

1. The nervous system is composed of _________ of nerve cells, as well as other cells which ________ and _______ the nerve cells.

2. The scientific name for a nerve cell is a ______.

3. Most of the cells which maintain and support neurons are _____ cells.

4. The word "glial" means ____.

5. Neurons have a cell body, which like all cell bodies is called a ____.

6. There are two kinds of nerve fibers, _____ and _________.

7. _____ are very long nerve fibers which send electro-chemical messages to other neurons or to ______ and _____ to create action in them.

8. _________ are short nerve fibers which receive electro-chemical information from the axon of other nerve cells.

9. A typical nerve cell has several _________, but only one ____.

10. When neurons are linked and bundled together to form and electrical line of conduction, they are called ______.

11. When neurons have specialized in detecting environmental events, they are called _______ _________.

12. The ____ and _____ of the eye and _____ ____, for example, are specialized sensory neurons.

13. Those nerve fibers which are insulated are insulated with _____ substances called ______ ______ or __________ and are _____ in appearance.

14. Those nerve fibers which are not insulated are ____ in appearance.

15. ________ _________ is a disease in which the white blood cells think that the myelin sheath does not belong in the body.

16. Multiple sclerosis produces short-circuit, affecting ______ control.

17. Where the axon of one neuron meets the dendrite of an adjacent neuron, and where nerve fibers connect to muscles and glands, these connections occur at special junctions called a _______.

18. The _______ is a tiny gap which must be bridged by a chemical called a ________________.

19. Some well known neurotransmitters are ______________, _____, _______, _________, ________ and _____________.

20. A _____ __________ can be caused by a deficiency of serotonin and or norepinephrine.

21. Effexor, Prozac, Serzone, Zoloft and Sinequan are ______________ drugs.

22. _____________ may represent too much, or an over-sensitivity to the transmitter dopamine.

23. _________ and _________ are drugs used to treat schizophrenia.

25. __________ ______ occurs due to a deficiency of the transmitter acetylcholine at the neuro-muscular junction.

25. Myasthenia gravis produces ________ _________.

26. __________ _______ is a lack of dopamine which often cause a tremor and can affect behavior.

27. Parkinson's disease is treated with the drug _-____ which adds dopamine to the brain.

28. The _______ _______ ______ (_ _ _) is composed of the brain and spinal cord.

29. The __________ _______ ______ (_ _ _) is composed of all the nerves which exit from the brain or spinal cord to go out into the body to bring information into the central nervous system or to create action in the body.

30. The ______ ____ is an electrical conduction line which serves to connect the brain to the body and the body to the brain, which is about as thick as a ______.

31. The ______ ____ is housed in a bony canal composed of many small bones called ________.

32. At the top of the spinal cord is the _____ ____.

33. List the structures which compose the brain stem:

_______ _________, ___________, _______, _________ __________ _____

34. The _______ _________ is called the vital center because it regulates _____ ____ and _________.

35. In the medulla is the ________ center, and the medulla also controls such reflexes as _______ and _________.

36. The __________ recognizes hunger and thirst. It contains the "_____ eat center" and the "____ eat center."

37. The ___________ controls the pituitary gland.

38. The ________ is called the "great relay station" of the brain.

39. The _________ __________ _____ (_ _ _) is the inner-most core of the brain stem and is an alertness switch which turns on or off the brain.

40. The RAS must __________ the brain for sleep, and turn the brain on for us to ______.

41. Damage to the RAS often results in ____.

42. Some _________ _______ _________ (_ _ _) are believed to be caused by an _____ ______ RAS.

43. _______ is a drug used to treat ADD.

44. Deep within the brain mass and surrounding the brain stem are a group of structures called the ______ ______.

45. The limbic system is the _______ ________ ______ of the brain.

46. Circuits of the limbic system create feelings of ________, ____, ______ and ____.

47. Drugs to which people become addicted have their effect on the ________ circuits of the ______ ______.

48. A class of drugs called ___________ ______ (which are sometimes called _____________) have their calming effect by chemically altering the limbic system.

49. _______, ______, and _____ are brand name examples of antianxiety agents.

50. Above the limbic system is the ________.

51. The word "cerebrum" is the Latin word for _____.

52. The cerebrum is divided into two ____________ which are connected by a pathway of nerve fibers called the ______ ________.

53. The left brain specializes in ______, ________, ______, _______ and _____.

54. The right brain specializes in ______ __________, _________ _____ , ___, _____, ___________ and _______.

55. The outer surface of the cerebrum is about _____ inches thick and is called the ________ ______.

56. The word "cerebral" means _______ or ____________.

57. It is in the ________ _____ where thinking occurs.

58. The cerebral cortex is folded like an __________ so that a lot of cortex can be crammed into the skull.

59. ____ _______ means "wise" or "thinking" man.

60. List the four lobes of the cerebral cortex: _______ _____, ________ _____, _________ _____, ________, _____.

61. The frontal lobes control ______ and ________.

62. The parietal lobes receive information from the ____ ______.

63. The temporal lobes receive information from the ____.

64. The occipital lobes receive information from the ____.

65. Almost all nerve fibers which leave the brain _____ ____ on the brain stem.

66. The left brain controls the _____ side of the body and the right brain controls the ____ side of the body.

67. For most people, the movement centers of the ____ brain are better developed than those of the _____ brain. For this reason most people are _____-______.

68. To the back of the skull, below the cerebrum is the __________.

69. The word "cerebellum" is a Latin word which means ______ _____.

70. The primary function of the __________ is to coordinate movements in the body.

71. The inner-most core of the CNS is hollow and filled with a fluid called _____________ _____.

72. The primary function of _____________ _____ is to cushion the brain to protect it from the ______ of a collision.

73. A ______ ___ or a ______ _______ is a procedure to extract cerebrospinal fluid.

74. When the drainage canal for cerebrospinal fluid gets stopped up before birth, it produces a condition called ____________, and causes the child to have a very _____ head and to be ________ ________.

75. The central nervous system is encased by three layers of tissue called the ________.

76. These three layers are the ____, ___, and _________.

77. If the meninges become infected, it is called __________.

78. If a blood vessel of the brain bursts or gets clogged, it causes a ______.

79. Other names for a stroke are a ________ ___________, and a ________ ________ ________.

80. The damage due to a stroke usually appears on the ________ side of the body.

81. The brain has no neurons which allow it to recognize ____.

82. The scientific name for a headache is _____-______.

83. Most headaches are caused by blood vessels of the brain ____-_________ and leaking blood _________ into the brain.

84. Any infection of the brain is called _____________.

85. Encephalitis can be _________ , _____ or the result of _____ _____ _______.

86. ______ and _____ often incubate a virus which is transmitted to humans by ________ bites, causing encephalitis.

87. ________ is a convulsive disorder of the brain which produces what is commonly called a _______.

88. Epilepsy occurs due to burst of _______ __________ ________ which spreads across the brain.

89. List five causes for epilepsy:

CNS Notes