________.

118. Arteries become increasingly ______ as they branch out to body tissue.

119. As arteries become smaller, they become __________. __________ then become tubes with only a single layer of thickness called ___________.

120. ___________ pass between cells, or layers of cells, bringing blood into immediate _______ with the cells. This allows ______ to be exchanged for ______ _______, and __________ to be exchanged for _____ ________.

121. Capillaries join together to form _______.

122. Venules are small _____ and have a larger ________ and _______ walls than do capillaries.

123. Venules become increasingly ______ to form _____.

124. _____ return blood to the heart.

125. ________ causes the used blood in the veins of the upper body to flow back down to the heart.

126. The veins _____ the heart rely upon the ________ ______ of _________ and ________ contractions in the ____ and ____ to force the used blood back to the heart. These veins also have ______ which keep the blood flowing in the direction of the heart. These valves allow blood to flow ______ the heart, but close to prevent a ________.

127. ________ _____ are swollen, tortuous (crossing), veins which can be seen as _______ _____.

128. Varicose veins most often appear in the ____, and in ___________.

129. Varicose veins are caused by a failure of the ______ in veins to prevent a ________. The blood which flows back _____ in these veins causing them to become _____ and ____ in color.

130. If varicose veins become infected, this infection is called __________.

131. Varicose veins commonly develop in _____ during _________. 132. Varicose veins can be ________ surgically, ___________ by _______, or treated with ______________.

133. Because arteries carry blood that is pumped from the heart, they have more _____ ________ than do veins.

134. Arteries and veins are composed of these layers of tissue: the ______ ______, which is composed of endothelial tissue, the ______ _____, which is composed of smooth muscle and elastic tissue, and the ______ ___________, composed of white fibrous connective tissue. However, arteries have an additional layer called the _________ __________ ________ which lies between the tunica ______ and the tunica _____. This extra layer help arteries cope with _____ ________.

135. If there is a weakening of an arterial wall, blood pressure causes a __________ in this weakened area. This condition is known as an __________.

136. _________ are susceptible to _______ and __________.

137. The word "hemorrhage means __ _____.

Blood Notes